[Abstract]:If the utilitarianism of the criminal law can not be accepted by the ordinary people of China, the Chinese people accept the theory of retribution of the criminal law, so the theory of retribution is neither the punishment of heaven and punishment nor the moral retribution of Kant, but not the law of Hegel. It's natural to accept a new idea of karma. This conception of the traditional Chinese legal culture has become the core of the current criminal law culture. First of all, the theory of retribution has a profound culture Tradition. <0.05> Kun Hexagram There is a word: "The house of good will have an end; a poor family will have more than one." Plague. "There's an ancestor worship in China since the Zhou Dynasty." However, the main reason for the formation of this kind of thinking in ancient Chinese thought is that China is a big agricultural country, and the agricultural production needs to be one Intuitive "seed melon, seed beans The thought of" beans" is an unalterable natural cause. The law of the fruit. As a civilization, the natural law is transplanted to the social law and the line become a "act _ The inevitable thinking of" feedback ", that is, seed due to In addition to the consanguinity of the protection of the patriarchal system, the behavior of the individual is not only affected by self, but also to future generations. It's a blessing. It's the Chinese civilization. Period does not exist" The concept of "afterlife", which is in the various works of the Pre-Qin Zhuzi Can't find "afterlife" In ancient times, a great number of funerals were not used for the dead, but underground, so this initial concept of retribution, "It was just" that the people who thought the life of the world could be a blessing to the future of their descendants. "shadow In response, all the ethics are traced back to the simple exchange principle of the farmer's neighborhood organization: I want you to be like you Stay with me That's what it's like. Interactive 'is the basis of the social ethics in the question of answering questions. The Confucianists are so, the Taoist is so,
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