本文选题:法律意识 + 患者 ; 参考:《北京中医药大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:现有研究法律意识的相关文献中,理论研究成果比较丰富;存在部分对相关特定人群法律意识的调查分析,并简单归纳总结了法律意识的影响因素。但尚未出现针对患者这一群体进行的法律意识研究,.缺少对患者法律意识现状的全面把握。基于法律意识在价值判断和行为规范等方面的重要性,本研究将客观分析患者的法律意识现状,确定患者法律意识的相关影响因素,以期为有效提高患者法律意识水平提供参考。方法:使用自制的问卷,通过方便抽样的方式,在桂林市A医院和北京市B医院分别调查150位患者。对调查数据进行描述性统计,客观反映患者的法律意识现状。并对相关数据做正态性检验,然后根据正态性检验的结果做以下统计分析:(1)采用两组独立样本t检验(参数检验)分析两地患者法律意识自评总分是否存在差异;(2)采用两个独立样本的非参数检验(Wilcoxon秩和检验)对两地法律意识各维度自评得分情况进行比较;(3)采用多元线性回归分析方法,以法律意识自评总分为因变量(Y),以性别、年龄、受教育程度、月均收入、职业类别、学习习惯、收到普法宣传材料的频率等因素为自变量(X),建立回归模型,筛选患者法律意识的相关影响因素。结果:(1)两地调查问卷回收率均为100%,桂林市A医院有效问卷为132份,有效率为88.00%,北京市B医院有效问卷为140份,有效率为93.33%。两地抽样患者各个年龄段人数相对均衡,收入水平、城乡人数比、受教育水平、职业分布等情况对两地样本总体有较好的代表性。(2)桂林市患者法律意识自评总分为92.71±7.65,法律知识水平、法律权利义务意识、法律服从和运用、法律评价、法律心理等5个维度自评得分分别为16.88±2.90、19.89±2.23、18.71±2.35、18.53±2.08、18.70±2.29。一直主动学习和了解法律法规知识的患者极少(2.27%),经常收到普法宣传材料的只占11.36%,多数患者认为自主学习法律法规知识的效果一般(51.52%),法制节目是患者了解法律知识最主要的途径(82.82%)和最喜爱的法制宣传途径(87.88%)。北京市患者法律意识自评总分为97.44±7.57,法律知识水平、法律权利义务意识、法律服从和运用、法律评价、法律心理等5个维度自评得分分别为17.74±3.29、20.96±2.19、19.65±2.15、19.39±2.08、19.71±2.51。较少主动学习法律知识的患者所占百分比较大(32.86%),经常收到普法宣传材料的患者仅占12.14%,认为自主学习效果一般的患者所占百分比最大(45.00%),患者了解法律法规知识的途径和最喜欢的法制宣传教育形式中,观看法制节目所占比例均为最大(78.57%、75.71%)。(3)两地患者法律意识自评总分的差异有统计学意义(双侧P值小于0.0001)。法律意识各维度自评得分也存在显著差异(双侧P值均小于0.05)。(4)多元线性回归分析结果显示,桂林市患者法律意识水平的影响因素包括年龄(Beta=-0.488, P=0.000)学习习惯(Beta=0.287, P=0.001)、收到普法宣传材料的频率(Beta=0.176, P=0.028)以及月均收入(Beta=0.147, P=0.052)。北京市患者法律意识水平的影响因素包括学习习惯(Beta=0.366,P=0.000)、受教育程度(Beta=0.298,P=0.000)以及职业类别(Beta=0.237, P=0.002)。结论:桂林市患者总体法律意识水平偏低,两地患者法律意识水平差异显著;患者对医患相关法律法规知识了解甚少,权利义务意识很高;患者法律服从和运用、法律评价以及法律心理维度表现较好。患者学习法律法规知识的主动性差,自主学习效果不理想,对法制宣传教育形式有一定的偏好。年龄与患者法律意识水平呈负相关;学习习惯、收到普法宣传材料的频率、月均收入、受教育程度与患者法律意识水平呈正相关,对患者法律意识水平有积极正面的影响;不同职业类别的患者法律意识水平存在差异。因此,需要提高患者学习法律法规知识的主动性;在经济发展落后的地区,可以探索性开展全民卫生法制宣传教育;并重视法制教育有效性和可及性,全面提高患者的法律意识水平。
[Abstract]:Objective: in the relevant literature on legal consciousness, the theoretical research results are abundant, and the legal consciousness of the related specific people is investigated and analyzed, and the factors affecting the legal consciousness are summarized and summarized. However, there has not been a study of legal consciousness for the group of patients. The lack of the status of the legal consciousness of the patients is lacking. Based on the importance of legal consciousness in value judgment and behavior standard, this study will objectively analyze the status of the patient's legal consciousness and determine the related factors of the patient's legal consciousness, in order to provide a reference for the effective improvement of the level of the patient's legal consciousness. 150 patients were investigated at the A hospital in Guilin and B hospital in Beijing. The descriptive statistics of the survey data were used to objectively reflect the status of the legal consciousness of the patients. The normal test of the related data was done and the following statistical analysis was made according to the results of the normality test: (1) the analysis of two groups of independent sample t tests (parameter tests) two Whether there was a difference in the total score of the self-assessment of the legal consciousness of the patients; (2) the non parametric test of two independent samples (Wilcoxon rank sum test) was used to compare the self-assessment scores of the various dimensions of the legal consciousness of the two places; (3) the multiple linear regression analysis was adopted, and the total score of the legal consciousness was divided into the dependent variable (Y), and the gender, age, and education level were taken. The monthly average income, the occupation category, the learning habit, the frequency of the publicity materials received by the pra (X), established the regression model and screened the related factors of the legal consciousness of the patients. Results: (1) the recovery rate of the two places was 100%, the effective questionnaire of the Guilin city A hospital was 132, the effective rate was 88%, the effective questionnaire of the B hospital in Beijing City In 140 