本文选题:相邻关系 + 相邻权 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:相邻关系及相邻权是现代物权法中的一项重要制度。在古代中国,邻里间的相互帮衬与协作一直是人们的传统美德,但关系的密切不但能造出融洽的氛围,也容易滋生邻里纠纷。这些矛盾的妥善处理,不但能看出人们的道德水平,也体现着社会的文明程度。生活在文明礼仪之邦的传统中国人在处理相邻关系上积淀下的经验、教训、原则及智慧,值得我们汲取与总结,本文在这方面作了一些尝试。 第一章首先界定了古代相邻关系的概念,认为虽然中国古代没有发达的民法学理论,也没有抽象出相邻关系的概念,,但古人和今人在处理生活中发生的毗邻不动产间的冲突、利益平衡等问题时,遇到的困难大致是相似的,因此,我们在讨论古代的这类生产、生活问题,也可以借用现在的相邻关系概念。且本文在对“相邻权”与“相邻关系”在概念的使用上,相互混同,不加区分。另外,相邻关系的发生不限于不动产,但本文在讨论古代相邻关系时,将其限定在不动产的范围内,对动产相邻关系暂不讨论。然后,从民间传说、契约文书、民事习惯中总结出古代相邻关系的类型。 第二章在说明了古代相邻关系的处理原则之后,分析了古人处理相邻关系的具体规则——民事习惯。不是所有的相邻关系纠纷都能通过“忍让”得到圆满解决。解决不了,在现实利益面前,可操作性强又为大家所普遍接受的民事习惯就成了不二的选择。最后还讨论了民事习惯作为法律渊源的现实意义。 第三章主要分析了几则古代司法官员在处理涉及相邻关系案件时的典型案例。古今大抵相似,其处理方式也有着深厚的社会基础。古代法官在处理纠纷时,体现出如下特点:首先,认可相邻权的存在,并给予保护,但在相邻权受到侵犯时反对私力救济,并对擅自以私力救济者给予惩戒;其次,往往“以情理(邻里之情、孝友之谊等)谕之”,公平与否是次要的;最后,处理原则是“无损于己而有利于人”,提倡互谅互让、兼顾各方利益的同时,对具体案件作出具体判断。当然,如果涉及到的各方利益和公共利益有冲突时,自然应当首先顾及公共利益。 总之,古人在生活中面对邻里间的相邻关系时,用他们的生活智慧为后人积累了宝贵的经验。以“忍让”与“不争”为总的原则和导向,在具体操作上,没有一刀切式的武断与自负,不迷信制定法,而是把相邻关系的处理,委之于灵活的民事习惯。而传统中国的法官是这些原则的推动者,更是具体问题的实际处理人,以他们的优秀的职业素养和高明的司法技巧维护了邻里的和谐,也树立了自己的权威。
[Abstract]:Contiguous relation and neighboring right are an important system in modern property law.In ancient China, the mutual support and cooperation between neighbors has always been a traditional virtue of people, but the close relationship can not only create a harmonious atmosphere, but also easily breed neighborhood disputes.The proper handling of these contradictions can not only see the moral level of people, but also reflect the civilization of society.The experience, lessons, principles and wisdom accumulated by the traditional Chinese people living in the civilized and ceremonial state in dealing with the neighboring relations are worth learning and summing up. This paper has made some attempts in this respect.The first chapter defines the concept of the ancient adjoining relation, and holds that although there was no developed theory of civil law in ancient China, nor did it abstract the concept of the adjacent relation, the conflict between the ancients and the present people in dealing with the adjoining immovable property in their daily life.The difficulties encountered in balancing interests are similar, so we are discussing this kind of production and life problems in ancient times, and we can also borrow the concept of the present contiguous relation.In this paper, the concept of "neighboring right" and "adjacent relation" are mixed with each other without distinction.In addition, the occurrence of adjacent relations is not limited to immovable property, but this paper limits it to the scope of immovable property when discussing the ancient adjoining relation, and does not discuss the adjacent relation of movable property for the time being.Then, from folklore, contract documents, civil customs summed up the ancient types of adjacent relations.Chapter two, after explaining the principle of dealing with the ancient adjoining relation, analyzes the concrete rule of the ancients dealing with the adjoining relation-civil custom.Not all neighboring disputes can be resolved satisfactorily through tolerance.Can not solve, in the face of the real interests, strong operability and generally accepted by the civil custom has become a choice.Finally, it discusses the practical significance of civil custom as a source of law.The third chapter mainly analyzes several typical cases of ancient judicial officials dealing with cases involving neighboring relations.It is similar in ancient and modern times, and has a deep social foundation.When dealing with disputes, ancient judges showed the following characteristics: firstly, they recognized the existence of neighboring rights and gave them protection, but they opposed private remedies when neighboring rights were violated, and punished those who did not use private power to remedy without authorization.It is often "justified by reason" (neighborhood, filial piety, friendship, etc.). Fairness is secondary. Finally, the principle of treatment is "without prejudice to oneself and in the interests of others", advocating mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, while taking into account the interests of all parties.Make a specific judgment on a specific case.Of course, if there is a conflict between the interests of all parties and the public interest, the public interest should be taken into account first.In a word, the ancients accumulated valuable experience for later generations with their wisdom of life when they faced the neighboring relations in their lives.Taking "tolerance" and "indisputable" as the general principle and guidance, there is no one-size-fits-all arbitrariness and conceit in the concrete operation, and no superstition in the formulation law, but the handling of the adjacent relations is imposed on the flexible civil custom.The traditional Chinese judges are the promoters of these principles, but also the practical handling of specific problems, with their excellent professional quality and sophisticated judicial skills to maintain the harmony of the neighborhood, but also set up their own authority.
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