发布时间:2018-05-28 10:22
本文选题:刑事辩护制度 + 律师辩护权 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:律师辩护是刑事诉讼中一项重要的诉讼制度。作为一项在世界范围内具有相当普遍性并且不断发展成熟的制度,,律师辩护是随着人类理性的发达、社会经济的发展以及职业辩护人团体的出现而产生的必然结果。律师辩护制度在平衡控辩双方力量,维护当事人合法权益以及促进司法公正等方面发挥着重要的作用。也正因为此,律师辩护制度的内容在诸如《公民权利与政治权利国际公约》、《关于律师作用的基本原则》以及《囚犯待遇最低限度标准规则》等多个国际性司法文件中都有体现。 就我国而言,除了在作为根本法的《宪法》中将辩护权作为一项宪法性的权利予以宣誓外,律师辩护的主要内容还体现在作为基本法的《刑事诉讼法》以及2007年新颁布的《律师法》中。而且从1996年《刑事诉讼法》的修改到2007年新《律师法》的颁布,我们不难看出立法者试图改善我国辩护律师执业环境的决心和努力。但是一个不争的事实是,两部法律实施至今的效果仍然难以令人满意,辩护律师在刑事诉讼中的角色依然有限,律师辩护业务的开展在司法实务中仍然面临着客观困难。 在本篇论文中,作者首先将律师在辩护活动中遭遇的困难具体概括为三个方面的内容:徘徊在较低水平的辩护率;实体性辩护效果欠佳;程序性辩护在实践中难以展开。以上三个方面的问题在形成原因上有共通之处,三者之间相互制约相互影响,其中任何一个问题解决地不适当都会对整个辩护制度的存在构成威胁,从而使司法公正的价值受到损害。因此,在本篇论文的第二部分作者着重从制度层面、理念层面以及实践层面上对造成上述困难局面的原因进行了分析。在制度层面,作者首先分析了模糊性立法以及法律规则逻辑结构的不完整对律师辩护权利保护的不利影响;其次,审判中立、控辩平等的诉讼格局目前在我国尚未真正形成,控辩力量对比悬殊的情况并没有得到真正改善。再次,《刑法》306条在运用上的不得当使广大律师群体在执业过程中时刻面临着较高的职业风险,这也是律师不敢轻易承办刑事案件,造成律师辩护率低的重要原因。在理念层面上,作者主要探讨了无罪推定以及程序公正理念的迷失对律师的辩护活动在实践中屡屡遭受挫折以及程序性辩护迟迟未能全面开展的潜在影响。实践层面上,作者主要从侦控机关对律师执业的抗拒、缺乏对侦控机关违背规则的有效制约以及广泛存在于公检法三机关内部的不科学的考核机制三个方面讨论了律师辩护业务开展困难的原因。在本篇论文的最后一部分,作者针对第二部分的原因分析分别从制度上、理念上以及实践方面提出了摆脱律师辩护困境解决思路,以期对我国律师辩护活动更好地开展有所帮助。
[Abstract]:Lawyer's defense is an important litigation system in criminal procedure. As a universal and mature system in the world, lawyer's defense is the inevitable result of the development of human rationality, the development of social economy and the appearance of professional defender group. Lawyer defense system plays an important role in balancing the power of prosecution and defense, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and promoting judicial justice. For this reason, the content of lawyer's defense system is embodied in many international judicial documents, such as the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights, the basic principles on the role of lawyers and the Standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners. As far as our country is concerned, in addition to taking the oath of the right to defence as a constitutional right in the Constitution, which is the basic Law of the people's Republic of China, The main contents of lawyer's defense are also embodied in the Criminal procedure Law, which is the basic law, and the newly promulgated lawyer's Law in 2007. Moreover, from the revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 1996 to the promulgation of the new lawyer Law in 2007, it is not difficult to see the determination and efforts of the legislators in trying to improve the working environment of our country's defense lawyers. However, it is an indisputable fact that the effect of the two laws is still not satisfactory, the role of defense lawyers in criminal proceedings is still limited, and the development of lawyers' defense business is still faced with objective difficulties in judicial practice. In this thesis, the author firstly generalizes the difficulties encountered by lawyers in defense activities into three aspects: the defense rate hovering at a lower level, the poor substantive defense effect, and the difficulty of procedural defense in practice. The causes of the above three problems are in common, the three influence each other, and any improper solution will pose a threat to the existence of the whole defense system. Thus, the value of judicial justice is damaged. Therefore, in the second part of this paper, the author analyzes the causes of the above difficult situation from the system level, the concept level and the practice level. At the system level, the author first analyzes the negative impact of the incomplete logical structure of fuzzy legislation and legal rules on the protection of lawyers' defense rights, secondly, the pattern of trial neutrality and equality of prosecution and defense has not really formed in our country. The disparity in the balance of prosecution and defence has not really improved. Thirdly, the improper application of Article 306 of the Criminal Law makes the vast group of lawyers face higher professional risks in the course of their practice, which is also an important reason why lawyers dare not easily undertake criminal cases, resulting in the low defense rate of lawyers. On the conceptual level, the author mainly discusses the potential impact of the presumption of innocence and the loss of the concept of procedural justice on lawyers' defense activities in practice and the delay in the full development of procedural defense. On the practical level, the author mainly from the investigation and control organs to the lawyer practice resistance, The lack of effective restriction on the violation of the rules by the investigation and control organs and the unscientific assessment mechanism which widely exists in the three organs of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate and the Court discusses the reasons for the difficulties in the development of lawyers' defense business. In the last part of this thesis, the author analyzes the reasons of the second part from the system, the idea and the practice. It is expected to be helpful to the defense activities of lawyers in our country.
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