[Abstract]:Folk law is a concept corresponding to national law. In the process of building the rule of law in our country, people tend to attach importance to the role of national legislature, but ignore the role of folk law. The folk law can act as a lubricant between the national law and the local society. Its existence has its rationality and can play an important role in the socialist construction of the rule of law. Of course, the folk law also has its shortcomings and does not match the spirit of modern rule of law. Therefore, we should make full use of its advantages. In order to maximize its function, we should divide it into four parts:
The first part introduces the case of "married woman" and the case of village rules and regulations, through the focus of controversy leads to the basis of the existence of folk law and play a role in the mechanism, arouse people's thinking about what is the folk law, and then guide people in the process of building the rule of law, we should pay attention to the role of folk law.
The second part starts with the meaning of folk law, analyzes the characteristics of folk law according to its meaning, and compares folk law with state law, expounds the rationality and legitimacy of folk law in modern legal construction, and forms a preliminary understanding of folk law.
The third part analyzes the basis of the application of folk law in the process of law, including legal basis, theoretical basis and practical basis. Through the detailed analysis of these three aspects, it is clear why folk law can play a role in the construction of the rule of law. This part is the focus of this article.
The fourth part mainly introduces the limitations of folk law. Although folk law has many advantages, it also has some limitations. This is also derived from the definition of folk law. The function of this part is to help us look at folk law rationally and look at the value of folk law rationally.
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