本文选题:新闻出版 切入点:政府监管 出处:《吉林大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:我国的传媒产业中,新闻出版业占有举足轻重的地位,自始至终受到政府严格的监管。随文化体制改革的不断深入,放松对传媒产业的监管,重视新闻出版的产业属性成为放松监管的重点。我国新闻出版业的政府监管不论从监管理念还是监管法律依据上仍停滞不前,严重制约了新闻出版产业的发展。 本文采用激励性监管、案例分析等研究方法,对中国新闻出版行业的政府监管问题进行法经济学分析。本文的创新即在于将激励理论纳入对新闻出版行业的监管研究范围,在探究传统委托——代理关系存在的问题与局限性的基础上,重塑新闻出版业的多重委托——代理模型,建立以激励性监管为核心的最优监管模式,并对政府监管机制进行经济学分析,将法与经济学的结合置于对新闻出版业政府监管的理论探索当中。最终在综合考虑上述因素的基础上,以法经济学的视角着重回答中国新闻出版行业需要何种监管制度、现有监管制度应从何处着手加以改进,以及如何将完善的监管机制上升成为正式的监管制度等。通过完善新闻出版业监管的法律法规,推动政府监管机制的常态化与法制化,实现新闻出版业政府监管绩效的稳步提升。
[Abstract]:In China's media industry, the press industry occupies a pivotal position and has been strictly supervised by the government from beginning to end.With the deepening of the reform of the cultural system, it is the key to relax the supervision of the media industry and attach importance to the industrial attributes of the press and publication.The government supervision of the press and publication industry in our country is still stagnant in terms of the concept of supervision and the legal basis of supervision, which seriously restricts the development of the press and publication industry.In this paper, incentive supervision and case study are used to analyze the government regulation in Chinese press and publication industry.The innovation of this paper is to bring the incentive theory into the scope of the supervision and research on the press and publishing industry, and on the basis of exploring the problems and limitations of the traditional principal-agent relationship, to reshape the multi-principal-agent model of the press publishing industry.This paper establishes the optimal supervision mode with incentive supervision as the core, and carries on the economic analysis to the government supervision mechanism, and puts the combination of law and economics into the theoretical exploration of the government supervision of the press and publication industry.Finally, on the basis of synthetically considering the above factors, and from the perspective of law and economics, the author emphatically answers what kind of supervision system is needed in China's press and publication industry, and where the existing regulatory system should be improved.And how to improve the regulatory mechanism into a formal regulatory system.Through perfecting the laws and regulations of the supervision of the press and publishing industry, promoting the regularization and legalization of the government supervision mechanism, we can realize the steady improvement of the performance of the government supervision of the press and publication industry.
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