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发布时间:2018-10-20 09:48
【摘要】:最近二十年来,随着我国改革开放的深入、社会主义市场经济飞速发展和房地产制度改革的不断深入,房地产业蓬勃发展,并逐渐成为我国社会主义经济发展的支柱产业之一。与此同时,我国一方面制定了一系列保护商品房消费者权利的法律法规;另一方面,根据经济发展和司法实践的需要,出台了众多司法解释用来解决商品房买卖纠纷。然而,近年来,社会上侵犯商品房消费者权利的现象比比皆是,商品房消费者投诉量与日俱增,导致这种情况发生的根本原因是我国有关商品房消费者权利保护的法律制度仍不完善,远远滞后于房地产经济的飞速发展,从而导致商品房消费者在购买和使用商品房过程中,其权利屡受侵犯却难以得到救济,严重挫伤了消费者购买商品房的热情和对商品房市场的信心,进一步妨碍了房地产业健康发展。 美国是世界上对商品房消费者权利保护最全面、最完备、最科学的国家。其对商品房消费者权利保护重视程度和保护力度在全世界也是独占鳌头,当前我国商品房市场出现的侵犯商品房消费者权利的现象,发达的市场经济美国也曾经出现过,而且所遇到的一些问题,也与我们目前所面临的一些问题有着惊人的相似。美国关于商品房消费者权利保护的一些先进制度和措施就是在克服和解决这些问题的过程中,逐渐形成并完善起来的。这些制度在保障商品房消费者权利方面发挥了重要的作用,有力的促进该国房地产经济健康发展。美国的成功经验告诉我们,一个科学、有效、完善的商品房消费者权利保护法律体系,不但能够为商品房消费者维权提供有力的法律武器,还能够有效地维护房地产经济发展的正常秩序,可以促进社会和谐和稳定。因此,本文主要研究美国保护商品房消费者权利保护制度,通过介绍美国对商品房消费者权利保护的具体制度和措施,例如:强制开发商信息披露制度、严格的质量担保责任、定金第三方保管制度、惩罚性赔偿制度、集团诉讼制度等,并对这些制度进行分析和评价,希望可以挖掘美国保护商品房消费者权利制度中的“闪光点”,最后结合我国商品房消费者权利保护存在的问题,提出一些完善我国商品房消费者权利保护制度的建议,以供参考。
[Abstract]:In the last two decades, with the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the rapid development of socialist market economy and the continuous deepening of real estate system reform, the real estate industry has developed vigorously, and has gradually become one of the pillar industries in the development of our socialist economy. At the same time, on the one hand, China has formulated a series of laws and regulations to protect the rights of commercial housing consumers; on the other hand, according to the needs of economic development and judicial practice, many judicial explanations have been introduced to solve the commercial housing sales disputes. However, in recent years, the phenomenon of infringing upon the rights of commercial housing consumers has been widespread in society, and the number of complaints from commercial housing consumers is increasing day by day. The fundamental reason for this is that the legal system on the protection of the rights of the commercial housing consumers is still imperfect, which lags far behind the rapid development of the real estate economy, resulting in the commercial housing consumers in the process of purchasing and using commercial housing. Its rights are often infringed but difficult to get relief, seriously dampening the enthusiasm of consumers to buy commercial housing and confidence in the market of commercial housing, further hindering the healthy development of real estate. The United States is the most comprehensive, complete and scientific country in the world to protect the rights of commercial housing consumers. The degree of attention to the protection of the rights of commercial housing consumers and the degree of protection are among the top in the world. At present, the phenomenon of infringing upon the rights of commercial housing consumers in the commodity housing market in our country has also appeared in the developed market economy in the United States. And some of the problems we are facing are surprisingly similar. In the process of overcoming and solving these problems, some advanced systems and measures on the protection of consumer rights of commercial housing in the United States are gradually formed and perfected. These systems play an important role in protecting the rights of commercial housing consumers and promote the healthy development of the real estate economy. The successful experience of the United States tells us that a scientific, effective and perfect legal system for the protection of the rights of commercial housing consumers can not only provide a powerful legal weapon for the protection of the rights of commercial housing consumers. Can also effectively maintain the normal order of real estate economic development, can promote social harmony and stability. Therefore, this paper mainly studies the protection system of consumer rights of commercial housing in the United States. By introducing the specific system and measures of protecting the rights of consumers of commercial housing in the United States, for example: compulsory information disclosure system of developers, strict quality guarantee liability, The deposit third party custody system, punitive damages system, class action system, etc., are analyzed and evaluated in the hope of excavating the "bright spot" in the American system of protecting the consumer rights of commercial housing. Finally, combining with the problems existing in the protection of the consumer rights of commercial housing in our country, some suggestions are put forward to perfect the system of protecting the rights of the consumers of commercial housing in our country for reference.


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4 卢博林;开展项目推动消费者保护[N];深圳商报;2009年

5 本报记者 王方琪;建立金融消费者保护制度[N];中国保险报;2010年

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