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发布时间:2018-03-30 16:17

  本文选题:审判独立 切入点:程序正义 出处:《太原科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Around the theme of how to make the people feel judicial justice from each case, the measures of judicial reform are carried out in an all-round way. However, the article believes that if judicial reform does not take procedural justice as its main purpose to construct our country's litigation system, Judicial justice cannot be realized fundamentally, and the primary principle of procedural justice is the neutrality of the referee, so if the adjudicator neutrality or judicial independence cannot be realized in the establishment of the adjudication-centered litigation system, Judicial justice is impossible. This paper, taking procedural justice as the main idea, discusses how to maximize the neutrality of trial through the design of due process, so as to realize the fairness and justice of each case. First, the article looks at the ecological environment of the operation of judicial power from the legislative environment and judicial environment of the operation of judicial power in our country. Secondly, the article deals with the reform of the operation of judicial power in this round of judicial reform. The Supreme people's Court put forward the reform of the litigation system centered on trial. A number of reform measures have been taken to promote the establishment of a trial-centred litigation system. However, most of these reforms are of an administrative nature and have not been implemented to the level of the litigation system. It will not be possible to fundamentally resolve the issue of the non-independence of the trial. In view of this, in the end, in order to achieve trial neutrality in the sense of due process, This paper puts forward the establishment of two litigation systems, fast closed continuous trial and limited multivariate people's jury with Chinese characteristics, and puts forward the high salary system of judges, which supports the normal operation of these two litigation systems, in an attempt to guarantee due process, Build an independent firewall of trial, curb judicial corruption from the procedure, maximize the fairness of individual cases, and finally achieve justice and justice of the judiciary.


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