本文关键词:论美、英两国海上执法制度及其对我国的借鉴意义 出处:《华东政法大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:人类社会对各种自然资源的需求从无止境,随着陆地资源的减少,人类在陆地领域的资源开发越来越困难,不得不将目光和开发重点转向海洋。而科学技术的进步,远航技术发展和海洋开发技术的提高也使得对海洋的全面深入开发成为可能。在这一背景下对于海洋的执法管理就显得尤为重要了。当今国际社会中,大多数沿海国家都陆续建立了统一集中的海上执法制度,对海上事务进行集中有效的执法管理。因此,我国是否也应当建立新的、更集中的海上执法制度和更综合的海上执法模式以适应形势发展,非常值得深入研究探讨。 本文从海上执法制度的含义、特点和基础模式出发,通过对国际上海洋强国所应用的海上执法制度进行分析研究,并结合我国国情,试图总结出适合中国特色的制度模式,以提高我国的海上执法效能,更好地实行我国的海域管理以及更好地融入越来越普遍的海上事务国际合作。全文除了导言和结语外分为三个部分。 第一章是对海上执法制度的概述,阐明了使用海上执法而非海洋执法概念的原因,对海上执法制度的含义、特征作出了全面说明,同时明确了文章将以海上执法的模式为制度的主要切入点进行重点阐述,并对海上执法的模式类型作出了全面的介绍。然后对海上执法制度的理论基础和原则进行了分析。 第二章是对美国和英国两个采用了不同海上执法制度和模式的海洋大国的海上执法制度进行了分析,包括其海上执法机制的发展沿革、立法特征及制度上对机构职能的设置,并分别对其制度模式进行了评述。 第三章归结到中国,详细分析了中国现行海上执法制度的沿革、现状,以及弊端和不足,并在前文对美英国家海上执法制度的评述研究基础上,对我国海上执法制度提出了改进的建议和符合中国国情的制度设想。主要包括完善立法和执法机构建设几个方面。 最后通过结语对全文的重点进行强调和总结。
[Abstract]:The demand of human society for all kinds of natural resources is endless. With the decrease of land resources, it is becoming more and more difficult for human beings to exploit the resources in the field of land. We have to turn our eyes and development to the ocean, and the progress of science and technology. The development of long voyage technology and the improvement of ocean development technology also make it possible to develop the ocean in an all-round way. Under this background, the law enforcement and management of the ocean is particularly important. Nowadays, in the international community. Most coastal countries have established a unified centralized maritime law enforcement system and centralized and effective management of maritime affairs. Therefore, whether China should also establish a new one. A more centralized maritime law enforcement system and a more comprehensive maritime law enforcement model to adapt to the development of the situation is very worthy of in-depth study and discussion. Starting from the meaning, characteristics and basic mode of maritime law enforcement system, this paper analyzes and studies the maritime law enforcement system applied by the international marine powers, and combines the national conditions of our country. In order to improve the efficiency of maritime law enforcement in China, this paper tries to summarize the system model suitable for Chinese characteristics. The full text is divided into three parts except introduction and conclusion. The first chapter is an overview of the maritime law enforcement system, explaining the reasons for the use of maritime law enforcement rather than maritime law enforcement concept, the meaning and characteristics of maritime law enforcement system. At the same time, it is clear that the article will focus on the maritime law enforcement model as the main entry point of the system. Then the theoretical basis and principle of maritime law enforcement system are analyzed. The second chapter analyzes the maritime law enforcement systems of two major maritime powers, including the development and evolution of their maritime law enforcement mechanisms, which have adopted different maritime law enforcement systems and models in the United States and Britain. The legislative features and institutional setting of institutional functions are reviewed respectively. The third chapter comes down to China, analyzes in detail the evolution, current situation, shortcomings and shortcomings of China's current maritime law enforcement system, and on the basis of the previous comments on the United States and the United Kingdom national maritime law enforcement system. This paper puts forward some suggestions for improving the maritime law enforcement system of our country and a system assumption in accordance with the national conditions of China, mainly including perfecting the legislation and the construction of law enforcement agencies. At last, the emphasis of the paper is emphasized and summarized by the conclusion.
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