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发布时间:2019-05-29 15:14
[Abstract]:In view of the defects of the current solar calendar, the author specially formulated the Chinese Dragon Calendar to improve it. The specific contents are as follows: set the spring day (February 4 of the Gregorian calendar) as the beginning of the year, so that the annual division and seasonal adaptation; In order to highlight the seasonal characteristics and conform to the actual operation of celestial bodies, the days of month were reallocated, with 31 days in May, June and August, 30 days in small moon, 90 days in winter and spring, 93 days in summer and 92 days in autumn. According to the current rules of solar calendar intercalation, the leap year becomes bigger in March and keeps the annual stability, and continues to retain the relevant calendar information such as Han calendar, dry branch calendar, seven days week and so on, so as to facilitate the study. Gradually convert the current solar calendar from the main calendar to auxiliary calendar retention for foreign exchanges. The advantages and disadvantages of the new calendar are also objectively evaluated, and there are other relevant accessories for reference.
【作者单位】: 龙山县卫生局;


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