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发布时间:2018-04-20 09:27

  本文选题:三三七条款 + 知识产权 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:三三七条款源于1922年《美国关税法》第316条,到1930年被规定在《美国关税法》第337条款中,其经过美国1974年《对外贸易法》的修订、1988年《综合贸易与竞争法》修订和1994年《乌拉圭回合协定法》的修订,现在已经成为保护美国本土知识产权的专门法律,与反补贴、反倾销以及保障措施等一起构成了美国贸易救济法律制度的完整体系。根据三三七条款规定:出口到美国的外国产品只要侵犯了美国本土产品的知识产权,阻碍美国国内产业的发展,即构成对三三七条款的违反,美国国际贸易委员会(United States International Trade Commission,以下简称ITC)都可以进行调查。 近些年来我国经济迅速发展,中国渐渐的成为了国际制造中心,对外贸易数额逐年扩大,而且中国企业自身也在不断的提高企业自主创新能力。通过我国企业的不懈努力,生产出来的产品科技含量越来越高,有些品牌产品的生产技术居于世界领先地位。因为我国这些科技含量较高的产品对美国本土产品构成了极大的威胁,所以涉及三三七调查的案件逐年增多。20世纪80年代日本是最大的被诉国,90年代中国台湾成为被诉最多的地区。从1995年开始,涉华三三七调查逐年增加,2000至2009年,美国一共处理了272起三三七调查案件,其中,涉及中国的案件高达94起居于首位。1986至2009年,涉华三三七调查案件多达105起,其中电子产品的案件高达44起排在首位;其次轻工业产品的案件28起排在第二位;机械产品以14起的数量位居第三。 美国三三七条款威力巨大,美国企业通常利用该条款对我国竞争对手进行打击,如果美国国际贸易委员会确认我国产品侵害了美国本土产品的知识产权,中国企业的产品将有可能被永久排除在美国国门之外,这给我国外贸出口造成了严重影响,给我国企业造成了很大的损失,而我国许多企业有些还没有意识到三三七条款的危害性,或者意识到了危害性不知道如何应对和反击。如果想从容应对美国三三七调查,我们首先要深入了解三三七条款内容以及应用程序,然后从理论和实际案例两个方面进行全面深入的研究,最后要以解决实际问题为出发点寻找积极应对美国三三七调查的策略,为我国已经面临和可能面临三三七调查的出口企业提供多种借鉴方案,尽快摆脱目前这种不利的局面,保护我国企业的切身利益,有利于我国出口贸易健康稳定的发展。
[Abstract]:Section 316 of the United States Customs Act of 1922 was provided for in Section 337 of the United States Customs Act in 1930. As amended by the 1974 Foreign Trade Act of the United States, the 1988 Comprehensive Trade and Competition Act and the Uruguay Round Agreement Act of 1994, it has now become a special law and countervailing measure for the protection of intellectual property rights in the United States. Anti-dumping and safeguard measures together constitute the complete system of American trade remedy legal system. According to the provisions of the "3: 37" clause: foreign products exported to the United States violate the intellectual property rights of local products of the United States and hinder the development of domestic industries in the United States, which constitutes a violation of the "3: 37" clause. The United States International Trade Commission is available for investigation. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, China has gradually become an international manufacturing center, the amount of foreign trade has expanded year by year, and the Chinese enterprises themselves are constantly improving their independent innovation ability. Through the unremitting efforts of Chinese enterprises, the scientific and technological content of the products produced is more and more high, and some brand products are in the leading position in the world. Because these high-technology products in China pose a great threat to local products in the United States. Therefore, the number of cases involving the investigation of Panax notoginseng increased year by year. In the 1980s, Japan was the largest country sued. In the 1990s, China and Taiwan became the most sued areas. Since 1995, the number of investigations involving China has increased year by year. From 2000 to 2009, the United States has handled 272 cases of investigation of three or seven. Of these, 94 cases involving China occupied the first place between 1986 and 2009, and as many as 105 cases involving China were investigated by Panax notoginseng. Electronics accounted for 44 cases, followed by light industrial products in the second place, and machinery products in third place with 14 cases. The US "3: 37" clause is very powerful, and American enterprises usually use it to strike at our competitors. If the US International Trade Commission confirms that our products have infringed on the intellectual property rights of local products in the United States, The products of Chinese enterprises will probably be permanently excluded from the United States, which has seriously affected our foreign trade exports and caused great losses to our enterprises. However, some enterprises in our country have not realized the harmfulness of the Sanqi clause, or they do not know how to deal with it or counterattack it. If we want to take time to deal with the Panax notoginseng investigation in the United States, we must first have a thorough understanding of the contents and application procedures of the Panax notoginseng clause, and then conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study from both theoretical and practical cases. Finally, it is necessary to look for a strategy to actively respond to the Panax notoginseng investigation in the United States from the point of view of solving practical problems, so as to provide a variety of reference schemes for export enterprises that have faced or may face the Panax notoginseng investigation in order to get rid of this unfavorable situation as soon as possible. Protecting the vital interests of Chinese enterprises is conducive to the healthy and stable development of China's export trade.


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