发布时间:2018-06-18 15:19
本文选题:检委会 + 价值 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:检察委员会(下称检委会)制度是中国特色社会主义检察制度的独特创新,在检察制度体系中居于重要地位。 随着司法改革的深入推进,对检察制度的理论研究也越来越为学术界和实务部门所关注,但对检委会制度的关注和研究却并不多见,这与检委会制度的地位和作用极不相称。目前,对检委会制度的理论研究存在研究态度保守、研究视野较窄、研究成果偏少以及客观理性不够等问题。研究内容上也缺乏创新,一些片段式的研究往往浅尝辄止,在某些问题的认识上还未厘清甚至有误;对检委会制度的中国特色、基本属性、价值定位、历史流变、发展现状、改革方向等问题没有系统深入的论证梳理。在实践层面,检委会制度虽然在不断发展演变,规范化建设成效明显,但诸多深层次的问题并没有被系统揭示和正确认识,部分抵消了改革的实际效果。问题的继续存在制约了检委会制度功能作用的全面发挥,同时还让人对司法公正、司法效率和司法权威等产生质疑。 对检委会制度进行系统研究具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。在理论层面,通过系统还原和深刻认识检委会制度,厘清相关问题,总结提炼规律,为制度的合理性、稳定性和改革的必要性提供坚实的理论依据,以基础理论的建构达到指导该制度改革实践的目的。在实践层面,通过针对性地揭示问题,分析问题,找准检委会制度改革的切入点,为检委会制度的发展完善尤其是机制创新提出具可行性、操作性的方案或建设性意见。从大处讲,甚至还可以透过检委会制度,以小见大,发散审视整个检察制度改革应当遵循的价值导向和基本规律。 全文除引言和结语外,共分五章,约17万字。第一章研究检委会制度的基本原理,第二章研究检委会制度的历史流变,第三章研究检委会制度的运行现状与问题,第四章研究检委会制度改革,第五章对检委会制度的发展趋势进行预判。 第一章立足检委会制度的基本原理,重点论证了检委会制度的价值功能、检委会制度的基本属性、检委会制度的理论基础以及对司法群体决策模式进行比较研究,回答我国检委会制度的相关理论问题。概述部分主要介绍检委会制度的概念、性质、特点等。指出检委会系在检察长的主持下,讨论决定重大案件和其他重大问题的内部领导决策机构;检委会制度则是有关检委会的组织形式、运作机制和法律规范的总和。检委会是一种极具中国特色的、以检察长负责制为前提的集体领导机制和群体决策模式。接着介绍了现行检委会的基本职能、结构体系、运作机制等。在检委会制度的价值部分,指出检委会制度是人民检察制度发展的助推器,是检察领导体制的必要补充,是司法民主的实现方式,是司法公正的有效保证,是检察机关内部监督的重要途径,是检察机关实现社会管理的平衡器。在检委会制度的基本属性部分,从实现党的领导、人民代表大会制度的政体、宪政安排等角度,论证了检委会制度的政治属性;从检察机关的领导体制和行政管理体制等角度,分析了检委会制度的行政属性;从检察机关法律监督机关的宪法定位、检察权的司法权性质、业务断案须遵循司法规律等角度,论证了检委会制度的司法属性。在检委会的制度依据部分,分别从历史上的会审制度、党的民主集中制组织原则、群体决策理论入手,阐述了检委会制度的法律文化渊源、制度基础和理论依据。并重点对群体决策的一般原理、特点、优劣等进行了分析评述。在相关制度的比较部分,列举介绍了司法群体决策的国内模式-审判委员会制度,以及司法群体决策的国外模式-审判类的陪审团制度,检察类的荷兰、越南、前苏联等国的检委会及类似组织。通过比较评述,指出我国检委会制度与其他司法群体决策模式存在三个方面的区别,一是执行民主集中制存在完全与否之分,功能上存在决策与咨询之别,决策过程对司法亲历性的原则要求亦不相同。 第二章从检委会制度的历史流变入手,对检委会制度的发展史进行了系统梳理,论证了检委会制度的历史必然性。指出我国检委会制度缘起于苏区工农民主政权时期,进一步实践于抗战时期,初步确立于建国初期,直至1954年被正式系统建立。检委会的称谓在1930年代初的苏维埃红色政权下即已出现,当时是指一级检察机关或者履行专门检察职能的临时性检察组织。1941年山东省抗日根据地设立的各级检委会也是如此,指检察机关的各级组织而非检察机关内部的领导决策机构。因此,将检委会的发展历史仅追溯到山东抗日根据地时期的传统观点是不准确的。应将党领导下的新民主主义革命时期,尤其是苏维埃政权下的人民检察制度初创时期和抗日民主政权时期视为检委会制度的发端期和探索实践期。虽然苏区工农民主政权时期与抗战时期的检委会在性质、组织和职能等方面与现行检委会制度仍存在较大差异,但至少为建国后当代检委会制度的最终确立提供了实践基础和法律渊源。当代检委会制度正式确立以后,在各个历史时期不断发展演变。基本职能方面,检委会的职能范围经历了一个从较为广泛宏观,到逐渐调整细化,再到最终确定为以议决重大案件和其他重大问题为主的发展过程。决策机制方面,经历了从检察长一长制向民主集中制发展演变的历程,确立起了民主集中制的组织决策原则,司法属性不断得以强化。组织建设方面,检委会委员的配置逐渐专业化,员额逐渐增多,决策辅助机构建设亦不断强化。 梳理完历史,就检委会制度的存废之争进行了认真审视。认为检委会制度的存废之争不论是从争论范围还是程度看,其影响远不如审判委员会的存废之争。但所引发的问题还是值得以辩证和实事求是的态度去关注和思考。指出片面废除说不可取,检委会制度应当保留,但在保留的前提下须着手改革完善,而废除论者的合理理由可以为检委会制度改革提供参考。