[Abstract]:The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Communist Party raised the construction of China under the rule of law to a new height, and``Promote the construction of China under the rule of law'' became a new goal and a new requirement for the construction of the rule of law in the new period of China. So we have seen a series of highlights in the construction of China under the rule of law:safeguard the legal authority of the Constitution;Deepen the reform of administrative law enforcement system;To ensure the independent and fair exercise of the jurisdiction and procuratorial power in accordance with law;To improve the mechanism of judicial power;We will improve the system of human rights justice. It can be said that the objective of judicial system reform is to accelerate the construction of a fair, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system, to safeguard the rights and interests of the people and let the masses of the people.
【作者单位】: 《法律适用》编辑部;浙江省温州市中级人民法院;
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