[Abstract]:This thesis comes from the choice of my own choice. After I encountered a case during my internship at Tongcheng Law firm, under the guidance of lawyer Huang Huiming and under the careful guidance of teacher Tang Chaohua, I sorted out and analyzed the case. And dig deeply into the knowledge of the legal theory involved in it. The general contents of the case are as follows: rolling Stone International Co., Ltd. sued a music network infringement case. After the petition was submitted, the Shanghai Intermediate people's Court sent a letter saying: "this case involves many works and albums, please sue by album split." As a result, this case will be opened into more than 600 cases for prosecution, and the cost of only requiring the infringer to stop the infringement will be more than 6 million yuan. If split according to each song, the case will be broken into tens of thousands of cases, litigation costs as high as hundreds of millions of yuan. Huang Huiming, chief lawyer for Rolling Stone, was frustrated because it would be better not to sue if the court asked for a split. Across the country, not all courts require the parties to split the suit, and the court that requires the party to split the suit is not the majority, in some places, it is even a case. However, legal studies are not only concerned with general phenomena, but should also be the object of legal research. Moreover, in similar cases, as long as the law does not specify whether the court is to be divided, Then the practice of requiring parties to split and sue may be widespread, which will create a great obstacle for IPR holders to defend their rights and interests. For this type of cases, the author's view is suitable for joint prosecution, because it can achieve litigation economy, improve the efficiency of litigation, can reduce litigation costs, encourage people to take the initiative to protect their rights, which is also the requirement of the rule of law society. This is also to avoid the need for the courts to make conflicting decisions on several related cases. But to do joint prosecution, there is no clear legal provisions, this would be empty talk. Therefore, the author thinks that this kind of cases should be decided by law which circumstances should be merged and which cases should be split up.
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