发布时间:2018-01-18 13:32
本文关键词:我国综合配套改革试验区的立法研究 出处:《福建师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:国家综合配套改革试验区是我国探索建立制度内生增长极模式、构建和谐社会、探索区域协调发展新模式而采取的重大战略举措,对于突破制约我国发展的体制瓶颈、深化改革具有重要现实意义。国家综合配套改革试验区的建设离不开法律的引导、规范和保障,要通过立法为国家综合配套改革试验区的建设建章立制,营造一个良好的法治环境,保障国家综合配套改革试验区决策的落实;要以法规来支持、促进改革试验工作的开展。综合配套改革蕴含着先行先试,在先行先试中应当重视和突出先行先试立法权的指引功能,发挥立法在先行先试中的作用。 我国综合配套改革的决策并没有实现与立法决策的有机统一,综合配套改革中的规范性政策文件较多,缺少法律法规的支持。综合配套改革面临着现行法律法规的制约。应充分发挥中央和地方层面相关立法主体的职能,适时改造、完善现有立法主体制度,为综合配套改革的顺利进行提供法律制度保障。随着我国社会主义法律体系已经形成等各方面社会情势的变化,综合配套改革的立法应该采取集权分权模式和区域上级主导立法相结合的立法模式。综合配套改革立法应遵循法制统一、科学处理改革与立法关系、先行先试、协调统一的立法原则。
[Abstract]:The national comprehensive reform experimental area is an important strategic measure taken by our country to explore the establishment of institutional endogenous growth pole model, the construction of a harmonious society, and the exploration of a new pattern of regional coordinated development. It is of great practical significance to break through the bottleneck of the system that restricts the development of our country and to deepen the reform. The construction of the national comprehensive supporting reform experimental area can not be separated from the guidance, standardization and guarantee of the law. Legislation should be adopted to establish regulations for the construction of the national comprehensive reform experimental area, to create a good environment for the rule of law, and to ensure the implementation of the decision-making of the national comprehensive supporting reform experimental area; It is necessary to support by laws and regulations to promote the development of the reform experiment. The comprehensive supporting reform contains the guiding function of the legislative power of the first trial, which should be attached importance to and emphasized in the first test. Give play to the role of legislation in the first trial. China's comprehensive reform of decision-making and legislative decision-making has not been achieved organic unity, comprehensive reform of the normative policy documents are more. Lack of support of laws and regulations. Comprehensive reform is facing the constraints of existing laws and regulations. We should give full play to the central and local level of relevant legislative bodies, timely transformation, and improve the existing legislative subject system. For the smooth implementation of comprehensive reform to provide legal system protection. With the formation of the socialist legal system in China and other aspects of the social situation changes. The legislation of comprehensive supporting reform should adopt the mode of centralization of power and separation of powers and the combination of regional superior leading legislation. The legislation of comprehensive supporting reform should follow the unity of legal system, scientifically deal with the relationship between reform and legislation, and try first. A harmonized legislative principle
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