本文选题:法治政府建设 + 中国法治建设 ; 参考:《人民论坛》2017年26期
[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the Central Party of China, China's rule of law construction has adhered to the link with reform and decision-making, is consistent with the spirit of the Constitution, and echoes the wishes of the people, proceeding from reality, basing itself on China's national conditions, focusing on key areas, and formulating it in a timely manner. The amendment involves comprehensively deepening reform, promoting economic development, improving social governance, ensuring the people's livelihood, and safeguarding national security. The system of assessment and evaluation of the construction of the government ruled by law is being established, and supervision and inspection efforts have been strengthened significantly. To promote administration by law into the "fast lane", the rule of law government construction shows an unprecedented "acceleration." An efficient system of implementing the rule of law, a strict system of supervision of the rule of law,
【作者单位】: 人民论坛编辑部;
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