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发布时间:2018-03-08 02:09

  本文选题:典权 切入点:变迁 出处:《河南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:典作为我国特有的民事法律制度,其产生、发展、流变、成熟,有其历史必然性。中国历史上,自北魏始实行计口授田的均田制。土地原则上属于国家所有,为了保证每年都有田可授,自然禁止土地的自由买卖。然而国家的政策与民间客观存在的土地流通需要相悖,典应运而生。据文献记载至迟在南北朝时期已经出现了“典”的雏形。在“典”这一交易形式下,名义上保留了田宅所有人的“所有权”,规避了法律的惩罚,实质上典主获得了产业的用益,业主则解了用钱之急。由于在同居共财的家族共产制下,以产业出典不会背负“变卖祖产”的不孝骂名,减轻了出典人的精神压力,因而获得了广阔的发展空间。中唐以后,随着均田制的瓦解,私有观念加强,土地流转已成事实,国家逐渐无力对“贴典”、“质卖”行为进行控制,于是逐渐默许、放任、直至承认民间“贴典”、“质卖”活动并向之征税。本文尝试从史料中梳理出唐时有关典的法律规定,归纳唐代典物权关系主客体范围,总结唐代典权关系当事人的权利与义务,厘清典成立的程序性要求,还原唐代典的历史样态,为探讨继起的两宋典权发展提供参照。 宋代不立田制,民得自由买卖土地,随着商品经济的发展,私有观念的进一步深化,典得到了突飞猛进的发展。《宋刑统》增设“典卖指当论竞物业”门,专章规定了民间典卖行为。本文以唐代典的法律规定作为参照,分述了两宋典关系主客体,典双方当事人的权利与义务,厘清得到官府承认的典的程序性要求,为进一步对比唐宋典权之变做好铺垫。 本文从法律史的视野,观察在唐宋之际社会变动的背景下的典发生了哪些变化。典权之变首先体现在成文法律规定上。《宋刑统》明确规定了典卖行为的主体、客体、立契、收赎、时效,还从反面规定了禁止性要件,并规定了违反该规定的法律责任。宋律还对居间行为人作出了具体的权利义务规定。宋代契约关系发达,反映在典权制度上就是官版契纸的推行,,印刷术的广泛应用为其提供了技术支持。宋律继承了唐律关于亲邻先买权的规定,并进一步规定了亲邻行使先买权的限制,赋予业主更大的利益保障,同时规定了相关人等欺诈行为的法律制裁,从而使亲邻先买权的规定更富人情味。宋律因时因事制宜,典权回赎时效不断缩短,反映了商品经济发展导致的土地流通的加快。总之,相比唐代,宋代法律对典的规定是细致而全面的。除了成文法规定的显著变化外,在司法实践上,典卖关系争讼的数量北宋多于唐,南宋又多于北宋,典卖关系争讼案件也呈现出复杂化趋势,《名公书判清明集》便收录了若干因典而起的争产案件。纵观史料所载的司法实例,或因富人不仁妄图小民产业,或因不问亲邻至代有纠纷,或因伪造典契无证可对,或因牙人欺罔诈奸,宋代典权案件无论从数量上,还是复杂程度上,都远远超出了唐代典质案件。典在经历了唐宋之变后基本定型,对后世元、明、清都产生了深远的影响。 唐宋之际典权的演变有其深刻的历史原因。中唐至北宋,完成了租佃制对均田制的取代,土地制度的变化是典权之变的最根本经济原因。除了土地制度的变化外,商品经济的发展和赋税制度改革也为典权的发展变化提供了强劲的动力。同时,随着私有观念的深入人心,言利思想抬头,合理的取财之道逐渐被社会认可。传统义利观的变化为典权之变提供了思想基础。 唐宋之际系我国封建社会获得大发展、大变化的时期,这种发展和变化表现在民事法律领域,就是典权的发展和变迁。自唐至宋,典权不断从贴卖、典质、贴典中分化,在成文法中细化,在程序上简化,在实际运作中完善和定型,对后世立法产生了深远的影响。但从总体上看,“典”作为一种产生于民间而逐渐为官府所认可的行为规范,早在南北朝时期的北齐,以“帖卖”为早期形式的“典”已获得官方的部分承认。唐统治者的贡献是无奈于均田制的瓦解而不断承认、认可这一习惯,而宋统治者的贡献在于从正面规定了典权行为并不断法律化、制度化。因此,就典权制度的发展而言,从唐到宋并非“变革”,而是存在明显延续性的“变动”。
[Abstract]:As the code of civil law system, our country unique its generation, development, evolution, mature, has its historical inevitability. China history, beginning from the Northern Wei Dynasty by Tian dictated the land system. On the principle of land belonging to the state, in order to ensure that every field can be granted, natural land prohibited from free trading. However, the national folk policy and the objective existence of the land circulation to counter code came into being. It is documented as early as in the "code" of the prototype has appeared in the northern and Southern Dynasties. In the "code" of this transaction form, nominally retained all the "home ownership", to avoid the legal punishment, essence on the main code obtained industry owners usufruct solution with money urgently. Because of the cohabitation finances family under the Communist system, the industry does not have the origin of "selling patrimony" unfilial infamy, reduce the pawner mental pressure, thus obtained Broad space for development. In the Tang Dynasty, with the disintegration of the system, strengthen the concept of private land, has become a reality, the country gradually unable to "tie Dian", "quality control sell", then gradually acquiesced, laissez faire, until admitted the folk "tie Dian", "sell" and taxed this paper attempts to sort out the historical data from Tang Guan Dian law, summed up the relationship between subject and object property in Tang Dynasty, summed up the rights and obligations of the Tang Dynasty pawn party relations, clarify the procedural code requirements established, historical state reduction in Tang Dynasty, in order to provide reference to the discussion following the two song the development.
