[Abstract]:This paper includes three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction mainly attempts to clarify whether and in what sense the legal fact is a legal "problem", why to study the legal facts, to analyze the perspective of the legal facts, and to arrange the style of this article. The text consists of three parts: the summary of legal facts, the determination of legal facts, the legal facts and legal norms. The text mainly attempts to explore and explain the following issues: first, the summary of legal facts. How to understand and grasp the legal facts in judicial theory and practice? The first problem that must be clarified is the fact and existence, the fact and object, the fact and truth, the relationship between fact and value, the subjective and objective attributes of legal facts and the characteristics of legal facts. On this basis, the author tries to define the concept of legal facts. There is a relative distinction between law and fact. Legal facts are different from philosophical facts, life facts, institutional facts, legal facts have the dual attributes of objectivity and subjectivity, normative, concrete and so on. It is a fact that can cause the evolution of the legal relationship. From the standpoint of judicial judgment, the legal fact is stipulated by the law, proved by the legal professional group and recognized by the judge according to the legal procedure. Legal facts are generally expressed as "objective truth" or "legal truth" in jurisprudence. Objective reality is a kind of political expression for the public, while legal truth is a professional expression for the judicial operation standard of the legal profession. The commonality of the two expressions lies in the pursuit of the "truth" of the facts and the avoidance of the possible falsehood of the facts and the non-truthfulness of the facts. The theory of truth of fact has great value. The main reason why the theory of law expresses the fact of law as "truth" is that this kind of expression has the function of declaring judicial legalization and carries the ideal and pursuit of social value. However, the facts recognized in judicial practice may not be completely true, so the expression of jurisprudence deviates from judicial practice. In the case that the fact determination may not be true, it is the key to guarantee the legality of the judgment to achieve the acceptability of the fact determination and judgment through due process of law, negotiation and communication and legal argumentation. Second, the determination of legal facts. The fact cognizance is an important part of the judicial adjudication activity, the human's cognizance of the fact is, on the whole, moving towards the rationalization, mainly in the following four aspects: firstly, from the form of irrationality to the rationality of the form. Secondly, the position of natural science knowledge in fact recognition has been improved constantly, from simple attention to fact entity to procedure restriction, from religious theology method to scientific method. Thirdly, from intuitive thinking to logical thinking, the application of logical reasoning increases, the position of intuitive thinking decreases, and logical thinking occupies a dominant position. Fourth, the normative degree of legal fact recognition is increasing. Of course, the "disenchantment" and "mystery" of the original thinking, the restriction of the legal procedure of the fact determination, and the replacement of the absolute certainty by the inevitability are all the important manifestations of the rationality of the fact determination. In fact of law
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