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  本文选题:诉前强制调解 切入点:程序选择权 出处:《内蒙古大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中共中央政治局常委罗干同志在2006年11月全国政法工作会议上讲话强调要“着力构建在党委领导下,以人民调解为基础,加强行政调解和司法调解,三种调解手段相互衔接配合的大调解工作体系,尽量少一些‘对簿公堂’,多一些调解疏导,融法、理、情为一体,化解矛盾,促进和谐”。这一重要指示立足和谐建设,以人为本,顺应了当今多元化、多途径解决民事纠纷的世界潮流。同时继承了中华民族“和为贵”的传统观念,发扬我国民间调解历史传统,符合先进的诉讼理念和先进文化的前进方向。当前,积极构建和完善大调解格局,实现各种调解手段的有效衔接,使其连通互动、优势互补、协调一致,形成规范、长效的工作机制,是全社会的一项重要而紧迫的任务。民事诉前强制调解制度就在当前构建大调解机制的环境下应运而生。2010年最高人民法院下发了《关于进一步贯彻“调解优先、调判结合”工作原则的若干意见》(以下简称《调解意见》),加上大调解环境的渲染我国司法实践中出现了大量的民事诉前强制调解案件。针对我国目前的法律体系还没有形成真正意义上的民事诉前强制调解制度,然而实践中却大量存在的现实情况出发,所以本文试图从以下几方面入手完成论文的写作: 首先是在对我国民事诉前强制调解的司法实务进行考察的的基础上,归纳整理了学界对民事诉前强制调解争论的主要观点。其次对域外民事诉前强制调解的立法情况进行介绍并简要的进行分析。最后分析论述民事诉前强制调解存在的必要性并对构建我国的民事诉前强制调解制度提出了建议。 本文共分五个部分: 首先是对我国民事诉前强制调解进行实务考察,主要从其含义入手,着重介绍了我国民事诉前强制调解的实务现状。并且重点介绍了我国理论界对民事诉前强制调解的观点。列举并分析了持怀疑、否定和肯定加限制等的学者观点。 其次是简要介绍域外几个国家或地区或民事诉前强制调解立法现状。 再其次是对我国民事诉前强制调解的必要性进行了分析。 最后从我国的司法实务现状出发结合相关的原理,对构建我国民事诉前强制调解制度进行了分析。
[Abstract]:Comrade Luo Gan, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, in his speech at the national political and legal work conference on November 2006, stressed the need to "strengthen administrative and judicial mediation under the leadership of the Party committee and on the basis of people's mediation." The three kinds of mediation means are connected with each other in a major mediation work system, and as far as possible less'go to court, more mediation channels, melt the law, reason and sentiment as one, resolve contradictions and promote harmony ". This important directive is based on the construction of harmony. People-oriented is in line with the world trend of diversification and multi-channel settlement of civil disputes. At the same time, it inherits the traditional concept of "harmony is precious" of the Chinese nation, and carries forward the historical tradition of folk mediation in our country. In line with the advanced concept of litigation and the direction of advance of advanced culture. At present, we should actively construct and improve the pattern of great mediation, realize the effective convergence of various mediation means, make them connect and interact, complement each other's advantages, coordinate and conform, and form a standard. A long-lasting working mechanism, It is an important and urgent task for the whole society. The compulsory mediation system before civil action came into being under the environment of constructing a great mediation mechanism. In 2010, the Supreme people's Court issued the "on further implementation" mediation priority. Combined with "some opinions on working principles" (hereinafter referred to as "Mediation opinion"), there are a large number of civil pre-litigation compulsory mediation cases in judicial practice of our country. In view of the current legal system of our country, there is a large number of cases of compulsory mediation before civil action in the judicial practice of our country. The system of compulsory mediation before civil action has not yet been formed in the true sense. However, there are a large number of practical situations in practice, so this paper attempts to complete the writing of the thesis from the following aspects:. First of all, on the basis of investigating the judicial practice of compulsory mediation before civil litigation in China, The author summarizes and arranges the main viewpoints of the debate on compulsory mediation before civil action in academic circles. Secondly, it introduces and analyzes briefly the legislation of compulsory mediation before civil action outside the country. Finally, it analyzes and discusses the existence of compulsory mediation before civil action. At the same time, some suggestions are put forward to construct the system of compulsory mediation before civil action in our country. This paper is divided into five parts:. First of all, it investigates the practice of compulsory mediation before civil action in China, mainly from its meaning. This paper mainly introduces the practical situation of compulsory mediation before civil action in China, and emphatically introduces the views of the theorists on compulsory mediation before civil action, and enumerates and analyzes the views of scholars who hold doubts, negation and positive restrictions. Secondly, it briefly introduces the legislation of compulsory mediation in several foreign countries or regions. Secondly, it analyzes the necessity of compulsory mediation before civil action in China. Finally, based on the current situation of judicial practice in our country, the author analyzes the construction of compulsory mediation system before civil action.


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