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发布时间:2018-03-25 17:41

  本文选题:流刑 切入点:流刑的性质 出处:《南京师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:流刑在世界很多地方都曾出现过,如古代的中国、古印度,古希腊,沙皇俄国。甚至十九世纪前的美国,都有流放制度的存在。我国古代的流刑完整的经历了从产生到发展、演变,直至消亡的全过程,可以说是世界流放制度的典型代表,具有很高的研究价值,可以作为研究其他国家的流刑制度的参考标本。同时对流刑的研究也为研究其他刑罚的产生发展,及其最终归宿提供了很好的参考。 流刑是指把罪犯押解到边远的地方服役或戍守,不得离开该地区的刑罚。首先流刑具有限制自由性,它限制了罪犯的相对自由,即自由选择居住地的自由。其次流刑具有惩众性和株连性,其惩罚往往是以家族为单位的。最后,流刑具有精神惩罚性,这点与古代的耻辱刑有相似之处,但是其侧重点各有不同。 中国古代流刑的发展大致可以分为两个大的阶段。第一阶段从先秦时期到唐末,这一时期的流刑形态比较传统,以单纯的放逐、驱逐为主。第二阶段从宋初到清末,这一阶段传统流刑往往较少使用,而使用附加了其他刑罚的“新流刑”,如刺配法、充军、发遣等。 任何历史事件的产生发展都不是偶然的,其背后必然有这样或者那样的原因,流刑亦然。首先,作为法律的一个部分,它必然与国家的政策紧密相连,最大限度的为国家服务。因此说,流刑的演变往往真实反映了某个时期国家政策的特定变化。其次,流刑的变化,与我国历史上另一个重要刑罚种类密切相关,即肉刑。例如,流刑进入封建制五刑就直接与肉刑的废除相关。最后,流刑的发展变化,还受到了汉民族文化以外的其他文化的影响,特别是周边少数民族文化的影响。
[Abstract]:The exile system existed in many parts of the world, such as ancient China, ancient India, ancient Greece, tsarist Russia, and even the United States before the nineteenth century. The whole process of evolution and extinction can be said to be a typical representative of the world's exile system, which has a high research value. It can be used as a reference specimen to study the floating penalty system in other countries, and at the same time, it provides a good reference for the study of the emergence and development of other penalties and their final destination. Flotilla refers to the punishment of transporting a criminal to a remote place to serve or garrison, and not to leave the area. First of all, the punishment of commutation has the character of restricting freedom, which limits the relative freedom of the criminal. That is, the freedom to choose one's place of residence. Secondly, floating punishment has the character of punishing the masses and the family, and the punishment is often based on the family. Finally, the floating punishment has spiritual penalty, which is similar to the humiliating punishment in ancient times. But the focus is different. The development of floating punishment in ancient China can be roughly divided into two major stages. The first stage was from the pre-Qin period to the end of Tang Dynasty. In this period, the pattern of floating punishment was more traditional, with simple banishment and expulsion. The second stage was from the beginning of Song Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty, and the second stage was from the beginning of the Song Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. In this stage, the traditional floating penalty is often used less, and the "new flow penalty" with other penalties is used, such as prick matching, enlisting, sending out and so on. The emergence and development of any historical event is not accidental. There must be one reason or another behind it, and so is the punishment of flow. First, as a part of the law, it must be closely linked to the policies of the state. Therefore, the evolution of floating punishment often reflects the specific changes of state policy in a certain period of time. Secondly, the change of floating punishment is closely related to another important type of punishment in the history of our country, that is, corporal punishment. For example, In the end, the development and changes of floating punishment were influenced by other cultures other than Han nationality culture, especially the influence of the surrounding minority culture.


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