发布时间:2018-11-27 13:03
【摘要】:回溯推理理论是逻辑学中一个重要的国际性话题。作为生活实践中经常被运用的逻辑推理工具,回溯推理在国内外早就引起了人们极大的兴趣和重视,被越来越广泛地运用到侦查、医学、物理等多个领域。本文试在回溯推理理论已有研究的基础之上,引进西方逻辑学家应用回溯推理到医疗领域所延伸出的新理论,以便丰富国内对回溯推理理论的研究,并指导我国的法律实践。 文章主要分为以下几个部分: 第一部分:此部分主要阐述了回溯推理的历史脉络。首先,作者从西方回溯推理思想着手,介绍了从亚里士多德到齐姆宾斯基的回溯推理思想,对回溯推理的定义、推理模式做了简要的陈述,而后作者对回溯推理的结论和分类做了简要的分析。其次,作者介绍了我国逻辑学界对回溯推理的研究状况,主要对回溯推理的定义和推理结构进行了介绍和分析。 第二部分:该部分主要介绍了回溯推理的理论构成。其主要内容是介绍西方逻辑学界玛格纳尼的回溯理论研究内容。首先介绍的是假说的形成检验以及假说推理的认识论模型,然后谈到回溯推理的含义、特征、分类以及其与演绎、归纳的区别。其次作者谈到三种具体的回溯推理形式——视觉回溯、时态回溯、医疗推理,重点介绍医疗推理的具体内容,其主要由诊断和治疗两种推理形式组成。接下来,作者介绍了驾驭不一致性与撤销科学假说,对驾驭不一致性的具体步骤和“失败否定”理论进行了介绍。 第三部分:本部分主要谈及回溯理论在我国司法实践中的运用。首先,作者对玛格纳尼回溯推理理论进行简要评价,接着作者对其在法律实践中运用的可行性进行了分析。其次,作者借鉴医疗推理模型,试着构造出侦查回溯推理模式。最后,作者借助于具体的案例分析,具体介绍了侦查回溯推理模式的操作过程。 第四部分:结束语。医疗推理中的回溯思想利于我们跟进一步地了解回溯推理理论,其中新的术语、模型都有利于我们更加深入地理解、掌握和运用回溯理论。
[Abstract]:The theory of retrospective reasoning is an important international topic in logic. As a logical reasoning tool often used in the practice of life, retrospective reasoning has long attracted great interest and attention at home and abroad, and has been more and more widely used in many fields, such as investigation, medicine, physics and so on. On the basis of the existing research on the theory of retrospective reasoning, this paper introduces the new theory extended by western logicians into the medical field, in order to enrich the domestic research on the theory of retrospective reasoning and to guide the legal practice in our country. The article is divided into the following parts: the first part: this part mainly describes the historical context of retrospective reasoning. First of all, the author introduces the idea of retrospective reasoning from Aristotle to Zimbinsky, and gives a brief description of the definition and mode of retrospective reasoning. Then the author makes a brief analysis of the conclusion and classification of retrospective reasoning. Secondly, the author introduces the research status of backtracking reasoning in the field of logic in China, mainly introduces and analyzes the definition and structure of backtracking reasoning. The second part: this part mainly introduces the theory constitution of backtracking reasoning. Its main content is to introduce the western logic circle Magnani's backtracking theory research content. This paper first introduces the formative test of hypothesis and the epistemological model of hypothesis reasoning, and then discusses the meaning, characteristics, classification and the difference between backtracking reasoning and deduction and induction. Secondly, the author talks about three specific forms of retrospective reasoning: visual backtracking, temporal backtracking, medical reasoning, and mainly introduces the specific contents of medical reasoning, which is mainly composed of two kinds of reasoning forms: diagnosis and treatment. Then, the author introduces the scientific hypothesis of driving inconsistency and revocation, and introduces the concrete steps of driving inconsistency and the theory of "failure negation". The third part: this part mainly talks about the application of backtracking theory in our judicial practice. First, the author makes a brief evaluation of Margnani's theory of retrospective reasoning, and then analyzes the feasibility of its application in legal practice. Secondly, the author uses the medical reasoning model for reference and tries to construct the investigation retrospective reasoning model. Finally, the author introduces the operation process of the investigation backtracking reasoning model with the help of specific case analysis. Part four: conclusion. The idea of backtracking in medical reasoning is helpful for us to further understand the theory of retrospective reasoning, and the new terms and models are helpful for us to understand, master and apply the theory of backtracking more deeply.
[Abstract]:The theory of retrospective reasoning is an important international topic in logic. As a logical reasoning tool often used in the practice of life, retrospective reasoning has long attracted great interest and attention at home and abroad, and has been more and more widely used in many fields, such as investigation, medicine, physics and so on. On the basis of the existing research on the theory of retrospective reasoning, this paper introduces the new theory extended by western logicians into the medical field, in order to enrich the domestic research on the theory of retrospective reasoning and to guide the legal practice in our country. The article is divided into the following parts: the first part: this part mainly describes the historical context of retrospective reasoning. First of all, the author introduces the idea of retrospective reasoning from Aristotle to Zimbinsky, and gives a brief description of the definition and mode of retrospective reasoning. Then the author makes a brief analysis of the conclusion and classification of retrospective reasoning. Secondly, the author introduces the research status of backtracking reasoning in the field of logic in China, mainly introduces and analyzes the definition and structure of backtracking reasoning. The second part: this part mainly introduces the theory constitution of backtracking reasoning. Its main content is to introduce the western logic circle Magnani's backtracking theory research content. This paper first introduces the formative test of hypothesis and the epistemological model of hypothesis reasoning, and then discusses the meaning, characteristics, classification and the difference between backtracking reasoning and deduction and induction. Secondly, the author talks about three specific forms of retrospective reasoning: visual backtracking, temporal backtracking, medical reasoning, and mainly introduces the specific contents of medical reasoning, which is mainly composed of two kinds of reasoning forms: diagnosis and treatment. Then, the author introduces the scientific hypothesis of driving inconsistency and revocation, and introduces the concrete steps of driving inconsistency and the theory of "failure negation". The third part: this part mainly talks about the application of backtracking theory in our judicial practice. First, the author makes a brief evaluation of Margnani's theory of retrospective reasoning, and then analyzes the feasibility of its application in legal practice. Secondly, the author uses the medical reasoning model for reference and tries to construct the investigation retrospective reasoning model. Finally, the author introduces the operation process of the investigation backtracking reasoning model with the help of specific case analysis. Part four: conclusion. The idea of backtracking in medical reasoning is helpful for us to further understand the theory of retrospective reasoning, and the new terms and models are helpful for us to understand, master and apply the theory of backtracking more deeply.
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