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发布时间:2018-05-04 06:33

  本文选题:人民调解 + 民间纠纷 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:人民调解是在人民调解委员会主持下进行的调解活动,具有群众性、自治性、民间性的基本属性。中国历史上一直有民间调解纷争的习俗。人民调解发源于我国传统的民间调解,又不同于一般的民间调解,并以其鲜明的特征区别于其它调解方式,被称为化解社会矛盾纠纷的“第一道防线”。 安徽省人民调解工作已经有了较好的发展基础,建立了覆盖全省的人民调解组织和人民调解员队伍,年调解民间纠纷十余万至数十万件。近年来,制定出台《安徽省人民调解条例》,接连组织开展集中专项调解,开展特定行业和领域的纠纷调解,探索实施民事案件委托人民调解,尝试开展轻伤害案件适用人民调解,推行毗邻接边地区联合调解,大力推进人民调解信息化,安徽省人民调解工作在实践中不断发展。 与此同时,安徽省人民调解工作仍然存在不少困难和问题。一些人民调解组织行政化,违背了群众性组织的基本属性。调解纠纷范围不规范,调解的很多纠纷已经明显超出了民间纠纷的范畴。人民调解员素质不高,在资格条件方面几乎没有硬性的要求。人民调解经费不落实,人民调解委员会开展工作没有稳定的经费保障,人民调解员补贴经费没有稳定的经费来源。村人民调解组织作用未能充分发挥,不少村人民调解委员会事实上只有个别村干部在勉强维持,调解工作处于应付状态。人民调解工作受到“大调解”冲击,一些地方人民调解面临被“大调解”替代的危险。这些困难和问题已经成为安徽省人民调解工作的瓶颈,制约了人民调解工作的进一步发展,亟待认真研究并加以解决。 安徽省人民调解工作存在的困难和问题,虽然有工作落实方面的原因,但更深层次的原因是人民调解立法长期滞后,相关法律法规对人民调解的一些重要问题没能予以明确。进一步完善安徽省人民调解工作,一方面要在工作实践中抓好法律法规等相关规范的贯彻落实,另一方面要抓住《安徽省人民调解条例》修订的有利时机,对法律未明确的问题予以确定和规范。因此,解决安徽省人民调解工作当前的困难和问题,应当运用地方立法,确立新型人民调解组织的设立规范,对新型人民调解委员会在设立条件、人员组成方面予以统一规制,使其真正成为调解纠纷的群众性组织;明确人民调解受理纠纷的范围,回归人民调解解决民间纠纷的法律定位;确立人民调解员的资格条件,通过任职前培训考核等方式,逐步从源头上提高人民调解员综合素质;落实人民调解经费保障,明确人民调解经费保障的责任部门和保障水平;明确村人民调解员的人员组成结构,尽可能多地选聘有参与集体事务管理愿望的普通村民担任人民调解员,减少村干部兼任挂名。同时,在实践中坚守人民调解的法律属性,凸显其自身独特的功能优势和生命力。通过立法和实践两个层面,共同推进安徽省人民调解工作更快发展。
[Abstract]:The People ' s Mediation is a kind of mediation activities carried out under the auspices of the People ' s Mediation Committee , which has the basic attributes of mass , autonomy and folk . The Chinese history has always been the custom of civil mediation disputes . People ' s mediation has originated in the traditional folk mediation in China and is different from the ordinary folk mediation .

In recent years , the People ' s Mediation Regulations of Anhui Province have been formulated to mediate the disputes between the people ' s mediation organizations and the people ' s mediators . In recent years , the People ' s Mediation Regulations of Anhui Province have been formulated to mediate disputes and mediation in specific industries and fields .

At the same time , there are still a lot of difficulties and problems in the people ' s mediation work in Anhui Province . Some people ' s mediation organizations are administrative and violate the basic attributes of mass organizations . There is little requirement for the mediation of the people ' s mediation . The people ' s mediation committees are not in full play . In fact , the people ' s mediation committees have not been able to exert their full play . Many local people ' s mediation committees are facing the danger of being replaced by " big mediation " . These difficulties and problems have become the bottleneck of the people ' s mediation efforts in Anhui Province . These difficulties and problems have become the bottleneck of the people ' s mediation efforts in Anhui Province .

In order to solve the difficulties and problems existing in the people ' s mediation work in Anhui Province , it is more profound that the people ' s mediation legislation lags behind , and the relevant laws and regulations are not clear enough to solve some important problems of the people ' s mediation .
To clarify the scope of the dispute between the people ' s mediation and to return to the people ' s mediation to resolve the legal position of the civil dispute ;
To establish the qualification conditions of the people ' s mediators , and gradually improve the comprehensive quality of the people ' s mediators from the source through the means of pre - service training and assessment ;
Implement the guarantee of the funds of the people ' s mediation and clarify the responsible department and guarantee level of the guarantee of the expenses of the people ' s mediation ;
It is clear that the personnel of the village people ' s mediators make up the structure , as much as possible to appoint ordinary villagers who participate in the management of collective affairs to serve as the mediators of the people and reduce the compatibility of the village cadres . At the same time , the legal attributes of the people ' s mediation are adhered to in practice , highlighting their unique function advantages and vitality . Through the legislation and practice , the people ' s mediation efforts will be promoted faster .



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