本文选题:执法过错 切入点:责任追究 出处:《西南财经大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:检察人员的执法过错责任追究制度,是加强检察机关队伍建设,规范公正执法,加快建设社会主义法治国家步伐,构建和谐社会等方面的重要制度保障。因而为了确保法律监督的正确实施,实行这项过错责任追究制度是当前我国检察机关的特色制度。它关系着检察机关的社会公共形象,关系着人民对司法公正的态度,因此需要进一步对检察机关的执法行为进行审视,加强对执法过错责任追究制度的重视,充分发挥其效用,建设良好的社会法律秩序。然而随着社会经济不断发展,和人民大众的法律意识不断加强,执法过错责任追究制度需要得到进一步完善,从2008年开始,执法过错责任追究的对象,由以往的错案“结果控制”演变到现在的过错行为的“行为控制”,这是执法过错责任追究制度的一项具有重要意义的进步。 与此同时,执法过错责任追究制度在实际的运行操作中依然存在着一些需要进一步改良和完善的地方。笔者列举了一些地方市级检察机关在执行该项责任追究制度的实证数据,总结出了在制度在实际运行中存在的一些问题。同时,笔者还着重指出执法过错责任追究制度在本身制度设计、启动追究程序、监管部门划分等方面都存在一些需要改进的地方,笔者认为,从功能定位、调整范围、启动机制、落实监督、以及三大主体问责等方面对制度设计上的问题进行重构,同时在追究机制的程序性问题中应从设立启动归责程序、完善调查程序、构建确认程序以及司法豁免四个方面入手进行完善。 本文的选题角度在于,笔者是从检察机关执法办案人员执法过错责任追究制度本身入手,分析这项制度的发展必然性、现实运行状况以及完善意见,而并没有具体分析这种过错责任的要件分析或者判定标准。因为后者是从归责的程序性问题入手,而本文却旨在对制度本身的运行情况进行分析并提出完善意见。当然,笔者也紧紧抓住承载制度的法律条例《检察人员执法过错责任追究制度条例》,以及结合该项制度在检察机关的实际运行情况分析,获得一些启发,并针对实际运行中存在的一些不足之处,提出相应的完善意见,是本文最主要研究的方面。
[Abstract]:The system of investigating procuratorial personnel's fault liability for law enforcement is to strengthen the construction of the ranks of procuratorial organs, standardize fair law enforcement, and speed up the pace of building a socialist country ruled by law. Therefore, in order to ensure the correct implementation of the legal supervision, it is the characteristic system of the procuratorial organs in our country to carry out the system of investigating the fault liability, which is related to the public image of the procuratorial organs. Related to the people's attitude towards judicial justice, it is necessary to further examine the law enforcement actions of procuratorial organs, to strengthen the emphasis on the system of investigating the responsibility of law enforcement faults, and to give full play to its effectiveness. Building a good social legal order. However, with the continuous development of the social economy and the continuous strengthening of the legal consciousness of the people, the law enforcement system of fault liability investigation needs to be further improved, starting from 2008, The object of law enforcement fault liability investigation has evolved from "result control" to "behavior control", which is an important progress of law enforcement fault liability investigation system. At the same time, There are still some areas that need to be further improved and perfected in the actual operation of the law enforcement fault liability investigation system. The author lists the empirical data of some local and municipal procuratorial organs in carrying out the accountability system. At the same time, the author also emphatically points out that the law enforcement fault accountability system is designed in its own system and starts the investigation procedure. There are some problems in the system design from the aspects of function orientation, adjustment scope, startup mechanism, implementation of supervision, and accountability of the three main bodies. At the same time, the procedural problems of investigation mechanism should be improved from four aspects: establishing the imputation procedure, perfecting the investigation procedure, establishing the confirmation procedure and judicial exemption. From the angle of choosing the topic of this paper, the author analyzes the necessity of the development of this system, the actual operating condition and the perfect opinions from the perspective of the system of investigating the law enforcement fault liability of the procuratorial organ's law enforcement personnel. But there is no specific analysis of the elements of fault liability analysis or judgment criteria. Because the latter is from the procedural issues of liability, but this article aims to analyze the operation of the system itself and put forward some suggestions. The author also tightly grasps the law and regulations of the carrying system, "the regulations on the investigation system of the procuratorial personnel's fault liability", and analyses the actual operation of the system in the procuratorial organs, and obtains some inspiration. Aiming at some shortcomings in actual operation, the author puts forward the corresponding suggestions, which is the main research aspect of this paper.
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