本文选题:跨行政区划 + 司法改革 ; 参考:《学习与实践》2017年11期
[Abstract]:The judicial reform of cross-administrative divisions inevitably involves the reform of the administrative power and expenditure responsibility of the judicial funds.According to the political system and the national conditions, the judicial power division and the way of funds guarantee are also very different in different countries in the world.In general, mono-system countries usually adopt centralized mode of power, and federalism countries usually adopt hierarchical mode of protection.Among them, Russia implements the judicial power division system which is highly concentrated in the federal government, that is, all the court funds come from the central finance, and the federal subject is only responsible for the expenditure responsibility of the local public security court;In the United States, the federal court funds are guaranteed by the federal finance, the state court funds are mainly guaranteed by the state finances, and the Dutch judicial funds are guaranteed by the cost-benefit model.The experience of various countries has provided enlightenment to the division of administrative power and expenditure responsibility in China's judicial funds guarantee. China's reform should follow the principle of ensuring all guarantees, common superior guarantees, and shared responsibilities between the central authorities and the central authorities.Improve the use of special funds efficiency and focus on case cost calculation and other principles.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学公共管理研究所;中南财经政法大学公共管理学院;中南财经政法大学;
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