The Song Dynasty Li Tian, the free trade of land, with the development of commodity economy, the further deepening of the concept of private, code has been developed by leaps and bounds. The song code > Add "pawn when competing on the property," provisions of the folk pawn behaviors. In this paper, the law in Tang Dynasty as the reference points. The two Song: the relationship between subject and object, the rights and obligations of both parties of the code, to clarify the procedures of the government admitted code requirements, in order to pave the way for further comparison. The change of Tang and Song Dian
This paper from the perspective of legal history, observe social changes in Tang and Song Dynasty under the background of the code what happened. The change of Dien firstly embodies in written law. "Song punishment system clearly stipulates the subject, the object of trade behavior, redemption, deed, aging, but also from the opposite regulations prohibited the elements, and the provisions of the legal liability of the violation of the provisions of the law. The song of the mediator also made specific provisions on the rights and obligations. The contractual relationship developed, reflected in Dien was the official version of paper introduced the wide application of printing to provide technical support for the law of the Song Dynasty inherited the Tang Dynasty. On the neighborhood the preemption provisions, and further provisions and exercise the preemptive right to protect the interests of owners, the larger, and the provisions of the law of fraud related persons, so that the priority of relatives and neighbors could be more personal. The Song Dynasty law When Circumstances alter cases. continues to short time, pawn redemption, reflects the development of commodity economy leads to the speeding up of the land circulation. In short, compared to the Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty legal provisions of the code is detailed and comprehensive. In addition to the significant change of statute law provisions, in judicial practice, the number of trade relationship dispute more than the Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty Tang. More than the Northern Song Dynasty, trade relations dispute cases also showed a complex trend, "compilation of just verdicts by famous judges > will be included due to a number of typical cases. The production of contention throughout the historical data contained in the judicial case, or because of the rich people are small to industry, and to ask for or on behalf of a dispute, or because fake mortgage for undocumented or because of human teeth, deception fraud cases of adultery, the Song Dynasty pawning right in terms of quantity, but also in complexity, are far beyond the Tang Dynasty pawn cases. The basic shape of code after the Tang and Song Dynasties changed, after the world of yuan, Ming and Qing. Have a profound influence.
The evolution of the Tang and Song Dynasties has its profound historical reasons. In the Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty, completed the tenancy of the system to replace, the change of land system is the most fundamental reason for the change. The economic changes in the land system, the development of commodity economy and the tax system reform will provide a strong impetus for the development of the change of pawning right. At the same time, with the support of private ideas, Yan Li thought rise, money, reasonable way gradually recognized by society changes. The traditional view provides the ideological foundation for the change of Dien.
Tang and Song Dynasties, the feudal society of our country obtained great development, great change period, the development and changes in the field of civil law, is the development and change of the pawning right. Since the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, the constantly from the post sell, mortgage, differentiation of paste code, detailed in the statute, simplified procedures. Improve and finalize the design in the actual operation, has a far-reaching influence on the later legislation. But in general, as a "code" produced in the civil code of conduct is gradually recognized by the government, in the early period of the northern and Southern Dynasties to the Northern Qi Dynasty, "post sell" was an early form of "code" has been obtained the official admitted. Part of the ruler of the Tang Dynasty's contribution is the collapse of the system and constantly helpless in admit, recognize the habit, and the ruler of the Song Dynasty's contribution is from the positive provisions of pawning right behavior and legalization, institutionalization. Therefore, on the pawning right system development, from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty It is not "change", but a "change" that has obvious continuity.



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