发布时间:2018-04-04 21:41
本文选题:南京国民政府时期 切入点:宛西自治 出处:《西南政法大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:二十世纪二三十年代,随着资本主义工商业的渗透,自然经济的衰微,传统的道德观念和乡规民约也受到前所未有的冲击,广大农村地区积贫积弱,乡村建设与改革问题成了当时中国社会的热点问题之一。为了改变现状,众多不同背景、不同理念的爱国人士提出了很多改革的方案和主张,进行各种各样的改造活动,以期探索出农村发展乃至整个国家发展的出路,乡村建设运动一时风起云涌。在不改变原有的生产关系的前提下,这些运动的本质多是对经济和社会进行改良。 笔者的家乡在宛西,宛西自治运动是以彭禹廷、别廷芳等地方精英为首在镇平、内乡、浙川、邓县四县发起的,,运动持续了十年之久,他们把以“自卫、自治、自富”为主要内容的“三自主义”作为运动的理论指导,采取种种措施改良政治、经济、教育、军事和社会风气,在当地产生了很大影响。宛西地方自治的情形被父辈口口相传,耳濡目染,笔者便产生了想全面了解那段历史的想法。通过对宛西自治史料的搜集、整理和分析,发现虽然由于地理位置,发起人的知名度等原因,宛西自治的影响在全国不及同时代其他乡村改革运动,但它有着自己鲜明的地方特色。 当时,地方社会秩序失序,为了保境安民,对抗严重扰民的土匪和过往的各路军阀势力,宛西自治领导者才组建起了民团这个以当地农民为主要来源的强大地方武装。有了“自卫”的能力后,再以民团作为军事后盾,积极争取政治权力,建立自治政府,在自己的势力范围内把自治理论付诸实施,实现“自治”、“自富”。重视培养和任用当地的人才,一定程度上的“与世隔绝”,使得宛西自治在实行过程中带有浓厚的封闭性、内向性的色彩。 本文的研究方法是先以历史学为基础,客观还原历史原貌,然后再从社会学和法学的观察视角探究宛西自治运动措施实施的细节。本文的结构是首先定位宛西自治运动发生的年代,把它定格在南京国民政府统治时期,结合宛西的地理位置和当地的社会现状谈改革的迫切性和必然性。其次是重点对自治的理论基础、具体内容和如何开展进行分析,然后总结“治乱世用重典”的别廷芳的法律思想,最后总结运动成败的经验教训。希望能客观的评价那段珍贵的历史,为今天的缩小城乡差距,大力推动农村建设提供有益的启示。
[Abstract]:In the 1920s and 1930s, with the infiltration of capitalist industry and commerce and the decline of the natural economy, the traditional moral concepts and regulations of the townships were also affected by unprecedented shocks, and the vast rural areas accumulated poverty and became weak.Rural construction and reform became one of the hot issues in Chinese society at that time.In order to change the status quo, many patriots from different backgrounds and different ideas have put forward many reform plans and proposals and carried out various transformation activities in order to explore the way out for rural development and even for the development of the whole country.The rural construction movement was in full swing for a while.Without changing the original relations of production, the essence of these movements is to improve the economy and society.As the theoretical guidance of the movement, the "three Selfism", which is the main content of "self-enrichment", took various measures to improve the political, economic, educational, military and social atmosphere, which had a great influence on the local people.The situation of local autonomy in Wanxi was passed from word to mouth, and the author had the idea of fully understanding that history.Through the collection, collation and analysis of the historical data of Wanxi autonomy, it is found that, although due to geographical location and the popularity of the sponsors, the influence of Wanxi autonomy in the whole country is not as good as that of other rural reform movements of the same time.But it has its own distinctive local characteristics.With the ability of "self-defense," we should actively strive for political power, establish an autonomous government, put the theory of autonomy into practice within our own sphere of influence, and realize "autonomy" and "self-enrichment" by taking the militia as military backing.Pay attention to the cultivation and appointment of local talents, to a certain extent, "isolation", making Wanxi autonomy in the implementation process with a strong closed, introverted color.The structure of this paper is to locate the era when the autonomous movement of Wanxi took place, to fix it in the period of the Nanjing National Government, and to discuss the urgency and inevitability of the reform in the light of the geographical position of Wanxi and the local social situation.Hope to objectively evaluate that precious history, for today's narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, vigorously promote rural construction to provide useful inspiration.
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