发布时间:2019-01-06 07:41
【摘要】:破产管理人是指在破产程序进行的过程中依法负责破产财产的收集、保管、变价、处分、破产方案的拟定及执行的机构或个人。破产管理人制度起源于古罗马法,后被欧洲商业国家逐步发展与完善。英美法系与大陆法系对于破产管理人制度从理论到实践都有所不同,在破产管理人法律地位的问题上,英美法系以信托理论为基础,大陆法系各国则众说纷纭,莫衷一是,主要有代理说、职务说与破产财团代表说之争。 世界各国对于破产管理人的选任方式主要有三种:法院选任、债权人委员会选任及法院与债权人会议选任相结合。我国采取的是法院选任的方式,债权人会议仅有异议权;美国采取的是债权人选任的方式。中国对破产管理人的选任资格更多关注的是消极资格,而美国除了规定消极资格以外,还对破产管理人的积极资格作出了规定。 中美对破产管理人的权利、义务与责任都进行了规定,文章主要通过对两国破产制度中的调查收集权、撤销权、终止或确认待履行合同权、勤勉义务、忠实义务、民事责任、刑事及行政责任进行比较研究,分析优劣,为下文中对我国破产制度提出改进建议奠定基础。 破产管理人能否受到有效的监督,是破产程序是否能够顺利进行,破产财产权利主体的利益能否切实得到保障的关键。纵观各国破产管理人制度,监督主体主要有法院、债权人会议、债权人委员会、专设的司法行政监督机构以及行业协会。我国破产管理人监督主体目前有法院、债权人会议及债权人委员会,美国则主要通过法院与联邦破产管理人对私人的破产管理人进行监督。 通过对中美破产管理人相关制度的比较研究,对中国破产管理人制度提出如下完善建议:一是完善破产管理人的主体制度,二是完善破产管理人的权责体系,三是完善破产管理人的监督机制,形成多层次的监督体系,不断推进破产管理人的职业化进程,保障破产程序的顺利进行。
[Abstract]:The bankruptcy administrator refers to the institution or individual responsible for collection, custody, change of price, disposition, bankruptcy plan and execution of bankruptcy property according to law in the process of bankruptcy proceeding. The bankruptcy administrator system originated from ancient Roman law and was gradually developed and perfected by European commercial countries. The Anglo-American law system and the civil law system are different from each other in theory and practice. On the issue of the legal status of the insolvency administrator, the common law system is based on the trust theory, while the countries in the civil law system have different opinions. The main agency said that the position of the representatives of the bankruptcy consortium said the dispute. There are three ways of selecting insolvency administrator in the world: court selection, creditor committee selection and the combination of court selection and creditors' meeting selection. China adopts the method of court selection, the creditors' meeting has only the right of dissent, and the United States adopts the method of creditor selection. China pays more attention to the negative qualification of the insolvency administrator, and the United States not only prescribes the negative qualification, but also stipulates the active qualification of the insolvency administrator. China and the United States have stipulated the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the insolvency administrator. This article mainly deals with the right to investigate and collect, the right to rescind, the right to terminate or confirm the pending contract, the duty of diligence, the obligation to be faithful, and the civil liability in the bankruptcy system of the two countries. The comparative study of criminal and administrative liability, the analysis of the merits and demerits, will lay a foundation for improving the bankruptcy system of our country. Whether the bankruptcy administrator can be effectively supervised is the key to whether the bankruptcy procedure can be carried out smoothly and whether the interests of the subject of the bankruptcy estate can be protected. Throughout the national bankruptcy administrator system, the main subjects of supervision are court, creditors' meeting, creditor committee, special judicial administrative supervision agency and trade association. At present, there are courts, creditors' meetings and creditor committees in China, and the United States mainly supervises private bankruptcy administrators through courts and federal insolvency representatives. Through a comparative study of the relevant systems of bankruptcy administrators in China and the United States, this paper puts forward the following suggestions for the improvement of the bankruptcy administrator system in China: first, to perfect the subject system of the bankruptcy administrator, and secondly, to perfect the system of power and responsibility of the bankruptcy administrator, Third, it is necessary to perfect the supervision mechanism of the bankruptcy administrator, form a multi-level supervision system, continuously promote the process of professionalization of the bankruptcy administrator, and ensure the smooth progress of the bankruptcy procedure.
[Abstract]:The bankruptcy administrator refers to the institution or individual responsible for collection, custody, change of price, disposition, bankruptcy plan and execution of bankruptcy property according to law in the process of bankruptcy proceeding. The bankruptcy administrator system originated from ancient Roman law and was gradually developed and perfected by European commercial countries. The Anglo-American law system and the civil law system are different from each other in theory and practice. On the issue of the legal status of the insolvency administrator, the common law system is based on the trust theory, while the countries in the civil law system have different opinions. The main agency said that the position of the representatives of the bankruptcy consortium said the dispute. There are three ways of selecting insolvency administrator in the world: court selection, creditor committee selection and the combination of court selection and creditors' meeting selection. China adopts the method of court selection, the creditors' meeting has only the right of dissent, and the United States adopts the method of creditor selection. China pays more attention to the negative qualification of the insolvency administrator, and the United States not only prescribes the negative qualification, but also stipulates the active qualification of the insolvency administrator. China and the United States have stipulated the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the insolvency administrator. This article mainly deals with the right to investigate and collect, the right to rescind, the right to terminate or confirm the pending contract, the duty of diligence, the obligation to be faithful, and the civil liability in the bankruptcy system of the two countries. The comparative study of criminal and administrative liability, the analysis of the merits and demerits, will lay a foundation for improving the bankruptcy system of our country. Whether the bankruptcy administrator can be effectively supervised is the key to whether the bankruptcy procedure can be carried out smoothly and whether the interests of the subject of the bankruptcy estate can be protected. Throughout the national bankruptcy administrator system, the main subjects of supervision are court, creditors' meeting, creditor committee, special judicial administrative supervision agency and trade association. At present, there are courts, creditors' meetings and creditor committees in China, and the United States mainly supervises private bankruptcy administrators through courts and federal insolvency representatives. Through a comparative study of the relevant systems of bankruptcy administrators in China and the United States, this paper puts forward the following suggestions for the improvement of the bankruptcy administrator system in China: first, to perfect the subject system of the bankruptcy administrator, and secondly, to perfect the system of power and responsibility of the bankruptcy administrator, Third, it is necessary to perfect the supervision mechanism of the bankruptcy administrator, form a multi-level supervision system, continuously promote the process of professionalization of the bankruptcy administrator, and ensure the smooth progress of the bankruptcy procedure.
相关硕士学位论文 前2条
1 羌旭;中美企业破产重整制度比较研究[D];复旦大学;2012年
2 胡景智子;我国破产管理人制度的法律完善研究[D];新疆大学;2013年