发布时间:2018-03-29 16:04
本文选题:美国早期 切入点:司法独立 出处:《华东政法大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:美国的司法独立制度是世界司法独立制度的典型代表,它对美国社会的民主制度及当时和以后的社会发展道路产生了深远的影响,并成为今天许多国家效仿的楷模和研究对象。研究美国司法独立的早期史,对我国司法改革有着一定的借鉴意义。本文主要分为三个部分,对美国司法独立的早期史做了梳理。 第一部分是对美国司法独立的思想基础与早期法律文本中对司法独立问题规定的介绍。爱德华·柯克“限制王权”的思想,约翰·洛克的三权分立中司法权的论述和布莱克斯通《英国法释义》中“英国人的权利”的介绍,是北美殖民地司法独立观念萌发的思想基础。美国早期的法律文本中,司法权也经历了产生发展,司法独立从无到有的过程。在北美殖民地时期,一些殖民地的法律中司法权的规定逐渐产生。1787年联邦宪法对司法权做了原则的规定,而1789年《司法法》则对司法权做了详细规定,司法独立有了法律文本的保证。 第二部分是对形式意义上的司法独立确立过程的探讨。形式意义上的司法独立包括法院组织的独立化和法官地位的独立化两个方面。在殖民地时代,法院组织经历了从立法和行政机构中逐渐分离和独立的过程。在联邦最高法院成立后,联邦法院组织的独立性也逐渐得到巩固。法官地位的独立化包括法官职权独立和职位独立。美国早期法官的职权经历了从行政或立法人员兼任到逐渐独立的过程。法官职位的独立是形式意义上司法独立的关键。“蔡斯弹劾案”的失败标志着针对法官滥用弹劾的结束,使法官的地位得到了稳固。 第三部分是对实质意义上的司法独立确立过程的描述。司法审查权的确立是司法独立真正实现的标志,这样司法权才具有了制衡立法权和行政权的能力。在殖民地时代,美国就已经产生了司法审查的思想,而司法审查的实践早在联邦宪法通过前就已经通过几个著名案例开始了。联邦最高法院的早期,其司法审查权主要针对州法律违反联邦宪法而行使。而联邦法院司法审查权的最终是通过1803年的“马伯里诉麦迪逊案”确立下来的。司法审查权的确立使司法权真正有了独立的能力,真正实现了三权分立和制衡。 考察美国司法独立的早期史,可以发现党派斗争和妥协是推动司法独立实现的一个重要的因素。早期的联邦党和民主-共和党是当时美国两种阶层,两种利益集团的代表。两党在司法领域的竞争促成了美国司法独立的最终实现。
[Abstract]:The judicial independence system of the United States is a typical representative of the judicial independence system in the world. It has had a profound impact on the democratic system of American society and the way of social development at that time and in the future. The study of the early history of American judicial independence has certain significance for reference to our judicial reform. This paper is divided into three parts, and combed the early history of American judicial independence. The first part is an introduction to the ideological basis of judicial independence in the United States and the provisions on judicial independence in the early legal texts. The discussion of judicial power in the separation of powers of John Locke and the introduction of the right of the British in Blackstone's interpretation of English Law are the ideological basis for the germination of the concept of judicial independence in the North American colonies. Judicial power also went through the process of emergence and development, judicial independence from scratch. During the colonial period in North America, the provisions of judicial power in some colonial laws gradually came into being. The Federal Constitution of 1787 laid down the principle of judicial power. The Judicial Law of 1789 provides for the judicial power in detail, and the independence of the judiciary is guaranteed by the legal texts. The second part discusses the establishment process of judicial independence in the formal sense. Judicial independence in the formal sense includes the independence of the organization of the court and the independence of the status of judges. The organization of the courts has undergone a gradual process of separation and independence from the legislative and executive branches... after the establishment of the Federal Supreme Court, The independence of the federal courts has gradually been consolidated. The independence of judges includes the independence of judges' powers and positions. The powers of early judges in the United States went through a process from concurrent appointment of executive or legislative personnel to gradual independence. The independence of judges is the key to judicial independence in the formal sense. The failure of the impeachment case of Chase marks the end of impeachment against the abuse of judges. The position of the judge was secured. The third part is the description of the process of establishing judicial independence in essence. The establishment of judicial review power is the symbol of the real realization of judicial independence, so that the judicial power has the ability to balance the legislative power and the executive power. The idea of judicial review has already emerged in the United States, and the practice of judicial review began in several famous cases long before the adoption of the federal constitution. The early days of the Federal Supreme Court, The power of judicial review was mainly exercised against the violation of the federal constitution by state law. Finally, the judicial review power of the federal court was established by the Marbury v. Madison case of 1803. The establishment of the judicial review power made the judicial power. With the real ability to be independent, The real realization of the separation of powers and checks and balances. Looking at the early history of judicial independence in the United States, we can find that partisan struggle and compromise are an important factor in promoting the realization of judicial independence. The early federal party and the Democratic-Republican Party were the two strata of the United States at that time. Representatives of two interest groups. Competition between the two parties in the judicial field contributed to the ultimate realization of judicial independence in the United States.
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