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发布时间:2018-10-25 09:23
【摘要】:如果说刑法的功利主义不能为中国普通大众接受,中国人接受的是刑法的报应理念,那么这种报应论既不是天罚神判,也已经不是康德的那种道义报应,更谈不上黑格尔的法律报应,却是自然接受一种全新的因果报应思想。这种脱胎于中国传统法律文化的思想,实质上成为了当前刑法文化的核心。 首先因果报应思想有深厚的文化传统。《周易》坤卦有言:“积善之家必有余庆;积不善之家必有余殃。”殷周以来中国就存在祖先崇拜现象。但是中国古代的思想中形成这种思维主要的原因可能是中国自古就是一个农业大国,农业生产所需要的就是一种直观的“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”的思路,这是一条不可变的自然因果律。作为文明从产生开始,将自然规律移植到社会规律,行成一种“行为——反馈”的必然思路,即种因得果。再加上宗法制度保护的血缘关系,昭示人们其个人的善恶行为不仅影响自我,更左右子孙后代的福祸。这里要强调的是中国文明早期并无“来世”的观念,这在先秦诸子的各种文集中都找不到“来世观”。古代墓葬的大量陪葬品并非给死去的人来世使用,而是地下使用,所以,这种初始的报应观念,仅仅是“以为前世的人作为善恶可以对其后子孙的祸福有影响”。“一切伦理都溯源于农民邻里组织古朴的交换原则:我之待你一如你之待我。这种‘交互性’是孔夫子在答问中作为社会伦理的基础提出来的”儒家如此,道家亦是如此,《太平经》卷十八至卷三十四之《解承负诀》中有“凡人之行,或有力行善,反常得恶;或有力行恶,反得善。因自言为圣贤者非也。力行善反得恶者,是承负先人之过,流灾前后积来害此人也。其行恶及反得善者,是先人深有积蓄大功,来流及此人也。”也就是无论古代儒家和道家,都建立了一个简单的逻辑关系“行为——结果”,这种模式要么解释为“行为必然导致结果”,要么解释为“结果紧接着行为”,无论解释为哪一种,都含有同一个意思:行为和结果两个元素不可分割。 这样来理解刑事处罚,就显得直观而具象,从而不需要康德那种复杂的道德推定,也不需要黑格尔那套维护法律正义的说辞。所以古代秦朝刑事律法的复杂纷繁,给大众理解和遵守带来很大的麻烦和不便,严刑峻法也没有给秦朝社会带来长治久安。 我最为强调的是考察刑罚不是只看它处理极刑那部分,而是应该重点考察刑罚在实际运行中施行于最多的犯罪人的那部分惩罚规定。这里我们不想强调秦朝法律的功能,我们只是想强调秦朝法律把简单的“行为——结果”模式设计的太复杂,以至于普通公众完全无法掌握,从而处处违法,时时犯禁。比如根据《云梦秦简》记录秦朝“播种时,水稻种子每亩用二又三分之二斗;z@子和麦子用一斗;小豆三分之二斗;大豆半斗”。“牛大牝十,其六毋子,赀啬夫、佐各一盾。羊牝十,其四毋子,赀啬夫、佐各一盾”。也就是姮,如果一个人负责喂养十头成年母牛,其中的六头不生小牛的话,饲养牛的人就有罪。如果十头成年母羊,四头不生育,相关人员也要受到不同程度惩处。细致到这种程度法律,是让普通老百姓很痛苦的一件事情,所以秦朝的法制过于把惩罚的起因复杂化了。不利于建立简单、普适的法律文化,或者说法律条文起不到法律文化的作用。反倒是刘邦的“约法三章”得到了真正意义上的法律认同,得到了真正意义上的普法教育。司马迁《史记·高祖本纪》记载刘邦“与父老约法三章耳:杀人者死;伤人及盗抵罪。”秦朝的那么多法律都消亡了,只有刘邦的刑罚理念留存至今,这就是因为刘邦的这个模式遵从了最简单的“行为——结果”逻辑。老百姓根本不用不操心杀人和判刑的判刑结果,法律的严格推定,他们只需要记住“约法三章”就足够了,而且事实上汉朝的社会稳定性和长久性都明显优于秦朝,这就是因为简单的因果报应观念构成了简单的刑罚文化。
[Abstract]:If the utilitarianism of the criminal law can not be accepted by the ordinary people of China, the Chinese people accept the theory of retribution of the criminal law, so the theory of retribution is neither the punishment of heaven and punishment nor the moral retribution of Kant, but not the law of Hegel. It's natural to accept a new idea of karma. This conception of the traditional Chinese legal culture has become the core of the current criminal law culture. First of all, the theory of retribution has a profound culture Tradition. <0.05> Kun Hexagram There is a word: "The house of good will have an end; a poor family will have more than one." Plague. "There's an ancestor worship in China since the Zhou Dynasty." However, the main reason for the formation of this kind of thinking in ancient Chinese thought is that China is a big agricultural country, and the agricultural production needs to be one Intuitive "seed melon, seed beans The thought of" beans" is an unalterable natural cause. The law of the fruit. As a civilization, the natural law is transplanted to the social law and the line become a "act _ The inevitable thinking of" feedback ", that is, seed due to In addition to the consanguinity of the protection of the patriarchal system, the behavior of the individual is not only affected by self, but also to future generations. It's a blessing. It's the Chinese civilization. Period does not exist" The concept of "afterlife", which is in the various works of the Pre-Qin Zhuzi Can't find "afterlife" In ancient times, a great number of funerals were not used for the dead, but underground, so this initial concept of retribution, "It was just" that the people who thought the life of the world could be a blessing to the future of their descendants. "shadow In response, all the ethics are traced back to the simple exchange principle of the farmer's neighborhood