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发布时间:2018-04-16 00:21

  本文选题:大清律例 + 职务犯罪 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:职务犯罪无论是在古代或是在现代都是一个永恒的话题,关于职务犯罪的预防及立法规定更是如此。《大清律例》是中国历史上最后一部封建成文法典,在中国法制史上占有重要地位,值得深入研究。目前学界尚无对《大清律例》中的职务罪进行全面、系统、深入研究的专门著述。本文借鉴现代刑法学理论,对《大清律例》中的职务罪的分类、内容进行专门的归纳研究,同时还结合实际的司法状况,对《大清律例》中的职务罪规定的实施状况进行考察。 全文分为引言、正文和结语三个大的部份。引言部份着重阐述职务犯罪的相关理论,本论题的研究价值,学界对于本论题的研究状况及本文的研究方法及创新点。 正文由三部份组成:第一部分,论述了《大清律例》中职务犯罪的分类。根据该部法典的律文及条例,将其分为六类:第一类,受赃犯罪;第二类,渎职犯罪;第三类,官吏司法上的犯罪;第四类,官吏军事上的犯罪;第五类,诈伪犯罪;第六类,违反职制犯罪。第二部份,论述了《大清律例》中职务犯罪的内容。从分类出发,就每一类职务罪中的犯罪构成要件及罚则进行分析。第三部分,论述了《大清律例》中职务犯罪规定的施行状况及其效果。认为该部法典在清朝中后期逐渐失去了对官吏的控制,并从监察制度、皇权及法外开恩、异途入仕三个方面分析了失控原因。 结语是对本文研究的主要问题的归纳及对进一步研究的展望。
[Abstract]:Duty crime is an eternal topic both in ancient and modern times, especially with regard to the prevention and legislative provisions of job-related crimes. The Qing Dynasty Law and order is the last feudal written code in Chinese history.It plays an important role in the history of China's legal system and is worthy of further study.At present, there is no comprehensive, systematic and in-depth research on the crime of duty in Qing Dynasty.This article draws lessons from the modern criminal law theory, carries on the specialized induction research to the classification and the content of the duty crime in the "Qing Dynasty laws and regulations", at the same time unifies the actual judicial condition, also carries on the inspection to the "Qing Dynasty law case" in the duty crime stipulation implementation condition.The full text is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.The introduction focuses on the related theories of job-related crime, the research value of this topic, the research status of academic circles on this topic, the research methods and innovations of this paper.The text consists of three parts: the first part discusses the classification of duty crime in Qing Dynasty.According to the laws and regulations of the Code, they are divided into six categories: the first, the crime of receiving stolen goods; the second, the crime of dereliction of duty; the third, the crimes committed by officials in the administration of justice; the fourth, the crimes committed by officials in the military; the fifth, the crime of fraud; and the sixth,A crime against the system of employment.The second part discusses the content of duty crime in Qing Dynasty.Starting from the classification, this paper analyzes the constitutive elements and penalty of each kind of duty crime.The third part discusses the enforcement and effect of duty crime in Qing Dynasty.The author thinks that the code gradually lost the control of the officials in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, and analyzed the reasons of losing control from three aspects: the supervision system, the imperial power and the extraneous benevolence, and the different way to official office.Conclusion is the summary of the main problems and the prospect of further research.


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