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发布时间:2019-06-19 12:47
【摘要】:地方立法是我国立法制度不可或缺的组成部分,为完善我国民主法制建设起到了重大作用。在过去的三十多年里,地方立法走过了探索起步加快步伐到规范发展的路程,为推动保障各地的经济发展起到了不可替代的作用。进入二十一世纪,地方立法呈现出明显的扩张趋势:地方向中央要权,保护地方发展的意识越来越强烈。 中国地方立法在国家立法体制中的地位,取决于地方立法的历史地位实践地位和法律地位三个要素。我国的地方立法经历了一种渐进式的发展模式即从无到有或是从小到大的往复发展的过程。地方立法呈现扩张趋势既有利于规范转型时期的法律关系,避免出现社会的无序状态也为中央立法提供有力的立法经验,又有利于填补中央统一立法对地方特殊问题调整的空白,进一步发挥地方立法的作用,促进发展不平衡问题的解决。但是,地方立法扩张可能出现泛立法主义及地方立法质量下降立法越权出现地方保护主义等不利因素。地方立法扩张一方面是因为中央政策的变化;另一方面是市场经济的发展地方事务的复杂性和特色性立法创新等均需要地方立法的扩张。法律是必要的,“事实证明,任何一个文明社会都不能没有法律,否则就连最起码的秩序也难以维持”①。 近些年来,“以人为本”不仅成为各级政府的执政理念,更应该成为地方立法的指导思想和价值取向“立法过程所关涉到的价值构成是一个复杂的体系,其中平等自由人权秩序公平效率等是立法关注的基本价值②”。对于地方立法的扩张我们不能视为洪水猛兽,应理性看待科学导引,将地方立法的积极作用发挥出来。首先完善立法项目的选项机制,合理安排地方立法项目和正确对待超前立法;其次,完善公民参与制度,“人们渴望在管理他们的、与他们的生活和命运息息相关的生活中听到自己的声音③”;再其次是完善地方立法公开制度;地方立法在保守与创新之间寻求平衡。
[Abstract]:Local legislation is an indispensable part of the legislative system of our country, which plays an important role in perfecting the construction of democracy and legal system in our country. In the past 30 years, local legislation has gone through the beginning of exploration? To speed up the pace to standardize the development of the journey, in order to promote? Ensuring the economic development of various places has played an irreplaceable role. In the 21 century, the local legislation shows an obvious expansion trend: the local government wants power from the central government, and the consciousness of protecting local development is becoming stronger and stronger. The position of Chinese local legislation in the national legislative system depends on the historical status of local legislation. Three elements of practical status and legal status. The local legislation of our country has experienced a gradual development model, that is, the process of development from scratch or from small to large. The expansion trend of local legislation is not only conducive to standardizing the legal relationship in the transition period, avoiding the disorderly state of society, but also providing powerful legislative experience for the central legislation, filling the blank of the central unified legislation on the adjustment of local special problems, giving further play to the role of local legislation, and promoting the solution of the unbalanced problem of development. However, the expansion of local legislation may lead to a decline in pan-legislationism and the quality of local legislation? Legislation ultra vires? There are adverse factors such as local protectionism. On the one hand, the expansion of local legislation is due to the change of central policy; on the other hand, is the development of market economy? The complexity and characteristics of local affairs? Legislative innovation and so on need the expansion of local legislation. The law is necessary. "it has proved that no civilized society can be without the law, otherwise even the minimum order will be difficult to maintain." In recent years, "people-oriented" has not only become the ruling concept of governments at all levels, but also should become the guiding ideology and value orientation of local legislation. "the value composition involved in the legislative process is a complex system, in which equality?" free? Human rights? Order? Fair? Efficiency and so on are the basic value of legislative concern 2 ". For the expansion of local legislation, we should not be regarded as a monster, we should rationally look at the scientific guidance, and give full play to the positive role of local legislation. First of all, we should improve the optional mechanism of legislative projects, reasonably arrange local legislative projects and correctly deal with advanced legislation; secondly, improve the system of citizen participation, "people yearn to hear their voices in the lives that manage them and are closely related to their lives and destinies"; secondly, perfect the public system of local legislation; and local legislation seeks a balance between conservatism and innovation.


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