发布时间:2018-06-24 10:41
本文选题:实体正义 + 实体正义的司法价值 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文主要讨论司法中实体正义的价值及其实现途径的问题。正义是司法的本质要求,也是其基本价值目标。进入上世纪九十年代以来,伴随着我国法治进程的发展,我国法学界和司法工作者对纠正“重实体、轻程序”的固有传统给予了极大地关注取得了实效但同时也产生了过分强调程序正义的倾向,导致司法裁判不公现象的增多。从辩证的角度看,程序正义是实体正义的基础和前提,实体正义是程序正义的归依和检验标准,二者相互依存、相互促进。程序正义与实体正义在本质上是一致的,虽有时也会产生冲突,但可以由法官根据价值衡量来决定取舍,不能简单地一概认为程序正义优先,也不能把实体正义作为惟一的价值追求。 司法中实体正义具有重要的价值:意味着法律的价值目的得以实现;意味着法律规范的实现;意味着实体正义和程序正义的辩证统一。实体正义的最低限度要求可以概括为:作为法律适用基础的案件事实准确,依据确实充分;选择使用的规范与认定的案件事实合理对应;依据合理的规则选择适用的规范。应当从我国的实际情况出发,不断完善能动司法机制,重视通过个案衡平实现实体正义,并着重判决的落实,以期实现司法中的实体正义。 本文对司法中实体正义的价值及其实现途径的问题进行了探讨,吸收借鉴了国内外相关研究的最新成果,正视现阶段司法中实体正义的实现中的相关问题,力求较为科学系统的揭示司法中实体正义的价值及其实现途径,以期为我国现阶段法制建设及理论提供有益的理论参考。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly discusses the value of substantive justice and the way to realize it. Justice is not only the essential requirement of justice, but also its basic value goal. Since the 1990s, with the development of the process of rule of law in our country, the legal circles and judicial workers in our country have paid more attention to the rectification of the law. The inherent tradition of "light procedure" pays great attention to the actual effect but also produces the tendency to emphasize the justice of procedure too much, which leads to the increase of the unfair phenomenon of the administration of justice. From the dialectical point of view, procedural justice is the foundation and premise of substantive justice, and substantive justice is the criterion of procedural justice. They depend on each other and promote each other. Procedural justice and substantive justice are consistent in nature and conflict may occur sometimes, but they can be decided by the judge according to the value measure. Nor can substantive justice be regarded as the sole pursuit of value. Substantive justice in justice has important value: it means the realization of the value purpose of law, the realization of legal norms, and the dialectical unity of substantive justice and procedural justice. The minimum requirements of substantive justice can be summarized as: as the basis of legal application of the case facts are accurate, the basis is indeed adequate; the choice of the use of norms and the facts of the case are reasonable correspondence; according to reasonable rules to choose the applicable norms. We should proceed from the actual situation of our country, constantly improve the active judicial mechanism, attach importance to the realization of substantive justice through case balance, and focus on the implementation of judgment, with a view to realizing substantive justice in the administration of justice. This paper probes into the value of substantive justice in justice and the ways to realize it, absorbs the latest research results at home and abroad, and looks squarely at the relevant problems in the realization of substantive justice in justice at present. In order to provide a useful theoretical reference for the legal construction and theory of our country at present, the author tries to reveal the value and the way to realize the substantial justice in the judicature systematically and scientifically.
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