本文选题:清华简 切入点:求中 出处:《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2012年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:From the perspective of the reconstruction of ancient history, Qinghua Bamboo slips can be said to be of extraordinary significance. Most of them are historical events of the Yin and Zhou dynasties, and the value of historical materials can be comparable to that of the Shang Shu. Some documents can not only confirm the records of the ancient books of the pre-Qin period or the Jin Dynasty of the Zhou Dynasty, but also make up for the deficiency of the relevant records. It is also of great significance to the study of the history of ancient legal thought. "seeking middle" means seeking the middle path, which reflects a method of governing the country. "winning the middle" means realizing the middle path and reflecting the realization of a political value. In the judicial field, the concept of the middle way is "punishment in the middle", which embodies the value of judicial justice. The theory of "Ming penalty" or "careful punishment" emphasizes the political significance of careful use of punishment. It is related to the rise and fall of a country, and "Ming penalty" is also a judicial principle advocated by the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty. The theory of "Ming de" or "Jing de" emphasizes the importance of cultivating the moral of prudence, which is not only a political morality, but also a judicial morality. The view of "destiny" is the theoretical basis of the legal thought of Zhou Dynasty, the legitimacy of political power comes from the destiny, and the legality of legislation and judicature also comes from the destiny; But the Zhou people also stressed that "matching virtue with heaven" and that only those who have virtue are qualified for the destiny-the implication behind it is that morality is the decisive factor in politics. In a word, the theory of "destiny" provided a metaphysical sacred basis for the political and legal thought of Zhou Dynasty and had a profound and lasting influence on Chinese political and legal tradition.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学法学院;
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