发布时间:2018-01-17 13:47
本文关键词:公共利益的法哲学思考 出处:《西南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:公共利益在法哲学领域具有重大的价值与意义,不但能够促进法学理论的发展,而且可以促进法律实务问题的解决。因此,自从公元前5-6世纪的古希腊和罗马时期,西方就有人开始研究公共利益这一问题。亚里士多德认为国家的目的是实现最高的善,它是最高的社团。在现实社会中最高的善的物化形式就是我们所说的公共利益。德国法学家耶林在19世纪初第一个将社会公共利益与个人利益最早结合起来,并且着重强调了社会公共利益。社会法学派从20世纪中后期开始对利益问题进行专门研究,庞德作为其代表人物认为:法律是一种社会控制或社会工程,20世纪法学家应更多关注社会利益。他将利益划分为个人利益、公共利益和社会利益。公共利益从此以后越来越受到法学界的关注。 英美法系和大陆法系的学者都对公共利益进行了研究。在英美法系,不同的学者对公共利益的理解有所不同,但他们集中研究的主要方面是公共利益的概念。美国博登海默对公共利益的范围和内容进行了研究并指出了一些基本的原则,但对公共利益的概念并未作出明确界定,“首先,共同福利或公共福利不能认为是个人欲望和要求的简单的总和。其次,我们也不能同意将公共福利视为政府当局所做的政策决定。”亨廷顿认为公共利益是公共机构的利益。这种观点指出了公共利益是抽象和复杂的,但将公共利益等同于政府利益的观点有待商榷。英国约翰·贝尔(John Bell)认为,“公共利益”凸显一个基本的社会价值,这些价值虽然无法穷尽,但却可以进行归纳。米尔恩教授(Milne)在题为“公共利益、政治悖论及其判断”一文中指出:“公共利益”根本就是一个政治悖论。这种观点虽然指出了公共利益的价值性特征,但并末揭示出公共利益的内涵。 大陆法系的学者认为与“公共利益”相关的概念是公共秩序,又被称为“公序良俗”,此点与英美法系不同。德国公法学者汉斯·来弗尔认为,公益与民众福祉的内涵与外延不同。卡尔·海曼·尤尔则强调,公益与民众福祉是否同义,常常会因研究重点的不同而呈现出不同的结果。大多数大陆法系学者对公共利益持肯定态度,并以此为基础来寻求公共利益的界定标准。德国公法学者洛厚德提出以“地域基础”作为界定人群的标准,将“公共利益”界定为“一个相关空间内关系人数的大多数人的利益”。纽曼·斯克奴(Roman Schnur)则提出“不确定多数人理论”,将公共利益界定为“一个不确定之多数成员所涉及的利益”。目前,“量广”、“质高”理论是德国解释“公共利益”的最有影响的理论。 本文从法哲学角度对公共利益进行研究与探讨,主要内容包括以下三个方面: 第一,历史上公共利益学说评述。对于公共利益这一问题,西方哲学史上的先贤们多有论述,他们各自从不同的角度提出了自己的观点,这些观点对我们今天的学术研究仍有极为重要的借鉴意义。因此,笔者先对西方历史上存在的有关公共利益的学说进行评述,评述的对象包括柏拉图、亚里士多德、阿奎那、卢梭、边沁与庞德,在此基础上提出自己的观点。 第二,公共利益的界定与相关概念辨析。通过第一部分对西方历史上六位先贤关于公共利益观点的评述,对于公共利益的各种观点已经有了大致的轮廓。在此基础上,笔者对公共利益的概念进行了界定,论证了公共利益的七个特征,然后分析了公共利益与其他四个相关概念的区别。 第三,公共利益在法律上的价值。无论是评述历史上关于公共利益的各种学说,还是对公共利益进行概念界定,其最终的落脚点都是分析公共利益在法律上的价值。通过前面两个部分的论述,笔者继而分析了公共利益在法律上三个方面的价值,即有利于平等与自由原则的实现、有利于法律规范的完善与有利于诉讼制度的建立。 列宁曾经说过:没有革命的理论,就没有革命的实践。理论的探索是必须并且也是必要的,只有有了正确的理论指导,才能产生有效的实践活动。笔者对于公共利益的探讨只是理论层面上的,虽然也涉及实务问题的分析,但还是比较浅显。笔者写作该文的目的,也只是想从法哲学的角度解决公共利益理论上的一些问题。当然,由于笔者水平有限,理论深度可能不够,希望诸位同仁批评指正。
[Abstract]:Public interest is of great value and significance in the field of philosophy of law, not only can promote the development of legal theory, but also can promote to solve the problem of legal practice. Therefore, since the 5-6 century BC in ancient Greece and Rome period, western people began to study public interest in this problem. Aristotle thought the national goal is to achieve the highest good, it is the highest in the community. A materialized form in the social reality, the highest good is what we call the public interest. German jurist Jhering in early nineteenth Century will be the first public interests and personal interests first combined, and stressing the public interests of the society. The social law school from twentieth Century began in the late specialized research on the problem of interest, Pound as its representatives think that law is a social control and social engineering, twentieth Century jurists should pay more attention to the society Interest. He divides the interests into personal interests, public interests and social interests. The public interest has attracted more and more attention from the law circles since then.
