本文选题:监狱监管 + 管理创新 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:全面建设社会主义法治社会,有效化解社会矛盾,创新社会管理模式,是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项基础性工作。监狱作为我国刑罚执行机关,肩负着国家机器职能中巩固政权稳固,维护社会安定,打击和预防刑事犯罪,教育和改造罪犯,促进社会和谐的重要职责。如何通过治理理念更新,完善司法工作体系和功能,实现对特殊人群有效管理,对化解社会矛盾,对促进社会和谐具有十分突出的现实意义。所以,本文拟对山东省监狱创新监管改造机制问题进行探讨。 首先,本文对我国监狱监管理念和制度流变进行了概述。我国的监狱管理从原始的监狱管理,到野蛮的威吓主义的监狱管理,到有专门监狱法规调整控制的监狱管理,直至社会主义新型监狱的科学文明管理,经历了一个从发生到发展、从低级到高级、从野蛮到文明、从简单到复杂的历史发展过程。我国的现代监狱系统成型于建国初期,逐步完善于改革开放以后,尽管改革开放以来无论是监狱的监管改造理念还是监狱的硬件实施都有了明显的进步和改善,但按现代化文明监狱建设要求仍有较大差距,受传统刑罚思想影响,我国监狱监管理念中“报应刑”思想导致了单纯惩罚的思想倾向。“以关代管,以劳代教”成为我国一些监狱刑罚执行的常态,也成为当前我国监狱监管改造创新中突出问题。 其次,本文对山东省监狱监管机制创新探索的措施、进展和存在的主要问题进行了系统分析和研究。山东省监狱根据社会转型期间监狱监管出现的问题和挑战,努力进行监管机制创新,创造了一系列行之有效的经验和做法,为新时期监狱管理创新进行了有益的探索。但面对社会管理创新的要求,仍然存在许多问题和不足,尤其是在制度创新、刑罚执行资源合理配置、队伍建设和工作机制创新方面急需进行系统化改革和创新。 最后,本文提出了完善山东省监狱管理改造机制的对策建议。本文认为,要从五个方面加强和完善山东省监狱管理改造机制,即促进监狱立法,提高山东省监狱工作的法制化水平;立足再社会化口标,实行累进制刑罚执行模式,实现行刑社会化;加强刑罚执行能力建设,提高行刑资源配置效率;重视专业化监狱警察队伍建设,提高监狱警察综合素质;突出新时期监狱警察核心价值观建设,形成社会主义特殊监狱文化。 当然,由于本人水平限制,论文还存在着许多不足,今后需进一步加以完善。
[Abstract]:Building a socialist society ruled by law effectively resolving social contradictions and innovating the social management mode is a basic work for building a socialist harmonious society. As an executive organ of penalty in our country, prison shoulders the important duty of consolidating political power, maintaining social stability, cracking down and preventing criminal crimes, educating and reforming criminals, and promoting social harmony in the functions of state machinery. How to renew the concept of governance, perfect the system and function of judicial work, realize the effective management of special people, resolve social contradictions and promote social harmony has very prominent practical significance. Therefore, this paper intends to explore the mechanism of prison innovation and reform in Shandong Province. First of all, this paper summarizes the concept and system of prison supervision in China. China's prison management ranges from primitive prison management to brutal and intimidating prison management, to prison management controlled by special prison laws and regulations, to scientific and civilized management of new socialist prisons, It goes through a process of historical development from occurrence to development, from low to high, from barbarism to civilization, from simplicity to complexity. The modern prison system of our country was formed in the early stage of the founding of the people's Republic of China and gradually improved after the reform and opening up. Although the concept of prison supervision and reform and the implementation of the prison hardware have made obvious progress and improvement since the reform and opening up, However, according to the requirements of modern and civilized prison construction, there is still a big gap. Under the influence of the traditional penalty thought, the thought of "retribution penalty" in the concept of prison supervision in our country leads to the thought tendency of pure punishment. "taking care by means of customs and education by labor" has become the norm of the execution of penalty in some prisons in our country, and it has also become a prominent problem in the innovation of the reform of prison supervision in our country at present. Secondly, this paper makes a systematic analysis and research on the measures, progress and main problems of the innovation and exploration of the prison supervision mechanism in Shandong Province. According to the problems and challenges of prison supervision in the period of social transformation, Shandong prison made great efforts to innovate the supervision mechanism, created a series of effective experiences and practices, and made a beneficial exploration for the innovation of prison management in the new period. However, there are still many problems and deficiencies in the social management innovation, especially in the system innovation, the rational allocation of penalty execution resources, the construction of the team and the innovation of the working mechanism. Finally, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the mechanism of prison management reform in Shandong Province. This paper holds that we should strengthen and perfect the mechanism of prison management and reform in Shandong Province from five aspects, that is, to promote prison legislation, to improve the level of legalization of prison work in Shandong Province, to carry out progressive penalty execution mode based on the standard of re-socialization. To realize the socialization of execution, to strengthen the construction of penalty execution capacity, to improve the efficiency of the allocation of execution resources, to pay attention to the construction of specialized prison police force, to improve the comprehensive quality of prison police, to highlight the construction of the core values of prison police in the new period, To form a special socialist prison culture. Of course, due to the limitations of my level, there are still many deficiencies in the paper, which need to be further improved in the future.
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