本章最后得出结论,中国特色的检委会制度经历了长期曲折的发展历程,是历史发展的必然结果;各个时期的检委会制度的基本职能都围绕着法律监督这个核心,履行法律监督职能是检委会制度的根本立足点;检委会制度的产生和发展是历史的必然,也是司法现代化的产物,检委会制度在当前仍有存在的现实合理性和必要性,而不断改革调试是保持检委会制度合理性和旺盛生命力的基本途径。 第三章则立足基层检委会工作实践,揭示检委会制度的运行现状与问题,进而提出检委会制度改革之必要性。基层检委会制度的生动实践为我们审视检委会制度提供了较为确切的实证资料。从基层检察机关的实践来看,检委会制度具有旺盛的生命力,制度内涵丰富。不少检察机关强化了检委会的领导地位和业务指导作用;强化议决重大案件,,注重发挥检委会的司法功能;强化了接受党的领导、服务大局、维护稳定的政治功能。各地检察机关通过探索创新,在检委会的功能定位、组织建设、会议制度等方面都摸索出不少有益经验。如部分基层检察机关拓宽了检委会的业务指导范围,组织建设上更加注重专业化。在会议制度方面,许多基层检察机关围绕司法的直接亲历原则,运用现代信息技术,对议案的审议方式、讨论方式、表决方式等摸索创新了诸如阅卷、多媒体示证、质辨式讨论等不少好的做法。 检委会制度的基层实践让我们进一步认识到检委会制度的重要地位和作用,同时也让我们看到了检委会制度的诸多不足:决策指导功能发挥不够,如“重议案轻议事”、“重个案研究轻业务指导”、议案类型单边、职能交叉的问题较为突出;组织建设不足,如委员的选任机制不完善、组成不规范、专业化年轻化不足、行政色彩较重,专委的职能不足或出现职能错位、办事机构职能发挥不够、服务质量不高等;在会议制度方面,存在决策的信息依据不充分、决策行政化、决策效率不高等问题以及执行“双过半”原则和列席制度等方面的困惑。基层实践所反映出的问题有的属现行法律规范层面的缺陷,有的属实践中执行上的扭曲,还有的系制度本身带来的问题。这些问题严重影响着检委会制度功能的全面发挥,影响着检委会的决策质量、决策效率和决策权威。司法制度的生命在于不断实践和不断革新。为克服检委会制度存在的不足,保证检委会制度继续充分发挥其功能,必须进行适当改革。 按照逻辑顺承,第四章重点讨论了检委会制度的改革完善。首先提出应将检委会制度改革的总体目标应当设定为民主、科学、高效、权威。根据现实需要并结合可行性考虑,建议将民主和科学的目标放在前,高效和权威的目标置于后,循序渐进,逐步推进。即可先重点考虑在检委会的组织建设、决策机制上下功夫,在上下级检委会关系的协调上、配套机制的建设等问题上可再预留时间和空间。在改革基本思路的设计上,提出要注意系统性和完整性,完善检委会制度的功能定位,从纵向体制的去行政化、决策机制的司法化、决策主体的专业化、决策责任的法定化以及配套机制的科学化等方面着手。就检委会制度功能的应然定位,提出当前和今后一个时期,应当将决策、指导、监督定位为检委会制度的三大基本功能。其中决策功能是首要功能和直接功能,指导功能是延伸功能,但对指导功能应予重点强化。检委会制度的应然功能决定着制度建设和改革的基本方向。 决策机制改革是检委会制度改革的关键节点。改革应首先从强化决策机制的司法属性入手。针对决策机制存在的现实问题,对不完全民主集中制的决策原则进行了反思,对司法直接亲历原则作了价值分析。在强化检委会决策司法属性的具体路径上,建议借鉴吸纳审判合议制与党委票决制的合理内核;保证委员的“民主”地位,严格检察长的“集中”机制;强化直接亲历原则,推行阅卷式质辩式议案方式;弱化纵向的行政审批,确立一级检委会定案机制;建立并兑现责任机制,促进司法公正。为解决检委会司法能力不足的问题,提出必须强化检委会的组织建设。建议规范检委会委员的选任标准与选任程序,强化专职委员的职能作用,合理配置检委会决策辅助机构。对检委会办事机构、专业研究小组、专家咨询委员会等事务机构和智囊机构的选任与职能发挥都分别提出了相关建议。本章还就规范检委会工作程序如科学设定议题范围、严格执行议事规则、督促决定执行以及加强信息化建设等进行了探讨。最后对配套机制如回避机制、列席机制等的改革完善作了专门论述。提出应改革完善回避制度的启动程序和举证责任,允许外部人员列席检委会,强化检察长列席审判委员会,增强检委会制度的辐射功能。 在论文的第五章,对检委会制度的发展趋势作了适当预判。首先以司法群体决策存在缺陷以及司法的相对独立与高度专业化职业化趋势为立论点,提出检委会制度虽将在今后一个较长的时间范围内仍有其存在的合理价值,但功能的调整转化与角色淡出是必然趋势。就功能调整问题,建议顺应司法规律,在条件时机成熟时,可考虑保留指导、监督功能,弱化决策功能,改决策为咨议,以克服检委会制度的先天不足。随着司法专业化和检察职业化进程不断加快,检委会制度在完成其使命后会逐步淡出历史舞台,职业检察官的角色替代将成为必然。
[Abstract]:The procuratorial committee ( hereinafter referred to as the inspection committee ) system is the unique innovation of the socialism procuratorial system with Chinese characteristics , which is the important position in the system of procuratorial system .