The common law and civil law scholars have made research on the public interest. In the Anglo American law system, different understanding of the public interest is different, but they are mainly focused on the concept of public interest. The study of American BODENHEIMER range of public interest and content and points out some basic principles. But on the concept of public interest is not clearly defined, "first of all, the common welfare or public welfare can not be considered to be the sum of simple personal desires and requirements. Secondly, we can not agree to public welfare as for government policy decisions." Huntington believes that the public interest is public interests. This view pointed out that the public interest is abstract and complex, but the public interest will be equal to the government interest point to discuss. The British John Baer (John Bell) said, "public benefit Yi "highlights a basic social value, these values although not exhaustive, but it can be summarized. Professor Milne (Milne) entitled" public interests, points out that the Political Paradox and judgment "in an article:" public interest "is a fundamental political paradox. This view has pointed out the value of the public of interest, but at the end and reveals the connotation of public interest.
Civil law scholars believe that with the related concept of "public interest" is the public order, also known as the "public order and good morals", this point and common law. German law scholar Hans Ryffel believes that the connotation and extension of public welfare and public welfare. Karl Hyman Joel stressed that the public welfare and well-being of the people is often synonymous. Because of the different emphasis and showing different results. Most scholars hold positive attitude to public interests, and as a basis for the standard definition of public interest. The German law scholar Lop de Te to the "geographical basis" as defined in the standard group, the definition of "public interest" as the "most people a the relationship between the number of space interests." Newman, Sikenu (Roman Schnur) put forward the "uncertain majority theory", the public interest will be defined as "a "The interests involved by the majority of the members". At present, the "broad" and "high quality" theory is the most influential theory in Germany to explain the "public interest".
This paper studies and discusses the public interests from the perspective of legal philosophy, and the main contents include the following three aspects:
First, the history of public interest theory review. For the public interest of this problem, the history of western philosophy sages have discussed, they put forward their views from different angles, these views on today's academic research still has very important significance. Therefore, the author first reviews the existing the history of the western theory of public interest, the review included Platon, Aristotle, Aquinas, Rousseau, Bentham and Pound, on this basis, put forward their own views.
Second, the definition of public interest and related concepts. The first part of the six sages of Western History Review on the public interest point of view, the various views of the public interest has been outlined. On this basis, the concept of public interest is defined, it demonstrates seven characteristics of public interest, and then analyzes the difference between the public interest and the other four related concepts.
Third, the value of public interest in law. No matter what kind of theory about the public interest review history, or to the public interest concept, its ultimate goal is to analyze the value of public interest in law. Through the two part of the previous discussion, the author then analyzes the value of public interests in three aspects the law, which is beneficial to the realization of the principle of equality and freedom, is conducive to improving the legal norms and the establishment of the litigation system.
Lenin once said: "without revolutionary theory there is no revolutionary practice. Theoretical exploration is necessary and is necessary, only with the correct theoretical guidance, in order to produce effective practice. The author discussed the public interest only on a theoretical level, although the analysis also relates to the practical problems, but still relatively simple the purpose of this paper. The author writing, just want to solve some of the problems of public interest theory from the aspect of philosophy of law. Of course, due to the limited level of the author, the theoretical depth may not be enough, I hope you Tongren criticism.
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