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发布时间:2018-01-25 05:47

  本文关键词: 近代 新疆 司法制度 转变 出处:《新疆大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近代新疆的司法制度主要经历了一个从古代到近代转变的历程。在这个过程中,新疆具有近代意义的司法制度在清末民初逐渐产生并发展,过程十分曲折、缓慢。其中,既有进步之处但也有不足。 本文正试图对清朝和民国时期新疆司法制度的状况和转变内容进行梳理以期把这一转变的动态过程还原出来,此即为近代新疆司法制度的研究对象,也是本文的主要内容。该部分主要是对清朝与民国时期新疆的司法制度中司法机构、审级制度的变化,审判制度和基本诉讼制度以及公证制度等的建立情况进行说明。另外,在此基础上对近代新疆司法制度转变过程中新疆司法制度的实际作用进行评述以探究其在地方司法改革上的意义。最后,提出本人在研究新疆司法制度转变甚至地方司法制度改革的过程中所思考到的一些问题,希望将来的研究者能在本文的研究基础上将新疆的司法制度转变研究继续下去和深入下去。近代新疆司法制度的转变研究对于整个新疆司法制度的现代化研究而言是具有重要意义的。因为近代新疆司法制度承前启后,只有对其有一个历史上的和整体上的认识,我们才能对新疆司法制度现代化研究做好铺垫,进而为地方司法制度的建设打好理论基础。
[Abstract]:The judicial system of modern Xinjiang mainly experienced a process from ancient times to modern times. In this process, the judicial system with modern significance in Xinjiang gradually emerged and developed in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, and the process was very tortuous. Slow. Among them, there are not only progress but also shortcomings. This article is trying to sort out the situation and change content of judicial system in Xinjiang during the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China in order to restore the dynamic process of this transformation, which is the research object of the judicial system in modern Xinjiang. It is also the main content of this paper. This part is mainly about the changes of the judicial system in Xinjiang during the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. The establishment of the trial system, the basic litigation system and the notarization system are explained. On this basis, this paper comments on the actual function of Xinjiang judicial system in the process of judicial system transformation in modern Xinjiang in order to explore its significance in the local judicial reform. This paper puts forward some problems that I have considered in the process of studying the transformation of judicial system in Xinjiang and even the reform of local judicial system. It is hoped that the future researchers will continue and deepen the research on the transformation of judicial system in Xinjiang on the basis of the research in this paper. The study on the Transformation of Judicial system in Modern Xinjiang and the Modernization of the Judicial system in Xinjiang. It is of great significance because the judicial system of Xinjiang in modern times is connected with the past and the future. Only if we have a historical and overall understanding of it, can we lay the groundwork for the modernization of the judicial system in Xinjiang and lay a good theoretical foundation for the construction of the local judicial system.


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