With the deepening of judicial reform , the theoretical research on the procuratorial system is more and more concerned with the academic and substantive departments . However , the attention and the research of the inspection committee system are not enough . At present , there are some problems such as conservative attitude , narrow field of view , less research results and lack of objective reason .
At the practical level , the inspection committee system has not been disclosed and correctly recognized by the system , but many deep problems have not been revealed and correctly recognized by the system , partly offset the practical effect of the reform . The continuation of the problem also restricts the comprehensive play of the function of the inspection committee system , and also raises questions about the judicial fairness , judicial efficiency and judicial authority .
On the theoretical level , through systematic restoration and deep understanding of the inspection committee system , to clarify the relevant problems , to summarize the rules of refinement , to provide a solid theoretical basis for the rationality , stability and reform of the system .
In the first chapter , the basic principle of the inspection committee system is studied , the second chapter studies the historical changes of the inspection committee system , the third chapter studies the current situation and problems of the inspection committee system , the fourth chapter studies the reform of the inspection committee system , and the fifth chapter prejudges the development trend of the inspection committee system .
The first chapter is based on the basic principle of the inspection committee system , the basic attributes of the inspection committee system , the theoretical foundation of the inspection committee system and the comparative study on the judicial group decision - making model , and answers the relevant theoretical problems of the system of the inspection committee of our country .
The inspection committee system is the sum of the organization form , the operation mechanism and the legal norm of the inspection committee . The inspection committee is a kind of collective leadership mechanism and group decision - making mode based on the responsibility system of the attorney general . It also introduces the basic functions , structure system and operation mechanism of the inspection committee .
