本文选题:划拨地 + 商品房 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国房地产业的迅猛发展,在商品房买卖中产生了大量的问题,如房地产开发商延期交房、购房者延期付款、房屋买卖欺诈、延期办理房屋权属证书等,由此产生纠纷,出现相当多的复杂疑难案件。这些案件既占用了大量诉讼资源,又在一定程度上激化了社会矛盾。 通过王某与房地产开发商A公司商品房买卖合同纠纷案件所出现的几个问题,来对九十年代划拨地上建商品房产生的国有土地使用权性质争议及解决办法进行阐释,划拨土地使用权制度形成于计划经济时期,土地有偿使用制度确立后,划拨土地使用权制度得以沿用,由于仅仅是简单的,不加区分的沿用,使得我国土地市场呈现混乱的局面。而原告王某于1999年购买了房地产开发商A公司通过划拨方式取得并经相关政府行政部门批准开发的商品房,因双方对该商品房办理国有土地使用权性质(即“划拨”或者“出让”)产生争议,导致该商品房国有土地使用权证一直未能办理,因此产生纠纷。在案件审理过程中,,王某和A公司对该商品房应办理国有土地使用权证性质问题、对先后签订的两份《商品房买卖合同》效力问题、对迟延办证责任主体问题及请求支付迟延办证违约金是否超过诉讼时效等问题产生争议,此四个方面环环相扣,形成了一个有机联系的整体。解决这一系列问题,需要通过对现行土地和房地产交易法律制度进行整合和完善,将划拨土地使用权性质区分为公益性和经营性,针对不同的性质采取不同的规范方式和处置原则,这样才能更好的结合当时实际情况予以妥善处理。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the real estate industry in our country, there have been a lot of problems in the sale of commercial housing, such as the delay in the payment of the house by the real estate developers, the deferred payment of the house buyers, the fraud in the purchase of the house, the delay in the processing of the certificate of ownership of the house, and so on. There are quite a number of complicated and difficult cases. These cases not only occupy a large number of litigation resources, but also intensify social contradictions to a certain extent. Through several problems arising from the dispute case between Wang Mou and the real estate developer A Company in the contract for the purchase and sale of commercial housing, to explain the nature dispute and solution of the nature of the right to the use of state-owned land produced by the building of commercial housing on the land allocated in the 1990s. The system of allocated land use right was formed in the period of planned economy. After the establishment of the system of paid use of land, the system of allocated land use right has been used, because it is only simple and indiscriminate. Make our country land market presents chaotic situation. In 1999, the plaintiff, Wang Mou, bought a commercial house, which was acquired by the real estate developer A Company through allocation and approved by the relevant government administrative departments. Because of the dispute between the two sides on the nature of the state-owned land use right (i.e. "transfer" or "transfer"), the state-owned land use right of the commodity house has not been handled, so the dispute arises. In the course of the trial of the case, Wang Mou and Company A should deal with the nature of the state-owned land use certificate for the commercial house, and the validity of the two "contract for the sale of commercial housing" signed successively. There are disputes on the subject of the liability for the late issuance of the certificate and whether the payment of the penalty for breach of contract exceeds the limitation of action. These four aspects are linked to each other and form an organic whole. To solve this series of problems, we need to integrate and perfect the current legal system of land and real estate transactions, and divide the nature of the right to use the allocated land into public welfare and management. According to the different nature of the adoption of different norms and treatment principles, so as to better combine with the actual situation to be properly dealt with.
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