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发布时间:2018-11-05 15:55
【摘要】:发冢是有关破坏坟墓、棺椁或尸身和以发掘财物为目的盗墓、盗棺犯罪行为的总称。而通常人们所熟悉的盗墓仅是发冢这类犯罪行为中的一种,帝制中国设发冢一条专门针对此类围绕着坟冢产生的罪行,而坟冢是儒家倡导的以孝治天下理念中非常重要的一个元素,从湘西的赶尸到2005年湖南老人的千里背尸回家其所承载的不仅仅是落叶归根的民乡淳朴思想,更是与中国传统的家族体系和纲常伦理有相当大的关系。坟冢作为一个符号,其所承载的也不仅仅是逝者的安详之地,更是作为文化因子介入到传统乃至现在中国的社会生活中,所以本文从这些角度出发进行考察,力求呈现清代发冢罪与司法实践的整体面貌。 发冢罪的律文的制定及其在司法实践中的运用都蕴含了丰富的中国传统文化因素,据此,本文除引言外共分为四章,,第一章研究了发冢罪的社会文化背景,阐述了发冢罪的律文规定中所蕴含的传统儒家文化的礼法观念;第二章对清代发冢罪的律文特点及其律文本身进行了较为深入的研究;第三章通过对三个发冢罪的典型案件进行研究,梳理出清代在发冢案件处理上的特殊之处,及其案件背后所反应出的司法传统文化与司法官员的法律素养;第四章则从发冢罪对清代与当代的影响,这两方面进行评析,最后得出发冢罪所蕴含的文化意韵和历史价值。
[Abstract]:Mausoleum is a general term for destroying tombs, coffins or corpses and robbing tombs for the purpose of excavating property. However, it is usually known that tomb theft is only one of the crimes such as Fazuzuka, which is specifically targeted at this kind of crime surrounding the grave in imperial China. And grave mounds are a very important element of the Confucian concept of governing the world with filial piety. From the exorcism of Xiangxi to the return home of the old people in Hunan in 2005, what they carry is not only the simple idea of the people's villages where the fallen leaves are rooted. It is also related to the traditional Chinese family system and ethics. As a symbol, the grave is not only a peaceful place for the deceased, but also a cultural factor involved in the traditional and even the present Chinese social life. Strive to present the Qing Dynasty Fazuzuo crime and judicial practice of the overall face. The formulation of the law of Fazuzuka crime and its application in judicial practice contain rich elements of Chinese traditional culture. According to this, this article is divided into four chapters except the introduction. The first chapter studies the social and cultural background of Fazuka crime. This paper expounds the traditional Confucian culture's concept of etiquette and law contained in the regulation of the law of the crime of Fazuzuka. The second chapter has carried on the thorough research to the law article characteristic and the law article itself of the Qing Dynasty Fazuzuka crime; The third chapter through the study of three typical cases of the crime of the tomb, comb out the Qing Dynasty in the case of the special case, and the case reflected behind the traditional culture of the judiciary and judicial officials of the legal literacy; The fourth chapter analyzes the influence of the crime of Fazuzuka on the Qing Dynasty and the contemporary era, and finally obtains the cultural charm and historical value of the crime.


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