本文选题:美国法院 + 反垄断法 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:美国是世界上最主要的判例法国家之一,法院对法律的解释,在整个国家的法律体系中占有极高的比重。通常而言,因循守旧与恪守先例,是美国法院判案的基本特点。但是,如果对美国法院的司法审判史稍作考察,我们会发现性质相同或相似的案件在不同的历史时期,法院的判决意见往往会产生差异,甚至会出现根本的不同。在对反垄断案件的判决上表现得尤为明显。 本文选取了美国司法史上几个影响深远的反垄断案例(主要为上诉至最高法院的案例),并对其进行分析,旨在比较法院在不同时期对反垄断案件的不同意见,试图总结出这其中的历史变化以及影响这种变化的主要因素。本文认为,美国法院法官在判案过程中对反垄断法作出的不同解释,体现了他们对反垄断法价值追求的不同认识。而影响这种认识的因素有很多,但究其根本,还在于他们对当时整个社会政治经济形势的总体看法。 本文以时间为线索,共分三部分。 第一部分从1890年《谢尔曼法》的颁布至二战结束。这一时期是美国法院对反垄断法司法实践的初始阶段,案例主要包括奈特公司案、北方证券案、标准石油公司案、钢铁公司案等。在此期间,法院创造出了多种判案原则,如本身违法原则以及合理原则,但却饱受非议。不过,无论法官判案时采用何种原则,都只不过是一种解释工具,决定案件判决的根本,还在于当时的社会对垄断问题的不同看法。 第二部分从二战结束至二十世纪六十年代末期。这一时期,尤其是进入到六十年代后,美国民权运动高涨。以沃伦为首的最高法院表现出了极其浓烈的平民主义立场,注重大小企业在市场竞争中的平等地位,这一期间最著名的案例是布朗鞋业公司案。 第三部分从二十世纪七十年代至二十世纪末。进入到二十世纪七十年代,美国所面临的国内外经济条件发生了重大变化。美国法院对反垄断案的立场也从提倡竞争平等转化为效率优先,这一时期的著名案例包括通用动力公司案,微软公司案等等。
[Abstract]:The United States is one of the most important jurisprudence countries in the world. The interpretation of the law has a very high proportion in the legal system of the whole country. Generally speaking, it is the basic characteristic of the United States court judgment. In the different historical periods of similar cases, the judgments of the courts often differ and even appear fundamentally different. They are particularly evident in the judgment of antitrust cases.
This article selects several far-reaching antitrust cases in American judicial history (mainly the case of appeals to the Supreme Court) and analyzes it. It aims to compare the different opinions of the court on the antitrust cases in different periods and try to sum up the historical changes and the main factors that affect the change. The different interpretations of the antitrust law by the court judges reflect their different understanding of the value pursuit of antitrust law. There are a lot of factors affecting this understanding, but the basic method is their overall view of the whole social and political and economic situation at that time.
This article is divided into three parts with time as a clue.
The first part is from the promulgation of the "Sherman law" in 1890 to the end of World War II. This period was the initial stage of the judicial practice of the United States Court on antitrust law. The cases mainly included the NAT company case, the northern securities case, the Standard Oil Corporation case, the Steel Corp case and so on. In this period, the court created a variety of judicial principles, such as the principle of the law itself. However, no matter what principle the judge uses, it is only an explanatory tool to determine the fundamental of the case and the different views of the society on the problem of monopoly at that time.
The second part from the end of World War II to the end of the 1960s. This period, especially after the 60s, the American civil rights movement was rising. The Supreme Court, led by Warren, showed a very strong standpoint of populism and paid attention to the equal status of large and small enterprises in market competition. The most famous case of this period was cloth. Case of Lang shoe company.
The third part from 1970s to the end of twentieth Century. In 1970s, the domestic and foreign economic conditions of the United States have changed greatly. The position of the United States Court on the anti ridge case is also transformed from the promotion of competition equality to the efficiency. The famous case of this period includes the General Dynamic Corp case, the Microsoft public. Case case and so on.
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