[Abstract]:In recent years, the evaluation criteria of legal argumentation have been gradually studied, especially the study of acceptability of legal argumentation has become the focus of attention. Judicial argumentation is an important part of legal argumentation, and it is not surprising that judicial acceptability has been paid more and more attention by the legal circles. The first part of this paper examines the practical and theoretical background of the research on the acceptability of adjudication. The practical background is to analyze the phenomena such as appeal and petition, and to find out the judicial reality that the acceptability of judgment is really missing. The theoretical background mainly means that the study of referee acceptability is not a new problem in the field of logic. On the basis of logic, there will be a clearer understanding of the problem of referee acceptability. Finally, the present situation of the research on the acceptability of judges is described, the existing results are listed, and the problems that need to be further studied are put forward. The second part of this paper is the meaning of referee acceptability. On the basis of analyzing the previous viewpoints, this paper reveals the meaning of acceptability and the meaning of acceptability of judgment. Among them, acceptability refers to the relationship between the subject and the object, which the subject does not reject because the content of the object meets the needs of the subject. The acceptability of the referee refers to the fact that the judgment made by the court, whether it is the reason of the judgment, the facts of the judgment and the process from the premise of the decision to the conclusion of the decision have been demonstrated and proved that the audience of the referee has no reason to reject the result of the decision and accept the judgment. The third part of this paper is the evaluation standard of referee acceptability. By using the case analysis method, this paper points out the evaluation criteria of the acceptability of the referee's reasons, including the evaluation criteria of the acceptability of the referee's reasons (legitimacy criteria and rationality criteria), the evaluation criteria of the acceptability of the referee's facts (the criterion of probability dominance and the criterion of excluding reasonable suspicion), and the evaluation criteria of the acceptability of the referee's argumentation (the consistency standard and the consistency criterion). The fourth part of this paper is the significance of the study of referee acceptability. The study of the acceptability of adjudication is the deepening and expansion of the theoretical study of legal argumentation, and points out the direction of how to promote the "universal obedience" of one of the meanings of the society ruled by law. The fifth part of this paper is the realization of referee acceptability, combined with the actual situation of our country, from the referee audience and referee two levels to point out the way to achieve. At the same time, it is also pointed out that the realization of referee acceptability is not achieved overnight, but needs a tortuous and long process. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is that the judge is the process in which the judge demonstrates and proves the relevant legal norms and the final judgment results, so as to achieve the purpose of persuasion. Because the study of argumentation has been relatively mature in the field of logic, the research on the acceptability of adjudication, which is widely concerned in the field of law, is in fact the premise of adjudication, that is, the reason of adjudication and the acceptability of judicial facts.
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