本文选题:权利位阶 + 生存权 ; 参考:《河北大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:民生一直是国家和社会发展的根本问题,不论在古代还是在现代,无论在东方还是西方,人们都对其投入巨大精力来进行研究和实践。对我国来说能对民生问题进行良好处理也是非常有意义的,因为它不仅能够提高人民的生活水平,更有利于建设社会主义和谐社会,展现我国的社会主义制度的优越性。但是我国的民生问题的解决不能仅仅局限于政治的角度,应该将民生与法律结合,多角度的解决我国当前的房价上涨、就业困难、社会保障不完善等问题。 本文第一部分是从两个方面展开的。第一方面是通过介绍国内外学者对民生的定义,笔者再综合以上各位学者的民生定义,认为民生定义可以被表述为人的生存权、发展权、及追求高尚生活的权利,具体来说也可以从以下三个方面来对其进行定义:在社会生活条件比较贫乏的条件下,民生首先的要求是要保证社会中的每一个成员都能够具有人应有的尊严生存下去,其次是物质条件许可的情况下保障每一个社会成员要有能力和机会活下去,也就是基本的发展机会和发展能力,最后是指在有剩余财富的情况下保障人们拥有追求高尚生活的权利。另一方面是通过介绍民生思想在中外的发展情况,发现人们在发展的不同阶段对物质权利的需求的急迫性不同。为了将有限的资源进行合理使用,争取最大限度的满足人们的幸福感,减少社会矛盾,建设和谐社会,,应当寻找适合解决中国民生法治中的问题的一些方法。本文第二部分就是介绍权利位阶原则。按照权利位阶原则,对民生权利进行划分,保障人的基本生存权,在有条件情况下保障非基本权利,克制非紧要权利从而保障人们追求高尚生活的权利。借此达到减少资源浪费,提高资源利用效率,正确引导合理生活方式的目的。第三部分主要介绍的平等原则。第四部分,在这部分中,笔者结合住房问题、就业问题、教育问题、社会保障问题、和中国当前存在的贫富分化问题等提出相应的解决措施。通过对这些问题的分析总结出对弱势群体的具体的保护措施。例如(1)制定《最低生活保障法》,完善生存权保障的法律体系。(2)赋予生存权现实的司法救济,统一城乡贫困者生存权的救济途径。(3)加强财政平衡措施,缩小地区之间最低生活标准的差距。(4)确立贫困标准并加强对贫困资金使用的监督。
[Abstract]:People's livelihood has always been the fundamental problem of national and social development, whether in ancient or modern times, whether in the East or the West, people have invested a great deal of energy in its research and practice. It is also very meaningful for our country to deal with people's livelihood problems well, because it can not only improve the living standard of the people, but also help to build a harmonious socialist society and show the superiority of our socialist system. But the solution of the livelihood problem in our country can not only be limited to the political angle, should combine the people's livelihood with the law, solve the problems of our country's current housing price rising, employment difficulty, social security imperfect and so on. The first part of this paper is from two aspects. On the one hand, by introducing the definitions of people's livelihood by domestic and foreign scholars, the author synthesizes the definitions of the livelihood of the people mentioned above, and thinks that the definition of people's livelihood can be expressed as the right to life, the right to development, and the right to pursue a noble life. Specifically, it can also be defined from the following three aspects: under the conditions of relatively poor social living conditions, the first requirement of the people's livelihood is to ensure that every member of the society can survive with the dignity that human beings deserve. The second is to ensure that every member of society should have the ability and opportunity to live, that is, the basic development opportunity and ability, when material conditions permit. Last but not least, the right to pursue a noble life is guaranteed when there is surplus wealth. On the other hand, by introducing the development of people's livelihood in China and abroad, it is found that people's demands for material rights are different in different stages of development. In order to make rational use of limited resources, to satisfy people's happiness to the maximum extent, to reduce social contradictions, and to build a harmonious society, we should find some suitable ways to solve the problems in the rule of law of people's livelihood in China. The second part of this paper is to introduce the principle of right rank. According to the principle of right rank, the rights of people's livelihood are divided to ensure the basic existence of human beings, to protect non-basic rights under conditions, to restrain non-essential rights and to ensure people's right to pursue noble life. In order to reduce the waste of resources, improve the efficiency of the use of resources, guide the right way of life. The third part introduces the principle of equality. The fourth part, in this part, the author combines housing problem, employment problem, education problem, social security problem, and the existing problem of the gap between the rich and the poor in China to put forward the corresponding solution. Through the analysis of these problems summed up the vulnerable groups specific protection measures. For example, (1) to formulate the Law on minimum living Security, to perfect the legal system for the protection of the right to subsistence; (2) to grant realistic judicial relief to the right of existence, and to unify the relief channels for the right of subsistence of the urban and rural poor; (3) to strengthen the measures of fiscal balance. (4) establishing poverty standards and strengthening the supervision of the use of poverty funds.
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