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发布时间:2018-05-27 01:42

  本文选题:德国 + 青岛 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:1897年,德国以“巨野教案”为借口,武装占领胶州湾,乘机迫使清政府签订了《中德胶澳租借条约》,租期99年,直至1914年第一次世界大战爆发,日本击败德国,占领青岛,德国在青岛进行了长达17年的殖民统治。德国殖民者占领青岛后在行政管理、司法制度、土地政策、城市规划、铁路和港口建设、工商业经营和管理、教育办学、卫生保健、绿化环境等方面采取了一系列的措施。本论文主要依据所掌握的史料对司法制度力求详尽的探究。 本文第一部分为概述,第一点为德国在青岛建立殖民地制度概述,简要说明了殖民地取得和经营管理权获取的基础。第二点为德国法在青岛的传播,包括开办青岛特别高等专门学堂设立法政科从事法学教育、出版法学期刊进行法学研究,把德国法逐步介绍到了中国。第三点为德占青岛时期的管理制度体制,包括殖民地总督和地方管理制度。 本文第二部分为德占青岛时期的司法组织制度研究。第一点为法院组织制度,包括为专门为中国人间的纠纷设立的青岛区公所和为至少有一方为欧洲人设立的胶澳德国皇家帝国法院,1908年设立的二审法院,审判组织和法院管理制度。第二点为法官制度,包括帝国法院的法官和区公所的法官。第三点为陪审员制度,介绍了陪审员在审判活动中的重要作用。 本文第三部分为德占青岛时期诉讼制度研究。第一点为管辖制度,包括按人种划分的管辖、地域管辖、立案管辖、级别管辖等。第二点为法律适用制度,介绍了区别对待的法律适用制度和占领时期督政府颁布的主要法律。第三点为审判制度,包括区公所的审判制度、1900年至1909年10年间区公所受理案件的情况、帝国法院的审判制度以及高效审判现象的分析、刑事和民事执行制度。 本文第四部分为德占青岛时期相关司法制度研究。第一点为律师制度,简要介绍了律师执业情况和律师兼职公证人制度。第二点为监狱制度,主要介绍了关押欧洲人的著名的欧人监狱和关押中国人的李村华人监狱和临时看守所。第三点为警察制度,简要介绍了卫生警察、水上警察和工商警察等制度,以及警察局在城市卫生和社会治安方面发挥的重要作用。
[Abstract]:In 1897, under the pretext of "Juye sect case", Germany armed occupied Jiaozhou Bay and forced the Qing government to sign the Sino-German Lease Treaty of Jiao-ao in 1999, until the outbreak of the first World War in 1914, when Japan defeated Germany and occupied Qingdao. Germany colonized Qingdao for 17 years. After the German colonists occupied Qingdao, they took a series of measures in the aspects of administration, judicial system, land policy, urban planning, railway and port construction, industrial and commercial management, education, health care, greening environment and so on. This thesis is based on the historical data to explore the judicial system in detail. The first part of this paper is an overview, the first one is the outline of the colonial system established by Germany in Qingdao, which briefly explains the basis of the acquisition of colonial power and the acquisition of management power. The second point is the spread of German law in Qingdao, including the establishment of a special high school in Qingdao to set up a law school to engage in law education, the publication of law journals for legal research, and the gradual introduction of German law to China. The third is the management system of the German occupation of Qingdao, including the colonial governor and the local management system. The second part of this paper is the study of judicial organization system in the period of German occupation of Qingdao. The first is the system of court organization, including the Qingdao District Institute for disputes between China and the Royal German Imperial Court of Jiao-ao, established by at least one party for Europeans, and the Court of second instance, established in 1908. Trial organization and court management system. The second point is the system of judges, including judges of the Imperial Court and District Magistrates. Third, the juror system introduces the important role of jurors in trial activities. The third part of this paper is the study of litigation system in the period of German occupation of Qingdao. The first is the system of jurisdiction, including jurisdiction by ethnicity, jurisdiction by region, jurisdiction by case, jurisdiction by rank, etc. The second point is the applicable system of law, which introduces the law application system of discrimination and the main laws promulgated by the governor government during the occupation period. The third is the trial system, including the trial system of the district offices, the cases accepted by the district offices during the 10 years from 1900 to 1909, the trial system of the Imperial Court and the analysis of the efficient trial phenomena, and the system of criminal and civil execution. The fourth part of this paper is the study of the relevant judicial system during the period of the German occupation of Qingdao. The first point is the lawyer system, briefly introduces the lawyer practice and the lawyer part-time notaries system. The second point is the prison system. It mainly introduces the famous European prison and the Chinese prison and temporary detention center. The third part is the police system, which briefly introduces the health police, water police and industrial and commercial police, and the important role of the police in urban health and social security.


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