本文选题:中国 切入点:越南 出处:《华南理工大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:人权理论从萌芽时期到创立及系统化,人权法律保障经历了一段漫长的过程。宪法中的人权体现于公民权的规定。所有的法律问题,实质上都可归结为权利和义务的关系问题,其中权利是本位的,义务则是派生的。世界各国都把人权视为制定宪法的原则,并将尊重人权的原则具体贯彻于公民权利的每一条。这证明“尊重和保护人权”不仅仅是个别国家的政策,而且是世界各国的潮流。 目前,中国和越南正处于社会的转型阶段,人权越来越受到尊重与保障。中国和越南已通过《公民权利与政治权利公约》和《经济、社会、文化权利公约》两个公约。人权问题不仅关涉到国家内部政策,而且在对外政策方面也具有重要的意义。 苏联1936年宪法对中国1954年宪法和越南1960年宪法公民的权利和义务影响深刻,促使中越宪法中的人权保障不断变迁。当下,两国宪法对人权保障在各个方面的成就如政府信息公开、民族平等权、宗教信仰自由、自由言论、生命权等。然而宪法内容缺失,两国宪法解释尚未完善,以及宪法审查制度尚未建立,引发宪法实施之难。鉴于此,笔者提出,将公民应享有的权利写入宪法以充分保障公民权利及建立宪法审查制度,从而推进宪法实施。同时,只有执行司法独立,才能真正地把宪法审查制度建立起来。
[Abstract]:The theory of human rights has gone through a long process from its infancy to its establishment and systematization. Human rights in the constitution are embodied in the provisions of citizenship. All legal issues can be attributed to the relationship between rights and obligations. Among them, rights are standard and obligations are derived. All countries in the world regard human rights as the principle of constitution. "respect for and protection of human rights" is not only the policy of individual countries, but also the trend of every country in the world. At present, China and Viet Nam are in a stage of social transformation, and human rights are being increasingly respected and safeguarded. China and Viet Nam have adopted the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights and the Economic and Social Convention. Human rights issues are relevant not only to internal national policy, but also to foreign policy. The Constitution of the Soviet Union of 1936 has a profound impact on the rights and duties of citizens in China's Constitution of 1954 and Vietnam's Constitution of 1960, which has contributed to the continuous changes in the protection of human rights in the Constitution of China and Vietnam. The two constitutions have made achievements in various aspects of human rights protection, such as the publicity of government information, the right to equality of ethnic groups, freedom of religious belief, free speech, right to life, etc. However, the contents of the constitutions are missing and the interpretation of the constitutions of the two countries is not yet perfect. And the constitutional review system has not yet been established, which leads to the difficulty of implementing the constitution. In view of this, the author suggests that the rights that citizens should enjoy should be written into the Constitution in order to fully protect the rights of citizens and establish a constitutional review system to promote the implementation of the Constitution. At the same time, Only when the judicial independence is implemented can the constitutional review system be truly established.
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