发布时间:2018-08-18 16:36
【摘要】:德国潘德克顿法学的代表人物萨维尼认为,作为私法上法律效果最主要内容的法律关系的动态运行必须具备两个前提要素:首先是特殊的法律规则,其次是符合法律规则假设的具体生活事实。作为抽象法律规则和具体法律关系的中间桥梁,法律事实被作为一个独立的私法概念而提出。萨维尼第一次将法律事实作为一个成熟的理论而论述道:“我将引起法律关系开始和结束的事件称为法律事实。所有法律事实的共同点在于,通过它们,特定人的法律关系会在时间中产生某些变化。”继承了德国潘德克顿法学的主要精神,我国传统的法学理论将法律事实的概念几乎如出一辙地界定为“法律规定的,能够引起法律关系产生、变更和消灭的现象”。 而站在法学方法指导疑难案件裁判,以及应然权利保护的角度,传统理论在界定法律事实概念时所采用的三方面标准均存在缺陷,即形式、表现与题材。形式标准使用法律规则作为前置条件,人为限缩了法律事实可以采撷的题材范围,潜藏着权利保护被拒绝的风险;外在的表现标准无视法律事实并非“引起法律关系产生、变更和消灭”的必要条件,而把后者误读为法律事实的本质属性;而题材标准则冗杂了与人类社会生活无关的自然现象,人为扩大了法律事实的题材空间。 基于生活事实与法律事实实际上存在着的派生与被派生的关系。我们将生活事实作为法律事实的题材来源和采撷空间,选择从生活事实的自身定义及其与法律事实之间的逻辑关系出发,找寻界定法律事实概念的应然标准。在形式方面,为妥善划分法内、法外空间,兼顾司法实践中的形式正义与实质正义、普遍正义与个案正义,选取包含法律规则、原则及习惯的法律规范作为界定法律事实概念的形式性标准。在实质方面,基于法产生的原初目的在于划定自由边界、维护正当权利,选取权利保护的诉求作为界定法律事实概念的实质性标准。在程序方面,基于法律事实的真实面相应当得到最大限度的还原,以及系争生活事实应当经历“最高认识水平”检验的目的,选取诉讼程序作为界定法律事实概念的程序性标准。在主体方面,为了使发生在过去时间和法庭之外的事实在法庭之中得以合乎情理的重构,选取多方诉讼主体的共同参与和法官的最终认定作为界定法律事实概念的主体性标准。 在新的应然标准下,重新界定后的法律事实同样具有全新的构成要件、内在特征和分类方式。它由时间与空间、主体与客体、权利、证据及法律关系五个要件构成。具有权利主张性、合规范性与具体性、联系性与完整性、权威性与终局性的内在特征。依据所主张权利性质的不同、权利效力来源的不同、对立方主体的存在与否,法律事实可以不同方式加以分类。法官认定事实的过程是在诉讼法规范及证据规则规制下的法定程序空间内,多方主体参与下完成的一个从具体到抽象交替推进,最后归之于具体的过程。该过程可概略描述为:具体(生活事实)——抽象(事实构成)——具体(法律事实)——抽象(规范意义的法律关系)——具体(事实意义的法律关系)。总体观之,该过程亦即人们所常说的“认定事实”和“适用法律”的统合。 用发展的眼光、秉持扬弃的精神,对法律事实概念进行再认识,无论于理论抑或实践,其意义有三:首先,有助于深化对法律本质属性的认知;其次,有助于重述法律确定性的应有之义;第三,有助于促进制定法的完善。
[Abstract]:Savigny, a representative of Pandekton Law in Germany, holds that the dynamic operation of legal relations, as the main content of legal effects in private law, must have two prerequisites: first, special legal rules, and secondly, concrete facts of life which conform to the hypothesis of legal rules. Savigny first described legal facts as a mature theory: "I call the events that cause the beginning and the end of legal relations legal facts legal facts. The common point of all legal facts is that, through them, the legal relationship of a particular person will be in time." It has inherited the main spirit of German Pandekton's jurisprudence, and the concept of legal fact is almost identically defined in Chinese traditional jurisprudence as "the phenomenon of legal relationship arising, changing and extinguishing as provided by law".
From the point of view of jurisprudence to guide the adjudication of difficult cases and the protection of due rights, the three standards adopted by traditional theories in defining the concept of legal facts have defects, namely, form, expression and subject matter. There is a risk that the protection of rights will be refused; the external standard of performance ignores the fact that the legal fact is not a necessary condition for "causing the legal relationship to arise, change and disappear", but misinterprets the latter as the essential attribute of the legal fact; while the subject standard misinterprets the natural phenomenon unrelated to human social life and artificially enlarges the legal fact. Theme space.
