本文选题:法学教育 切入点:制度改革 出处:《交大法学》2016年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:This paper compares the ways of the reform of law education in China, Japan and South Korea since 21th century, and analyzes the causes and effects of the "project-push" reform of higher legal education in China for a long time. This paper combs the similarities and differences between the reform mode of "project advance" and the "system reform" of law education in Japan and Korea in recent years, and makes a comparison and analysis of the factors and effects of different reform paths. The current reform of the judicial system and the reform of the legal profession system provide an opportunity for China's legal education to push forward the institutional reform, and to promote the formalization, specialization and professionalism of the specialized contingent of the rule of law, it is necessary to improve the legal education. The author believes that the reform of the legal education system carried out in Japan and South Korea can bring about a fundamental change in the educational model, but this kind of reform also requires a higher level of top-level design. The implementation of a more elaborate and detailed allocation of elements carries high risks in the way of institutional reform. Therefore, in order to effectively promote the institutional reform of China's legal education, it is urgent to carry out more solid comparative law research. In order to clarify the relationship between the higher law education, the qualification examination of the legal profession, the training of the legal profession and the choice of the legal profession in theory, this paper provides a reference and reference.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
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