From the perspective of the leadership system and administrative system of the procuratorial organs , the administrative attributes of the inspection committee system are analyzed ;
From the perspective of the constitution , the nature of the judicial power of the procuratorial organs , the nature of the judicial power of the procuratorial power and the law of judicial supervision , the judicial properties of the inspection committee system are expounded . The general principles , characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of the system of the inspection committee are discussed in the comparative part of the relevant system .
In the second chapter , the historical development history of the inspection committee system is systematically reviewed and the historical inevitability of the inspection committee system is discussed .
This chapter concludes that the system of inspection committee with Chinese characteristics has experienced a long - term and tortuous development process , which is the inevitable result of historical development .
The basic function of the inspection committee system in each period is around the core of law supervision , and the function of legal supervision is the fundamental foothold of the inspection committee system ;
The emergence and development of the inspection committee system is the necessity of the history and the product of judicial modernization . The inspection committee system still has realistic rationality and necessity in the present , and the continuous reform and debugging is the basic way to maintain the rationality and vigorous vitality of the inspection committee system .
In the third chapter , based on the practice of the grass - roots inspection committee , the paper reveals the present situation and the problems of the inspection committee system , and then puts forward the necessity of the reform of the inspection committee system . The vivid practice of the system of the grass - roots inspection committee provides more accurate empirical data for our examination of the inspection committee system . From the practice of the grass - roots procuratorial organs , the system of the inspection committee has vigorous vitality and rich system connotation .
Strengthening the decision - making major cases , focusing on the judicial function of the inspection committee ;
The procuratorial organs at the grass - roots level have expanded the scope of the inspection committee ' s functions , organization and construction , meeting system and so on .
The grass - roots practice of the inspection committee system makes us further realize the important position and function of the inspection committee system , and also makes us see the deficiencies of the inspection committee system : the decision - making guidance function is not enough , such as the " light negotiation of the bill " , the " light business instruction of the case study " , the unilateral and functional cross - cutting issues of the bill of motion ;
Inadequate organization construction , such as incomplete selection mechanism , inadequate composition , lack of specialization , less administrative color , inadequate functions of the commission or malposition of functions , inadequate functions of offices , poor quality of service , etc .
In the aspect of conference system , there are some problems in decision making , such as insufficient information , administrative decision - making , low efficiency of decision - making and the implementation of the principle of " double and semi - half " and the system of representation . The problems which are reflected in the practice of grass - roots level are the shortcomings of the current legal norm , and the problems which are caused by the system itself . These problems seriously affect the decision - making quality , decision - making efficiency and decision - making authority of the inspection committee . The life of the judicial system lies in the continuous practice and innovation . In order to overcome the shortcomings of the inspection committee system , it is necessary to carry out the appropriate reform .
According to the logic sequence , the fourth chapter focuses on the reform and improvement of the inspection committee system . First , it puts forward that the overall goal of the reform of the inspection committee should be set to be democratic , scientific , efficient and authoritative .
The reform of the decision - making mechanism is the key node of the reform of the inspection committee system . The reform should begin with the strengthening of the judicial attribute of the decision - making mechanism . On the basis of the practical problems existing in the decision - making mechanism , the principle of decision - making is analyzed .
To guarantee the " democracy " status of the members and the " concentration " mechanism of the procuratorial organs ;
To strengthen the principle of direct personal calendar , and carry out the way of reviewing the type of document ;
Weakening the longitudinal administrative examination and approval , establishing the mechanism of the first - level inspection committee ;
In order to solve the problem of insufficient judicial capacity of the inspection committee , it is proposed to strengthen the organization construction of the inspection committee . It is recommended to standardize the selection criteria and optional procedures of the members of the inspection committee , strengthen the functions of the full - time members and rationally configure the decision - making subsidiary organs of the inspection committee .
In the fifth chapter of the thesis , the development trend of the inspection committee system is properly prejudged . First , based on the defects of the judicial group decision - making and the relative independence of the judiciary and the trend of highly specialized professionalism , it is inevitable that the system of the inspection committee will still have the reasonable value in the future , but the adjustment and transformation of the function and the role fade are inevitable . With the rapid development of the judicial specialization and the process of the procuratorial work , the system of the inspection committee will gradually fade out of the historical stage after the completion of its mission , and the role of the professional prosecutor will become inevitable .
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