[Abstract]:The rule of law is the rule of law and one of the methods of state governance chosen by the rule of government. The characteristic of the state of national governance is "the rule of the people follows the law". The nature of the rule of law is different from that of the country governed by law. The essential difference between socialist rule of law and capitalist rule of law is the difference of nature of law. Socialism does not come into being spontaneously, socialist rule of law is the rule of law that presupposes premise. In order to guarantee the rule of law to advance along the socialist direction, we must keep the socialist essence of the law and constantly input the socialist spirit into the law. The modern rule of law is the rule of the constitution, and the basic requirement of the governance of the constitution is to enquire about the constitution according to the constitutional law. Legislation is the most important national governance activity, and the most basic characteristic of a country ruled by law is to legislate according to the Constitution. In order to ensure that the law is born according to the Constitution, the state should establish the system of interpretation of constitutional basis and review of constitutionality.
【作者单位】: 中国海洋大学法政学院;教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地;"985"哲学社会科学创新基地中国海洋大学海洋发展研究院;"985"哲学社会科学创新基地中国海洋大学海洋发展研究院学术委员会;山东省新成环境法与可持续发展研究中心;
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