本文关键词: 明代 巡按 巡视制度 借鉴 出处:《西南政法大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:明代是我国封建社会专制皇权和中央集权高度发展的时代,统治者为了巩固皇权,加强对地方政府和官员的控制,在借鉴历朝历代派遣中央官员监察地方制度的基础上,确立了巡按制度,成为明代监察制度中最有特色的组成部分,并伴随着整个朝代的兴衰不断发展、完善、调整、式微。认真研究明代明代的巡按制度,既有历史价值,又有重要的现实意义,可为我国现行的巡视制度寻根溯源,提供借鉴。 本文拟从我国历代巡视制度的沿革入手,理清明代以前巡视制度的发展脉络,再转入对明代巡按制度的探究,从明代巡按制度的发展规律、历史地位以及在地方政治中的作用等方面进行探索,从中提炼出明代巡按制度对我国现行巡视制度的启示。内容分为四个部分。第一部分是明代以前中国历代巡视制度沿革。通过简要回顾我国古代的巡视制度在先秦初具雏形,秦汉基本确立,隋唐宋时期逐渐成熟的过程,理清明代以前巡视制度逐步发展和强化的线索,为更好的理解和把握明代巡视制度打下基础。第二部分明代巡按制度的发展演变情况。明代的巡按制度从王朝创立之初便开始萌芽,洪武到永乐是巡按制度的创立时期。在此基础上,永乐年间明成祖朱棣出于巩固政权的需要,将巡按制度固定下来,并在全国推广和定期化。巡按制度在洪熙到正德年间得到不断的发展完善,逐渐形成了一套严密的制度体系,对于巡按御史的选派、巡按的职权范围、出巡的程序和监督等都作了明确的规定。然而到了嘉靖之后,巡按制度在发挥着日益重要的作用的同时,巡按御史的权力开始膨胀,逐渐失去控制,最终走向败坏和废弛。第三部分是明代巡按制度的特点和作用。明代的巡按制度与汉代的刺史制度、唐代的巡按使等制度一脉相承,是在吸收借鉴历代制度基础上发展起来的。但明代的巡按制度较之以前有了相当大的发展,具有鲜明的特点,对整个明代乃至后世政治体制的发展有明显影响。一是明代御史地位之重为历代罕见,作为代表中央监察地方的巡按御史地位更加独立,职权范围进一步扩大;二是明代巡按制度的严密和完整性为历代罕见,明代的巡按制度从人员选派、任期时限、回道考察各个方面均做出了严格规定,形成了一套完备规范的制度体系来确保巡按作用的发挥;三是巡按与按察司共同构成了中央和地方双轨并行的独特监察体制,巡按御史代表中央和皇权监察地方,与常驻地方的按察司共同履行监察职责,构成了中央和地方相互制约、相互监督的独特监察体制,既避免了中央官员对地方了解不够造成监察中的偏差,又能制约地方的监察官员由于长期在本地任职造成监察中的徇私之弊。这样的制度设计在明代前期的确发挥了显著的积极作用,既可反贪举廉,整治一方风气,又可畅通政令、体恤民情,维护政权稳定,还通过维护司法公正,促进了封建法制的不断健全。不过,随着明代的中后期巡按御史权力的不断膨胀,巡按御史权倾一方,逐渐失去监督,走向了腐化堕落,此前激浊扬清的积极作用消失,取而代之的是一系列的严重弊端。第四部分是明代巡按制度的现代启示和借鉴意义。邓小平同志曾经说过;“制度好可以使坏人无法任意横行,制度不好可以使好人无法充分做好事,甚至会走向反面。”明代巡按制度发展演变的历史为我们提供了有益的历史借鉴,我们当前的巡视工作一定要进一步提高权威性,进一步改进方式方法,进一步加强监督制约,进一步加强队伍建设,,发挥其应有的作用。
[Abstract]:The Ming Dynasty is China's feudal society the autocratic monarchy and centralization era, the rulers in order to consolidate the imperial power, strengthen the control of the local government and officials, on the basis of successive dynasties, officials of the central government to send local supervision system, established the system, become the most distinctive part of the Ming Dynasty in the system of supervision, and accompanied by rise and fall of the whole dynasty continues to develop, improve, adjust, seriously study the Ming Dynasty Ming Dynasty declined. As the system, not only has historical value, but also has important practical significance, which can provide reference for the current inspection system of the root.
This article from the history of China's ancient inspection system with clear before the Ming Dynasty tour system development, and then transferred to the inquiry of the system of the Ming Dynasty, from the law of development as the system of the Ming Dynasty, explores the historical status and role in local politics, extracted from the revelation of China's current system of Ming Dynasty the inspection system. The content is divided into four parts. The first part is the inspection before the Ming Dynasty China evolution of the system. Through a brief review of China's ancient inspection system in the pre Qin Qin and Han Dynasties to take shape, the basic establishment, the process of Sui and Tang Song period gradually mature, sort out the inspection system before the Ming Dynasty gradually develop and strengthen clues for a better understanding of the Ming Dynasty and grasp the inspection system to lay the foundation for the development of the second part of the Ming Dynasty as the system evolution of the Ming Dynasty. The dynasty was founded as the system from the beginning of germination, Hongwu to Yongle is as the system's founding period. On this basis, Yongle Emperor Yongle for consolidating the regime to be fixed as the system, and in the national promotion and regular. As the system in Hong Xi Zhengde years to get continuous development, has gradually formed a set of strict system. To send the censor, the scope, procedure and supervision etc. He made clear. But in the Jiajing, as the system to play an increasingly important role at the same time, the censor power began to expand, gradually lose control, eventually lead to corruption and lax. The third part is the characteristics of and as the system of Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty and the Han Dynasty as the system or system, the Tang Dynasty Xunan Shi system is in the absorption line, development of the system based on it. But in the Ming Dynasty Better than the previous system has got great development, with distinctive features, has significant influence on the development of the Ming Dynasty and the later political system. One is an important role for the history of the Ming Dynasty was rare, as a representative of the central supervision of local censor more independent status, to further expand the scope of authority; two is the system of the Ming Dynasty the strict and integrity for the history of the Ming Dynasty is rare, as the system from the selected term, time limit, to examine various aspects to make strict rules, form a complete specification of the system to ensure the inspection according to the function; three is the justice and constitute the central and local parallel track special supervision system, on behalf of the central imperial censor and supervision, and the local resident anchasi together perform inspection duties, the central and local governments constitute a mutual restraint, mutual supervision The special supervision system, which can avoid the central to local officials do not know enough deviation in supervision, supervision and control of local officials in the local office caused due to the long-term supervision in favoritism and disadvantages. The design of such a system in the early Ming Dynasty did play a positive role, which can give a low corruption, regulation atmosphere, and smooth the decree, compassionate, maintain political stability, but also by the interests of justice, promote the feudal legal system continues to improve. However, in the late Ming Dynasty with the continuous expansion of the power of the censor, the imperial history of the right to dump, gradually lost to corruption, supervision, jizhuoyangqing had positive effects disappeared, was replaced by a series of serious problems. The fourth part is the system of the Ming Dynasty and modern enlightenment significance. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said; "no system can make the bad guys Arbitrary run, the system will keep good people can not fully do good, or even go into reverse. The evolution of the system of the Ming Dynasty history offers us valuable historical reference, our current inspections must further enhance the authority, further improved ways to further strengthen the supervision, to further strengthen the team building, to play its due role.
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