organization: I want you to be like you Stay with me That's what it's like. Interactive 'is the basis of the social ethics in the question of answering questions. The Confucianists are so, the Taoist is so, Vol. 18 to Volume 34." There is" a man's line, or a good deed of doing good, an abnormal evil, or a strong line of evil, "It is good to do good. Since you speak for the sage, it is not too good to do good against the evil, it is the burden of the first one, before and after the disaster of the disaster. A man is also a good one who has a deep accumulation of work, a stream, and a man." That's the ancient Confucianism and Taoism, "he said." It's just a simple one. "Relationship" Behavior _ the result ", this mode either The explanation is that" behavior inevitably leads to "Results", either Explanation:" Results are followed. "Behavior, regardless of which one is interpreted, contains the same meaning: both the behavior and the result are not available Segmentation. This understanding of criminal punishment is intuitive and image-like, so that Kant's complicated moral presumption is not required, and Hegel's maintenance laws are not required Therefore, the complexity of the ancient Qin Dynasty in the criminal law has brought great trouble and inconvenience to the masses, and the punishment law has not brought the Qin Dynasty to the social zone. I'm most stressed that the investigation of punishment is not the only part of the punishment, but should focus on investigating the punishment in the actual operation in the most criminal That part of the punishment rules. We don't want to emphasize the function of Qin Dynasty law. We just want to be strong. Adjust the Qin Dynasty to the Law to Take Jane The single" behavior _ results" pattern is designed so complex that the general public is completely unable to master it It is illegal and is forbidden at all times. For example, according to When recording Qin Dynasty sowing, two-thirds of rice was used per mu; z @ and wheat were used as a bucket; the small bean was three points. It's a two-hopper; a soybean half-hopper. One shield of the sheep, one of the sheep, and the fourth of the sheep. herba Pileae Scriptae If a man is responsible for feeding ten adult cows, six of them do not have calves, Those who feed cattle are guilty. If ten adult ewe do not have birth, the associated personnel will also It is a matter of great pain to ordinary people, so Qin Dynasty's rule of law is too complicated. The cause of punishment is complicated. It is not conducive to the establishment of simple, practical legal culture, or the legal provisions do not exist. To the legal culture Role. Instead, it's Liu Bang's" Three Chapters" got the true legal recognition, and got real Pufa's education in the sense of significance................................................ Takzu Benji> The Record of Liu Bang and the Father's Old Testament: Murder's Death "Personal injury and crime of theft." Qin Dynasty's many laws died, only Liu Bang's punishment idea remained, this is because of Liu Bang's this The mode follows the simplest single "" Action _ Results" logic. People don't have to worry about killing and sentencing sentencing results, and the law's strict push. Ding, they just need to It is sufficient to remember the three chapters, and in fact, the social stability and long history of the Han Dynasty are obviously superior to the Qin Dynasty, which is because of the simple concept of retribution.


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