cases, the number of people in each age section of the 93.33%. is relatively balanced, the income level, the ratio of urban and rural, the education level, the occupation distribution and so on. (2) the total score of the legal consciousness of the patients in Guilin is 92.71 + 7.65, the legal knowledge level, the legal rights and obligations consciousness, the law There are few patients (2.27%) who have scored 16.88 + 2.90,19.89 + 2.23,18.71 + 2.35,18.53 + 2.08,18.70 + 2.29. to learn and understand the laws and regulations, respectively, with the score of 16.88 + 2.90,19.89 + + 2.35,18.53 + 2.08,18.70 +. The effect is generally (51.52%). The legal program is the most important way for the patient to understand the legal knowledge (82.82%) and the most favorite way of legal publicity (87.88%). The total score of the self evaluation of the legal consciousness of the patients in Beijing is 97.44 + 7.57, the legal knowledge level, the legal right and duty consciousness, the legal obedience and application, the legal evaluation, the legal psychology and so on 5 dimensions. The percentage of the patients who were divided into 17.74 + 3.29,20.96 + 2.19,19.65 + 2.15,19.39 + 2.08,19.71 + 2.51. less active learning legal knowledge accounted for a larger percentage (32.86%), and only 12.14% of the patients received universal publicity materials. The percentage of patients with the general effect of autonomous learning was the largest (45%), and the patient's knowledge of laws and regulations was in the way. In the form of path and favorite legal publicity and education, the proportion of watching legal programs was the largest (78.57%, 75.71%). (3) the differences in the total score of the self-assessment of legal consciousness of the two patients were statistically significant (bilateral P value was less than 0.0001). There were significant differences in the self-assessment scores of the legal consciousness (both the bilateral P values were less than 0.05). (4) multiple linear regression points. The results showed that the factors affecting the level of legal awareness of the patients in Guilin were Beta=-0.488 (P=0.000) learning habits (Beta=0.287, P=0.001), the frequency of Beta=0.176, P=0.028, and monthly average income (Beta=0.147, P=0.052). The factors affecting the level of legal consciousness of the patients in Beijing include the learning habits (Beta=0). .366, P=0.000), the degree of Education (Beta=0.298, P=0.000) and occupational category (Beta=0.237, P=0.002). Conclusion: the overall legal consciousness level of the patients in Guilin is low, the difference of the legal consciousness of the patients in the two places is significant; the patient's knowledge of the related laws and regulations is very little, the consciousness of the rights and duties is very high; the law of the patient is obedient and applied, law The law evaluation and the legal psychological dimension showed good performance. The initiative of the patient's knowledge of laws and regulations was poor, the effect of self-study was not ideal, and the form of legal publicity and education had a certain preference. The age was negatively related to the level of the legal consciousness of the patients; the learning habits, the frequency of receiving the publicity material of the law, the average monthly income, the education and the patients The level of legal consciousness is positively related and has positive positive influence on the level of legal consciousness of the patients; there are differences in the level of legal consciousness of the patients in different occupational categories. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the initiative of the patients to learn the knowledge of laws and regulations; in the areas behind the backward economic development, the public health legal publicity and education can be carried out; Depending on the effectiveness and accessibility of legal education, we should comprehensively improve the level of legal consciousness of patients.
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