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发布时间:2020-10-25 02:52
   问话作为法庭审判的主要方式,无论是在当事人主义的英美对抗制审判体制,还是在进行了多年改革为适应本土需要而融合并重新塑造不同传统的中国法庭审判模式中,都是法官,公诉人,律师在法庭上的重要工具,也是控辩双方对抗的一个重要武器,整个法庭审判程序都建立在问话的基础上。法庭问话在法庭审判中占据着至关重要的地位,因此法庭问话研究具有重大的社会现实意义及应用价值。 对于法庭审判问话的以往的国内外研究,主要侧重在分别对单个国家法庭问话的单项调查和研究,对比分析中外法庭语言的相对甚少,特别是对比研究中美法庭审判问话的研究更是没有先例,因此本论文将着重对比研究中美法庭审判的问话,以期对中美两国法律工作者及法律语言研究者做出一定的贡献,促进两国之间法律工作的理解、学习和交流。 本文拟采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的研究方法。首先,在仔细研读两篇性质相近的相关真实语料(中国:2004年2月26日于武汉市中级人民法院第一审判庭审理的四人打人致死案件;美国:2006年9月26至2006年10月29日于美国纽约布鲁克林法庭关于控告被告人Sessoms和Jones参与贩毒抢劫并伤人的案件)的基础上,根据相关理论分别对语料中的问话数量,问话类型,在各个审判参与者中的具体分布,以及在审判各个阶段的分布情况进行统计和描述。然后进一步对中美两份语料进行实证比较分析。最后,分析造成这些差异的成因并总结归纳此研究的意义及价值。 本论文共计六部分:第一部分为引言部分;第二部分对国内外关于问话,法庭审判问话的研究,以及对比分析研究进行较详细的文献综述回顾;第三部分具体介绍本文的研究方法,并对两份法庭语料作详细的描述;第四部分将通过具体数据的对比分析,总结出中美法庭审判问话的相似点及不同点,侧重分析两者的差异,并分别简要分析其原因;第五部分对应第四部分总结该论文的主要结果和发现,并进一步从宏观上解释导致中美法庭审判问话差异的原因;第六部分对全文做出总结,指出研究中存在的不足,并对该研究领域的前景做出展望。 本论文在总结借鉴前人对中美各国独立研究法庭问话的基础上,以分析两篇性质相近的相关真实语料为基础,将两国的法庭审判问话进行创新性的对比研究并总结归纳其成因。创新之处在于:突破了前人对单个国家法庭语言的个别研究,结合中美两国法庭审判问话的具体实证语料,分析并总结两国法庭问话的区别。对于促进中美法律工作的学习和理解有着一定的应用价值和实际意义。
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
1. Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research purpose and significance of the paper
    1.3 Organization of the paper
2. Literature Review
    2.1 Previous research of questioning
        2.1.1 Research of questioning in China
        2.1.2 Research of questioning in the West
    2.2 Previous research of questioning in courtroom
        2.2.1 Research of questioning in courtroom in China
        2.2.2 Research of questioning in courtroom in the West
    2.3 Previous research of Contrastive Analysis
        2.3.1 Research of Contrastive Analysis in China
        2.3.2 Research of Contrastive Analysis in the West
3. Methodology
    3.1 Research method
    3.2 Data description
4. Similarities and Differences of questioning in Chinese and American Courtrooms
    4.1 Similarities of questioning in Chinese and American courtrooms
        4.1.1 Similarities in the number and the type of questions asked in the whole trial process
   Similarities in the number of questions in the whole trial
   Similarities in the type of questions in the whole trial
        4.1.2 Similarities in the number of questions and the type of questions among all the trial participants
   Similarities in the number of questions among all the trial participants
   Similarities in the type of questions among all the trial participants
        4.1.3 Similarities in the number of questions and the type of questions at different stages of the trial
   Similarities in the number of questions at different stages of the trial
   Similarities in the type of questions at different stages of the trial
    4.2 Differences of questioning in Chinese and American courtrooms
        4.2.1 Differences in the number of questions and the type of questions asked in the whole trial process
   Differences in the number of questions in the whole trial
   Differences in the type of questions in the whole trial
        4.2.2 Differences in the number and the type of questions among all the trial participants
   Differences in the number of questions among all the trial participants
   Differences in the type of questions among all the trial participants
        4.2.3 Differences in the distribution of different types of questions at different stages of the trial
5. Findings and Discussion
    5.1 Findings of the major differences between Chinese and American courtroom questioning
    5.2 Discussion and analysis of the causes for the differences in courtroom questioning
        5.2.1 Legal systems and legal culture of China
        5.2.2 Legal systems and legal culture of America
6. Conclusion
    6.1 Concluding remarks
    6.2 Theoretical and practical implications
    6.3 Limitations of this study
    6.4 Suggestions for future research
Appendix 1
Appendix 2


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