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发布时间:2018-08-20 18:07
【摘要】:区域协调发展是世界各国发展过程中普遍面临的课题,我国也逐渐高度重视起区域协调发展问题。近十年来,我国为了改善区域发展不均衡的现状,相继实施了一系列较系统的区域规划和较完善的政策,全面推进区域协调发展的事业,但是很少从法律的角度改变现状。毕竟成熟的区域协调发展机制仅仅依靠系统的规划和完善的政策是远远不够的,只有在立法上加以保护才能取得长足的进步。目前,我国与区域协调相关的立法比较分散,专门立法也不多。基于此,本文主要通过范畴分析、历史分析和实证分析等研究方法,就中国有关区域协调立法现状进行分析,了解立法不足的原因,探讨加强立法的理论依据及实践对策。以期加快区域立法工作,尽快引导并保障区域协调发展,构建具有中国特色的法律体系。 全文从以下三大部分就我国区域协调立法进行实证分析: 第一部分是本文展开论述的基础部分。在这一部分,本文运用范畴分析的方法,分析了区域、区域协调立法的概念及其基本理论,为研究奠定理论基础。该部分首先分析了区域协调立法的范畴,只有明确了区域经济立法范畴是什么,才能更准确地把握研究的内容;其次,本文阐述了我国区域协调立法的法学理论依据。了解了这些法学理论基础才能更科学地指导我国区域协调立法;第三,对我国区域协调立法的类别进行了分析,这样有助于更清晰地了解本文的研究内容。 第二部分正式切入本文的主旨。在这一部分,本文运用历史分析的方法,主要通过网络检索的方法,对我国自改革开放以来所有有关区域协调发展的立法文件通过表格的形式系统地展现出来,具体从中史立法和地方立法两个角度对我国区域协调立法进行分析。 第三部分是全文的重点,也是笔者的创新所在。在这一部分,本文运用实证分析方法,通过对现实立法情况的实证分析,寻找出存在的问题,为提出对策提供科学合理的依据。具体内容表现为通过对上一部分表格的对比分析,分析了中史立法和地方立法的不足之处,同时提出了本文的完善之策。
[Abstract]:Regional coordinated development is a common problem in the development of countries all over the world, and China has gradually attached great importance to the issue of regional coordinated development. In recent ten years, in order to improve the unbalanced situation of regional development, China has implemented a series of systematic regional planning and more perfect policies one after another to promote the cause of regional coordinated development in an all-round way, but rarely change the present situation from the angle of law. After all, it is not enough for the mature regional coordinated development mechanism to rely on systematic planning and perfect policies. Only through the protection of legislation can great progress be made. At present, our country and regional coordination related legislation is scattered, the specialized legislation is also not many. Based on this, this paper mainly through category analysis, historical analysis and empirical analysis to analyze the current situation of China's relevant regional coordination legislation, understand the reasons for the lack of legislation, and explore the theoretical basis and practical countermeasures to strengthen the legislation. In order to speed up the work of regional legislation, as soon as possible to guide and ensure the coordinated development of the region, to build a legal system with Chinese characteristics. The first part is the basic part of this paper. In this part, the concept and basic theory of regional and regional coordinated legislation are analyzed by category analysis, which lays a theoretical foundation for the study. This part first analyzes the category of regional coordination legislation, only by defining what the regional economic legislation category is, can we grasp the content of the research more accurately; secondly, this paper expounds the legal theory basis of regional coordination legislation in our country. Only by understanding the theoretical basis of these laws can we guide our country's regional coordination legislation more scientifically. Thirdly, we analyze the categories of our country's regional coordination legislation, which is helpful to understand the research content of this paper more clearly. The second part formally cuts into the main thrust of this paper. In this part, using the method of historical analysis, mainly through the method of network search, the paper systematically shows all the legislative documents concerning the coordinated development of regions since the reform and opening up in China through the form of tables. This paper analyzes the regional coordinated legislation in China from two angles: middle history legislation and local legislation. The third part is the focus of the full text, but also the innovation of the author. In this part, we use the method of empirical analysis, through the empirical analysis of the actual legislative situation, find out the existing problems, and provide a scientific and reasonable basis for putting forward the countermeasures. Through the comparative analysis of the previous part of the table, the author analyzes the shortcomings of the Chinese history legislation and the local legislation, and puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of this paper.


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