[Abstract]:From the point of view of the goal of building a "China ruled by law", it includes the goal of "trinity" of a country ruled by law, a government ruled by law and a society ruled by law. It needs to clearly include the relationship between "building a country ruled by law" and "building a socialist country ruled by law", the relationship among a country ruled by law, a government ruled by law, and a society ruled by law, as well as governing the country according to law, ruling by law, administration according to law, a country ruled by law, and a government ruled by law. The relationship between societies ruled by law. In fact, the connotation of "China ruled by law" is the same as that of "country ruled by law", and the goal is the same. "country ruled by law" is the goal of national rule of law construction enshrined in the Constitution, which has the effect of fundamental law, while "China ruled by law" is only the political opinion of the ruling party and belongs to the concept of theory. Therefore, from the point of view of the ruling party, we should always build around a core national value goal, which should be synonymous with the goal of "a country ruled by law". At this level, people should understand the basic meaning of "China ruled by law" as "a country ruled by law" rather than the concept with a broader meaning outside the "country ruled by law", so as to be more in line with the original intention of the decision on deepening Reform in an all-round way.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学凯原法学院;
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