Based on the relationship between the derivation and the derivation of the fact of life and the fact of law, we regard the fact of life as the source of the subject matter of the fact of law and the space to collect it. We choose to find the standard to define the concept of the fact of law from the definition of the fact of life and its logical relationship with the fact of law. In order to properly divide the inner and outer space of the law, give consideration to both formal justice and substantive justice in judicial practice, universal justice and case justice, legal norms including legal rules, principles and customary legal norms are selected as the formal criteria for defining the concept of legal facts. As for procedure, the truth based on legal facts should be restored to the maximum extent, and the contention for life facts should go through the purpose of "the highest level of understanding" test. Procedure is chosen as the process of defining the concept of legal facts. On the subject, in order to reconstruct the facts which happened in the past time and outside the court reasonably in the court, we choose the joint participation of multi-party litigant subjects and the final determination of judges as the subjective criteria to define the concept of legal facts.
Under the new standard of due course, the redefined legal facts also have new elements, intrinsic characteristics and classification. They are composed of five elements: time and space, subject and object, right, evidence and legal relationship. According to the nature of the claim, the source of the validity of the right, the existence of the main body of the opposite party or not, the legal facts can be classified in different ways. The process can be briefly described as: concrete (facts of life) - Abstract (facts of fact) - concrete (facts of law) - Abstract (legal relations of normative meaning) - concrete (legal relations of factual meaning). In general, the process is also known as "factual affirmation" and "factual affirmation". The integration of "applicable law".
From the perspective of development and adhering to the spirit of sublation, there are three meanings of re-understanding the concept of legal facts, whether in theory or in practice. First, it is helpful to deepen the understanding of the nature of law; second, it is helpful to restate the due meaning of legal certainty; third, it is helpful to promote the perfection of statutory law.
[Abstract]:Savigny, a representative of Pandekton Law in Germany, holds that the dynamic operation of legal relations, as the main content of legal effects in private law, must have two prerequisites: first, special legal rules, and secondly, concrete facts of life which conform to the hypothesis of legal rules. Savigny first described legal facts as a mature theory: "I call the events that cause the beginning and the end of legal relations legal facts legal facts. The common point of all legal facts is that, through them, the legal relationship of a particular person will be in time." It has inherited the main spirit of German Pandekton's jurisprudence, and the concept of legal fact is almost identically defined in Chinese traditional jurisprudence as "the phenomenon of legal relationship arising, changing and extinguishing as provided by law".
From the point of view of jurisprudence to guide the adjudication of difficult cases and the protection of due rights, the three standards adopted by traditional theories in defining the concept of legal facts have defects, namely, form, expression and subject matter. There is a risk that the protection of rights will be refused; the external standard of performance ignores the fact that the legal fact is not a necessary condition for "causing the legal relationship to arise, change and disappear", but misinterprets the latter as the essential attribute of the legal fact; while the subject standard misinterprets the natural phenomenon unrelated to human social life and artificially enlarges the legal fact. Theme space.
Based on the relationship between the derivation and the derivation of the fact of life and the fact of law, we regard the fact of life as the source of the subject matter of the fact of law and the space to collect it. We choose to find the standard to define the concept of the fact of law from the definition of the fact of life and its logical relationship with the fact of law. In order to properly divide the inner and outer space of the law, give consideration to both formal justice and substantive justice in judicial practice, universal justice and case justice, legal norms including legal rules, principles and customary legal norms are selected as the formal criteria for defining the concept of legal facts. As for procedure, the truth based on legal facts should be restored to the maximum extent, and the contention for life facts should go through the purpose of "the highest level of understanding" test. Procedure is chosen as the process of defining the concept of legal facts. On the subject, in order to reconstruct the facts which happened in the past time and outside the court reasonably in the court, we choose the joint participation of multi-party litigant subjects and the final determination of judges as the subjective criteria to define the concept of legal facts.
Under the new standard of due course, the redefined legal facts also have new elements, intrinsic characteristics and classification. They are composed of five elements: time and space, subject and object, right, evidence and legal relationship. According to the nature of the claim, the source of the validity of the right, the existence of the main body of the opposite party or not, the legal facts can be classified in different ways. The process can be briefly described as: concrete (facts of life) - Abstract (facts of fact) - concrete (facts of law) - Abstract (legal relations of normative meaning) - concrete (legal relations of factual meaning). In general, the process is also known as "factual affirmation" and "factual affirmation". The integration of "applicable law".
From the perspective of development and adhering to the spirit of sublation, there are three meanings of re-understanding the concept of legal facts, whether in theory or in practice. First, it is helpful to deepen the understanding of the nature of law; second, it is helpful to restate the due meaning of legal certainty; third, it is helpful to promote the perfection of statutory law.
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