本文选题:立法 + 立法规划 ; 参考:《山东大学》2011年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Legislative planning is the arrangement and arrangement of legislative objectives, measures and steps drawn up by the main body of legislation in a certain period of time according to the principles, policies and national economic and social development plans of the Party and the country, and on the basis of scientific legislative prediction. Since the eighth National people's Congress standing Committee began to formulate legislative plans, China has formulated five legislative plans. The implementation of legislative planning system plays a very important and obvious role in strengthening the planning of legislative planning and improving the quality of legislation. The content of the legislative planning system includes many aspects, such as the principle of legislative planning, the classification, the compilation authority, the procedure and the implementation guarantee of the legislative planning. The legislative planning system of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress has undergone some changes in the past twenty years since the implementation of the legislative planning system in China. At present, the legislative planning of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress (NPC), which has undergone many changes, has some characteristics: the legislative planning revolves around the legislative objectives, the formulation of the law and the revision of the law are equally emphasized, the process of making the legislation follows a certain procedure; Legislative planning and legislative plans are closely integrated; the number of legislation is on the decline; the main department for drafting and review is the State Council. The legislative planning is mainly carried out according to the procedure of starting the legislative project, putting forward the aggregate legislative project, examining and screening the legislative project, drafting the draft legislative plan, reviewing, approving, promulgating the legislative plan, and implementing the legislative plan. To study a system and how it is implemented is a very important evaluation standard. However, from the point of view of the characteristics of the legislative planning of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress and the relevant statistical data, and in view of the implementation procedures of the legislative planning, the implementation effect of the legislative planning in our country is not very satisfactory. There are some problems in the realization of the legislative planning system: first, the contradiction between strong command and weak procedure and the contradiction between procedural convention and legal system lead to the endogenous value choice of legislative planning; Second, the feasibility of legislative planning is not strong, and the degree of realization is low. The fourth problem is the failure to give full play to the leading role of the National people's Congress legal work Committee in the implementation of the legislative planning system, and the fifth is that there are some unreasonable and imperfect aspects in the compilation procedure of the legislative planning. For example, the starting time of the legislative plan is not reasonable, the audit of the project is not standardized, the procedure of the legislative plan and the examination and approval announcement of the plan is not perfect enough, and the procedure of public soliciting the opinions of the draft legislative plan is lacking, and so on. In order to solve some problems existing in the implementation of the legislative planning system, this paper finally puts forward some suggestions for perfection. First of all, it is necessary to perfect the compilation procedure of the legislative planning: to establish the demonstration system and the media of the legislative planning project, to make the network open system, to enhance the democracy of the legislative planning, to make the legislative planning to ensure the continuity and rolling of the legislative planning; Strictly control legislative planning and annual legislative plan approval procedures. The second is to improve the implementation of legislative planning, seriously implement legislative planning tasks, seriously check the implementation of legislative planning, and timely take necessary measures to ensure the completion of legislative planning. Third, attention should be paid to the adjustment of legislative planning. Fourth, strengthen the system construction of the people's Congress itself. Fifth fully volatilize the function of formal legislative procedure.
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