本文选题:民国新疆 + 公司法 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the late Qing Dynasty, the advanced western legal system began to enter China. In the process of introducing the company law system in modern China, four company laws were promulgated successively, which gradually improved the implementation of company law in China. During the period of the Republic of China, Xinjiang accepted the legal system of Nanjing National Government, and established the modern legal system, including the Company Law, which gave rise to modern enterprises in Xinjiang. Because of the different social development, economic environment and cultural atmosphere, the result is that although there is a modern legal framework for the company in form, in fact, it does not play the role of the legal norms of the company. Based on the empirical analysis of two modern enterprises in Xinjiang, this paper probes into the implementation, characteristics and influence of the company law system in Xinjiang at that time. The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction is an introduction to the purpose and significance of the research, the analysis of the present situation of the research and the introduction of the research materials. The text mainly focuses on how to apply the company law in Xinjiang during the period of the Republic of China. It is divided into four chapters: the first chapter introduces the general situation of the modern Chinese company law, including the origin of the modern Chinese company law, the four corporate laws formulated and their implementation; The second chapter expounds and analyzes the application of company law in Xinjiang during the period of the Republic of China, mainly from three different periods of implementation, including the initial period of establishment, the period of development and the period of maturity of company law in Xinjiang. The third chapter analyzes and discusses the characteristics of the applicable company legal system in Xinjiang during the Republic of China period, including the diversity of company types. The fourth chapter discusses the influence of the application of company law in Xinjiang during the Republic of China, and draws a conclusion from two aspects: the modernization of Xinjiang's legal system and the modern Xinjiang's economy. The conclusion is a summary of the basic viewpoints of the whole paper. During the period of the Republic of China, the application of company law in Xinjiang promoted the modernization of modern Xinjiang legal system and the development of modern Xinjiang economy, but it still had some lag and limitation compared with the mainland.
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